Questions about the Human Sexuality

Question 4731 Abnormal psychology

The question is as follows: Consider the concept of preschool children being diagnosed with psychological disorders. Using critical thinking, what is your opinion on treatment at the earliest signs of mental distress in children? only 250 words is required

Question 4732 Human Sexuality

Describe the menstrual cycle and issues associated with it: Discuss female sexual anatomy and
physiology: What is menopause and how does it relate to hormones: What are the anatomical and
physiological differences in the sexual development of males and females: Discuss male sexual anatomyand physiology: What diseases, sexual dysfunctions, and age related problems, affect the sexuality of
males and/or females?

Question 4733 Compare the terms idiographic and nomothetic

Chapter 4: 1. Compare the terms idiographic and nomothetic. 2. Compare and contrast the terms
reliability and validity, and discuss the differences among test-retest reliability, interrater reliability, face
validity, predictive validity, and concurrent validity. 3. Discuss the differences between unstructured and
structured interviews; which are more reliable? 4. Discuss the purpose of and differences among
projective tests, including the Rorschach, Thematic Apperception Test, Sentence Completion, and Draw-
a-Person tests. 5. Discuss the clinical and validity scales of the MMPI-2. 6. Discuss the differences among
affective inventories (including the BDI), social skill inventories, and cognitive inventories. 7. What kinds
of responses do psychophysiological tests measure? 8. Give examples of neurological and
neuropsychological tests. 9. Give examples of intelligence tests, and discuss their strengths and
weaknesses. 10. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of clinical observations, including
naturalistic, analog, and self-monitoring. 11. Discuss the five axes used in the DSM-IV-TR, and list the
major classification of disorders from Axis I. 12. Explain how the DSM-5 will vary from the DSM-IV-TR.
13. Generally speaking, is psychotherapy treatment effective? (Include rapprochement in your answer.)
Chapter 5: 14. How does anxiety differ from fear? 15. What are the symptoms of GAD? Who suffers
from it the most? 16. How do realistic anxiety, neurotic anxiety, and moral anxiety differ from each
other? 17. Compare how psychodynamic and humanistic perspectives treat GAD. 18. Compare cognitive,
biological and sociological perspectives in treating GAD. 19. Compare the usefulness of antianxiety
drugs, relaxation training, and biofeedback in treating GAD. 20. How do phobias differ from normal
fears? 21. Define astra-, agora-, social, claustro-, acro-, and zoophobia. 22. Who suffers from phobias the
most? 23. Explain how classical conditioning and preparedness explain the origin of certain phobias. 24.
Contrast systematic desensitization, flooding, and modeling as therapies in treating phobias. 25. What
are the symptoms of panic disorder? Who suffers from it the most? 26. Explain how the biological and
the cognitive perspectives treat phobias. 27. What are the symptoms of OCD? Who suffers from it the
most? 28. Contrast obsessions with compulsions; how do rituals play a role in OCD? 29. List the most
common types of compulsions. 30. How do the psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, and biological
perspectives treat OCD? Chapter 6: 31. How does stress play a role in psychological disorders? (Include
the ANS, endocrine system, sympathetic nervous system, and the HPA pathway in your answer.) Please refer to p. 155 figure 6-1. 32. Describe the differences between acute stress disorder and PTSD? Who
suffers more from these disorders? 33. What types of events can trigger a psychological stress disorder?
34. Explain how the following factors play a role in developing a psychological stress disorder: biological
and genetic factors, personality factors, childhood experiences, social support, multicultural factors, and
severity of the trauma. 35. How can drug therapy, behavioral exposure techniques, insight therapy, and
group therapy be used to treat stress disorders? 36. Explain how psychophysiological disorders arise and
can be implicated in ulcers, asthma, insomnia, headaches, hypertension, and CHD. 37. How are
psychophysiological disorders affected by biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors? 38. What
is PNI? 39. Explain how stress is related to biochemical activity, behavioral changes, personality style,
and social support. 40. Explain how psychophysiological disorders can be treated through relaxation
training, biofeedback, meditation, hypnosis, cognitive interventions, support groups, and combination
approaches. Questions need to be answered by Ronald J Comer

