Letters from Slaves to Their Former Masters

Question 4461 Conflict in the Early Republic:

Thomas Jefferson vs. Alexander Hamilton
Conflict in the Early Republic: Thomas Jefferson vs. Alexander Hamilton ** DUE DATE 2/3/19 10:00 pm
Introduction: All was not well in terms of d/omestic policy in the years after the ratification of the
Constitution in 1789. There were several fault lines that ran through the early republic, thus the period
from 1789-1800 is referred to by historians as the “Critical Period” in American history. Would George
Washington become a military dictator as Napoleon would in the late 1790s? Would a national bank be
allowed? Was the Constitution meant to be interpreted as a strict document or as a document that
allowed for anything “necessary and proper” for the operation of the government? What was the
proper balance between federal and state power? Is free speech a core part of American democracy?
Were political parties an essential part of the American political order? These questions and many
others were debated during the critical period, with founding fathers Thomas Jefferson (Republican) and
Alexander Hamilton (Federalist) often on differing sides of each. This week I would like to concentrate
on foreign policy during the Critical Period. Today we debate what our relationship should be with the
Russian Federation. Do we see them as a friend of stability in the region or a serious threat to the
current political order? How should we deal with them? In 2017, we look at this relationship from a
position of power and relative international strength. We have choice in our relationship with Russia. In
the critical period, America was a relatively weak country; we had little to no choice in foreign affairs.
We were thrown around between Britain and France like a political football. In the early republic we
questioned the nature of our relationship with France. The French had sided with the colonies during
the American Revolution, providing naval power, infantry, arms, and cash to aid the American fight for
independence, not necessarily because they believed in liberty, but because they hated the British as
their chief economic and military rival. Our relationship with the French and their king, Louis XVI, was
strong until the French Revolution erupted in 1789. As France was plunged into an era of extreme

bloodshed, American leaders questioned whether revolutionary terror and violence would emanate
from France and spread throughout the new American states. What would be the nature of our
relationship with the French? Jefferson and Hamilton fell on opposite sides of this French question
during a time when the British and French, the two dominant world powers, were perpetually at war.
Hamilton saw the British, our former enemy, as the harbinger of a new industrial future and he sought
to build America in Britain’s image. He felt that a relationship with the French would be at best
feebleminded and at worst irresponsible and dangerous. Thomas Jefferson disagreed; he was a
Francophile who had once been minister to France. Jefferson supported a close relationship with the
French based on their friendship during the conflict with the British and the idea that they were our
revolutionary brothers in arms. This became the main political issue in the election of 1796 between
Republican Thomas Jefferson and Federalist John Adams. Eventually the French instituted a “quasi-war”
against American shipping that carried British goods. The French felt that our allegiance was to the
British because of our trade relationships. Washington declared neutrality, but it was to no avail.
Rumblings of war with France dominated political discussion in the late 1790s, and John Adams pushed
to limit immigration and free speech during this time period. ********Question for Discussion: Given
our revolutionary ties with the French, should we have honored our former alliance and sided with them