Question 4734 Compare and contrast the roles each of the five senses play in sexual arousal

Compare and contrast the roles each of the five senses play in sexual arousal: Identify the major
psychoactive drugs and explain their psychological and physical effects on sexual arousal: Identify the
parts of the cerebral cortex and the limbic system that play roles in sexual arousal and sexual behavior:
Summarize the research on the role of sex hormones in sexual orientation and interest in men and
women: Compare Kaplan’s three-stage model of sexual arousal with Masters and Johnson’s four-phase
model: Summarize the research on the female and male capacity for multiple orgasms and evaluate the
research concerning the types of orgasms women and men experience: Summarize historical-medical
and religious views on masturbation; Cite the incidence of masturbation and describe the techniques
used by males and females; Describe common foreplay techniques, such as kissing, breast and genital
stimulation and explain the function and prevalence of sexual fantasy in males and females and the role
fantasy plays in arousal and masturbation; Describe fellatio and cunnilingus techniques and state how
widely they are practiced among specific populations; Summarize findings on the incidence of oral sex
and sexual permissiveness by education and race/ethnicity; Cite reasons people give for abstaining from
oral sex; List the four basic intercourse positions and the advantages and disadvantages of each;
Describe the incidence and frequency of fantasy during coitus and the effects of fantasy on
relationships; Discuss who engages in anal intercourse and the necessary precautions to take.Think
about the process of testing the pheromones in the Pheromones ABC 20/20 Documentary called Tests
Athena Pheromones on Women Over 40 posted in this weeks materials. Is this a scientific study? Are the
results generalizable to a larger population with a sample of two women? Discuss the documentary
utilizing the text book and/or other information on pheromones.

Question 4735 Research Methods of Psychology

Answer each question with at least 10 to 12 sentences in your own words. 1. Describe (in your own
words) the classical experimental design. Explain the importance of each of the three major pairs of
components. What happens if you do not do these three major things? 2. A research design may include
one or both of these random procedures: (i) random sampling from some specified existing population

and (ii) random assignment of experimental participants to treatment levels within the experiment.
Discuss how the use of each of these procedures contributes to the meaningfulness and interpretation
of the research outcome. 3. Differentiate internal from external validity. Describe at least two factors
contributing to each. Which one of the two—internal or external validity—is more serious and why?

Question 4736 do you believe everyone who attempts suicide is mentally ill

Is there ever an acceptable reason for someone to commit suicide? If so, what? If not, should we always
attempt to stop others from ending their lives? Do you believe everyone who attempts suicide is mentally ill? Why or why not? when it comes to research on nursing how would it tie into to psychology
must have peer reviewed references

Question 4737 Discuss the influences of sex chromosomes and hormones on prenatal sexual differentiation of the brain and body anatomy

Discuss the influences of sex chromosomes and hormones on prenatal sexual differentiation of the brain
and body anatomy: Define gender identity and gender dysphoria and discuss the research relevant to
the debate on genetic vs. socialized determination of gender identity: Define hermaphroditism,
intersexualism and transsexualism. Discuss the theoretical perspectives on transsexualism and describe
the techniques and limitations of gender reassignment surgery: Define sexism, give examples, and
discuss the effects on women and men of gender role stereotypes: Summarize the research on male-
female differences in cognitive abilities, personality traits and social behavior. Define sexual orientation
and distinguish between sexual orientation and gender identity then compare and contrast the Kinsey
continuum and Storms’ two-dimensional model of sexual orientation, including the limitations of both
as addressed by Lippa & Arad: Discuss the various definitions and societal views of bisexuality, examine
Western culture’s historical and religious perspectives on gay male and lesbian sexual orientations,
describe the incidence of and societal reaction to gay male and lesbian sexual orientations and
behaviors across cultures and ethnicities, and summarize the information on same-gender sexual
behavior in other species: Evaluate contemporary research conclusions on the genetics, sex hormonal
influences, prenatal hormonal effects and brain structure differences as they attempt to explain adult
sexual orientation: Evaluate and describe the perspectives of psychoanalytic and learning theories as
they explain gay male and lesbian sexual orientations, examine the link between early gender
nonconformity and other familial influences on later gay male and lesbian sexual orientations, define
and categorize forms and cultural expressions of homophobia, explain the “coming out” process, and
examine the variations in the lifestyles of gay men and lesbians: Describe legislative and gay activist
initiatives to combat discrimination against the non-heterosexual community and to disseminate
information about HIV infection, summarize the research about the adjustment of gay men and lesbians,
the prevalence of those who wish to change their orientation and the relative success of these attempts.

Question 4738 Before death Comfort Care

“Before death comfort care” I have 4 sources that I will attach that the information needs to come from.
I will also attach an example outline of what my teacher is looking for.

Question 4739 Violence and Mental Illness

Read the following two publications then answer the questions:
support-social-inclusion What is your reaction to the content of these articles? How does society
generally conceptualize people with mental illness? What are some common stereotypes of this
population? How does the media portray people with mental illness? (Film, news reports, etc.). Why do
you think the media portrays people with MI (mental illness) as violent, when the exact opposite is
much more accurate? What is stigma, and how could/does it affect people within this population? Think about this question on both a micro scale (affecting the person only), and then branch out to a larger scale (impacting the person’s family, treatment institutions, society as a whole). Please answer each question separately, Thank you.

Question 4740 Defining Abnormal Psychology

Read the following article in the link then answer the following questions: It mirrors some of the
content with Chapter 1 regarding the definition and parameters of abnormal psychology. Reaction?
What do you think of the parameter of “violation of socially accepted standards”? This idea allows us to
start to understand that what we consider as “abnormal” is a socially, culturally, historically, and
politically-constructed concept. What is an example of a behavior that is considered normal in this
country but completely abnormal in another country? What about the opposite (normal in another
country but completely “strange” in this country)? Describe someone that you would characterize as
“abnormal”. What are they like? What sort of traits, characteristics and/or behaviors do they have? Why
do you feel that these traits are “abnormal”? (Think about the culture of your own mindset and what
YOU consider to be normal behavior). What would need to change within these traits for you to
consider this person to be “normal”? Please answer every question separately.

Question 4741 Overview of Models of Abnormality

Consider this scenario: A friend comes to you depressed and talks about how “lousy” a person she is.
Your friend has a very negative view of herself. You’ve noticed that for the last several weeks she hasn’t
exercised, which she usually does, and hasn’t gone out with friends. Your friend describes difficulty
sleeping and studying and generally feels physically unwell. You also know that she has had a great deal
of difficulty with her family, and you suspect she may have been emotionally abused. She tells you she’s
going nowhere, that she can’t do anything, that she has no future, and that no one will ever love her.
What do you say to your friend? Consider the following issues: – how your friend thinks about herself

and her future (cognitive perspective) – What she does and doesn’t do (i.e. she is isolated and is not
getting any exercise) (behavioral perspective) – She might have a neurochemical imbalance or physical
disorder of the brain (biological perspective) – Her problem might stem from her past and perhaps she is
not even aware of it (psychodynamic perspective) – She should realize what a good person she is and
that she has the potential to be anything (humanistic perspective) Discuss these various viewpoints in
terms of this case. Based on your own perspective (your personal theoretical orientation that you
subscribe to, what do you tell her to do?

Question 4742Discussion 5

Summarize the research on the role of physical appearance in attraction, identify the characteristics
men and women look for in a potential partner for a long-term relationship, and discuss evolutionary
and social psychology’s views of the different characteristics men and women desire in their mates. How
might these views lead to some people developing eating disorder?: Analyze how the “matching
hypothesis” accounts for partner choice, describe the influence of attitudinal compatibility on attraction
and on relationships, and define reciprocity and describe its effect on attraction and on maintaining
relationships: Discuss the four Greek concepts of love: storge, agape, philia and eros, identify the
characteristics of and male-female differences in romantic love, and discuss three contemporary models
of love and the associated explanations of the origins of love: Cite the five stages of development
characteristic of romantic relationships, describe the process of building a relationship from initial
conversation through mutual and increasing self-disclosure, identify the factors that generally lead to
continuation of a relationship: Explain the effects of jealousy in a relationship and identify characteristics
of a jealous person, examine passive and active responses that will determine whether a deteriorating
relationship ends or is renewed, and explain the positive and negative aspects of long-distance
relationships that rely on computer-based communication: Summarize the causes of loneliness and
suggest ways of coping with loneliness, identify the characteristics of intimate relationships and the skills
necessary for building and maintaining an intimate relationship, and explain the importance of good
communication, both verbal and nonverbal, in an intimate relationship: Give examples of ways to begin
a conversation about sexual relationships and examples of specific listening skills that will encourage the
continuation of communication, examine the irrational beliefs and fears about sexual communication
that can cause difficulties in intimate relationships, identify the skills associated with giving and receiving
information and requests in an intimate sexual relationship, explain the skills involved in giving and
receiving criticism, and give examples of how partners can handle disagreements that may not be
resolved even with good communication skills.

Question 4743 Mental Disorder

Check out the following article:
mental-disorders-and-the-dsm-5/ What are your thoughts related to this topic? What are some issues
with diagnosing someone with a mental disorder? What are some problems with diagnosis, in general?
Check out these as well:

health/news/20040601/rate-of-mental-illness-is-staggering Why are the number of people diagnosed
with mental disorders so high in this country compared to other countries? What are some of the
cultural variables that could be influencing the higher numbers? Do you think the statistics accurately
reflect the number of people suffering from clinical disorders, or do you think there is an issue with
overdiagnosis? Explain your answer and make sure you answer each question separately.

Question 4744 Test Your Coping Skills

I have the writing assignment attached with the instructions plus Test Your Coping Skills. So I will have
you follow the instructions properly on the writing assignment. Just write 2 paragraphs for the
assignment. This assignment is due on tomorrow afternoon. Thanks.

Question 4745 Homework

i would like to hire someone to do exercise 5.2 and 5.3, using four theories you will find on exercise 5.2.
The teacher said she wanted all six question about each theory put into one paragraph with no more
than 8 sentences on each paragraph, mean four theories four paragraph, and for 5.3 she wanted to talk
about which theories fit me. For me me i thought is the cognitive behavior theory but your choice, on
one paragraph. Together between 5.2 and 5.3 need five paragraph, i hope that will be helpful. I scan the
pages on my book so you can find information about those theories.

Question 4746 Describe maternal physical changes associated with the three stages of childbirth

Describe maternal physical changes associated with the three stages of childbirth, discuss historical and
current methods of childbirth, including the use of anesthesia, preparation for childbirth, and the need
for and frequency of Cesarean sections, and explain the suspected causes; What are the effects at birth,
and the effects later in a child’s life, of anoxia, preterm delivery, and low birth weight?: Define
contraception and trace the history of methods of contraception; Discuss the history of contraception
law in the United States; List issues to consider when choosing a contraceptive; Describe how oral
contraceptives work and discuss their effectiveness and reversibility; Discuss the “Morning-After” pill,
contraceptive patch, injectable contraceptives, IUDs, diaphragm, spermicides, cervical cap, condoms,
douching and withdrawal, male and female sterilization, the female condom and Depo-Provera;
Summarize the history of abortion, the changing abortion laws in the United States, and attitudes
toward abortion; Describe the four methods most commonly used for first and second trimester
abortions, including RU-486, the possible complications associated with each, and the time period
during pregnancy in which each can be performed; Explain how Americans’ support for legalized
abortion varies as a function of the stages of pregnancy; Define contraception, sterilization, and
abortion, trace the history of these, and discuss the moral history as well as the historical law in the
United States regarding these issues.

Question 4747 Pharmacological Aspects of Methamphetamine

Analyze and explain the pharmacological aspects of the drug as they relate to the following:
neurotransmitters affected, receptors, route of administration, half-life, doses, side effects, drug
interactions, contraindications, and other important facets of the drug. Explain these aspects of the drug
in terms of the psychiatric disorders indicated for the drug and the issue(s) associated with that use. If
there is no accepted therapeutic use for the drug, evaluate and describe the actions of the drug with
regard to the abuse process. Will provide additional instructions when hired

Question 4748 Compare and contrast the six primary values

indicative/representative of you using the
results of the two inventories
Part A: Compare and contrast the six primary values indicative/representative of you using the results of
the two inventories. (Both inventories will identify your key values – not necessarily in the same order.
You are to select the top six for you by comparing the results of your two surveys). Reflect on why you
believe these values have been identified as important to you. • Part B: Identify any non-negotiable
values you have – values that supersede all others – and discuss how these might affect or influence
your career choices. Consider how your values might be reflected in your choice of career or current
career path and how these values impact your motivation. Assignment format: Should be in an essay
format (not a formal essay with a thesis) with well-structured paragraphs. It also needs to be formatted
according to APA format (Cover page, double-spaced, Font: Times New Roman, etc.) • If you are unsure
of how to properly format using APA, please use the following resource: • Make sure you check for spelling, grammar,
and punctuation mistakes. • Please review the rubric to see how you can earn full-credit.

Question 4749 Develop a 175-word outline for the Multiculturalism in the News

assignment due in Week Six
Due: October 21, 2017 Develop a 175-word outline for the Multiculturalism in the News assignment due
in Week Six. The thesis must be adequately supported by the content in the final paper. Format your
outline according to APA guidelines. • Here is the question: The principles of multicultural psychology
Here are the references you will need to use: Abbas, T., (2004) After 9/11: British South Asian Muslims:
Islamophobia, Multiculturalism, and the State Accessed from http://i-
Accessed on 15th October 2017 Awan, I. (2014), Islamophobia and Twitter: A Typology of Online Hate
Against Muslims on Social Media. Policy & Internet, 6: 133–150. doi:10.1002/1944-2866.POI364 Thesis
statement: The purpose of this paper is to shed light on a rising issue that individuals of Muslim descent
are facing on a routinely basis with particular emphasis on Muslim women. It is important that
individuals become more aware of social acceptance and social awareness as it has a heavy impact
within today’s society. It is important that individuals work together to fight against the many barriers
that have already been formed within the United States amongst its citizens.

Question 4750 The Non-heteronormative form of the Character

Find three examples of sex-positive portrayals of non-heteronormative characters in film or Netflix
shows. Explain one short scene from each character in NO more than ten lines using lgbtq / gender

studies terminology. Extra points if there are intersections with other categories, such as race, class,
disabilities, etc. terminology would be: cisgender, degender, embodiment, gay, gender, gender
continuum, identity, imaginary body, LGBTQ, nomadic subject, performativity, queer, transgender,

Question 4751 flyer

Imagine you work for a local mental health treatment agency and you are given the task of designing a
series of flyers that explain effective coping mechanisms for mental illness and support services for
those in treatment for a mental illness. Your presentation should include at least two flyers (one
detailing coping and one detailing support services) and will be graded on how well you explain why the
coping mechanism and support service would be beneficial to those suffering a mental illness. To
complete the assignment you can create your flyers as PowerPoint slides, or you can feel free to use
other means of displaying information visuall

Question 4752 Describe sexually related behaviors in infancy

Describe sexually related behaviors in infancy, early childhood, and preadolescence; Discuss the
purposes and outcomes of sex education; Define adolescence and describe the milestones of puberty;
Describe sexual behaviors in adolescence; Discuss issues related to teenage pregnancy; Describe the
various motives and lifestyles of single people and explain what “hooking up” is; Describe the incidence
of cohabitation and public attitudes toward cohabitation and discuss how cohabitation is related to
marriage; Describe the changing incidence of marriage and types of marriage; Discuss the different
types of marriage and the rise of intermarriage in the United States; Discuss sex in marriage, factors in
marital satisfaction, and infidelity; Discuss the incidence of divorce and issues connected with divorce;
Discuss patterns of sexual activity in the later years and physical changes in the later years that affect
sexual behavior.

Question 4753 discussion post

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 5 from the Frost (2011) e-book. For
this discussion you will take on the role of a clinical psychologist treating clients for depression. You are
interested in doing research on effective treatments for a chronic form of depression called dysthymia.
In the DSM-5, it is referred to as persistent depressive disorder. The DSM-5 is listed in your
recommended resources, and details regarding the disorder can be found in section 300.4(F34.1). In
your review of the current materials, you find that most of the previous research on this disorder has
been done using quantitative methods. Identify an aspect of this topic you feel should be studied using
qualitative methods. Apply the scientific method to this research issue and develop a specific research
question. Compare the characteristics and appropriate uses of various qualitative research designs and
choose an appropriate qualitative design for this research question. Create a feasible research design
that includes plans for the sample selection, data collection, and data analysis. Apply ethical principles to

your design by explaining how this type of qualitative design may affect the participants in your study
and how you will deal with sociocultural issues.

Question 4754 Anxiety Disorders

Think about a movie, television show or book that you’ve read where a character suffered from an
anxiety disorder. If you know someone personally who struggles with an anxiety disorder, you can use
this person’s experiences as long as you don’t reveal any personal information (change the name, etc.).
Describe the symptoms and why you believe this character or person has an anxiety disorder.

Question 4755 Discussion Question

Review the various program evaluation tools provided by SAMHSA, the CDC, the WHO, or other
resources you have. Describe an approach you would take toward evaluating the programs, policies, and
procedures in a particular setting. Develop a preliminary outline or strategy for how you would evaluate
a program or organization’s policies and procedures. Include possible timelines, the various people or
departments involved, etc. What challenges do you expect in collecting the necessary materials and
information from the stakeholders? How would you deliver the feedback and recommended changes?
What challenges should you be prepared for when making recommendations for change?

Question 4756 Psychological Perspectives

Essay: Intro: Psychological Perspectives (Auto-Feedback) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external
site. Instructions: Jake has become very anxious ever since he started taking harder classes in his major.
The university’s counselor diagnosed him with an anxiety disorder. Compare and contrast how the
behavioral, humanistic, and cognitive approaches would view the origins and treatment of Jake’s
anxiety. Then, describe how psychologists view each of the three approaches today. To help ensure the
auto-feedback system will function properly, your response must contain a minimum of 500 words and
a maximum of 1000 words, though individual prompts or your instructor may provide a more precise
target range for word count. Your response will be automatically reviewed by the system, and you will
receive your grade after your instructor reviews and returns the scores. Your response should not
contain in-text parenthetical citations or other special headers or formatting.

Question 4757 Joe is a 45 year-old Caucasian married male living in rural New Jersey

Consider the following case: Joe is a 45 year-old Caucasian married male living in rural New Jersey. He
had a relatively stable childhood and joined the Army at 18. He spent 6 years in the military which
included one deployment overseas where he was involved in active combat. He was discharged at age
24 and married his long-term girlfriend. They currently have 2 children, ages 15 & 12. He currently works
in sales and marketing and reports that his relationship with his wife has been somewhat rocky lately
and he feels that their connection “just isn’t what it used to be”. Joe came into your office today at the
urging of his wife. For the 2 months, he has been having nightmares of his days in combat. He hasn’t
been sleeping well because of it. He also has experienced periodic bouts of anxiety and feeling “like [he]
just couldn’t sit still. He describes his memories of his combat days in vivid detail, and he has spoken about feeling like was reliving the situation. He also reports that he gets “jumpy” at loud noises and they
sometimes give him an “anxiety attack”. This is the first time (within the past 2 months) that Joe has
experienced these symptoms. He is afraid that he is “going crazy”. He also reported that he hasn’t been
to a doctor for a checkup in over 3 years, and that he is worried about his status at work because their
sales were down for the last year and the company had started to lay people off. He is worried that he
will not be able to provide for his family if he is laid off . “What kind of man would I be if I lost my job
and had to go on unemployment?” Discuss the following: – What might be happening for Joe? Explain
the possibilities of causal factors from a Biological, Cognitive, Sociocultural perspective (considering the
impact of family, culture of veterans, the culture of being male, etc.) – What role are these stressors
playing in his life? Are they exacerbating the symptoms of PTSD, or is it the other way around (The PTSD
symptoms influencing his negative view on the current status of his life)? – Explain the effects of stress
on a person’s physical and psychological functioning. (You may have to do some additional research for this).

Question 4758 Depression

This Discussion Thread has 2 parts: 1. Consider the following articles- Biological bases of depression
symptoms: What
is your reaction to this material as it relates to depression treatment? If further research on depression
continues to indicate biological causal factors, how will that impact how society views the disorder?
How would this impact treatment strategies? 2. Presently, one of the main ways we treat depression is
through anti-depressant medications. Currently research is showing, however, that some anti-
depressants are not as effective as they were once thought to be, and some are proving to be actually
ineffective! Here are a couple articles about alternative methods of treating depression: In the times that you or someone you know
has experienced depression, what coping strategies have you used to combat it? What has worked?
What hasn’t worked? In your view, what is the best method for treating depression?

Question 4759 Discussion post

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 1 and 2 of the Hesse-Biber e-book, Mixed
Methods Research: Merging Theory with Practice, and the two required articles for this week. Mixed
methods is a current popular methodology. While this type of methodology is useful for some studies,
because of its dual nature as both quantative and qualitative, it is not effective or appropriate for all
research. For this discussion, you will consider the use of mixed methods for the topic you have chosen
for your Research Proposal. In your initial post, apply the scientific method to your research topic by
defining your research question and determining the method(s) necessary to answer that question.
Compare the characteristics and appropriate uses of the different methods and explain if your research
question could best be answered through qualitative or quantitative methods, or a mix of both. Identify
the dominant method (quantitative or qualitative) for your proposed study. Explain whether or not a
mixed methods approach is the best way to study the topic, demonstrating that the second method is
not added as an afterthought or merely to impress journal editors who favor mixed methods. If you have decided not to use mixed methods, explain why the study is best completed with either a
quantitative or qualitative focus. Justify your design choice and support your position with scholarly
sources. Include a discussion explaining how you would apply ethical principles to your design to address
concerns which may impact your research.

Question 4760 Writing an Article Critique

Writing an Article Critiqué In APA Style – REQUIRED BODY OF PAPER The Introduction should be
approximately 8-10 sentences that provide a more detailed summary of the article: more details on
what was studied, history of this issue, and why the researcers felt this was an important topic to study.
The Summary will be several pages long. The Review includes the “details” of the article: who – how –
when – where of the research. Answer the questions that you find in the Review section of the Article
Critique and the APA Template. The Critical Analysis and Discussion will be approximately half a page.
Answer the questions that you find in the Comments section of the APA Template. Before Submitting
Your Work Look at the Grading Rubric to make sure you have met the assignment requirements. You can
choose between 2 articles I provided. You just need to use one; whichever is easier for you to work on. I
also gave the grading rubric.

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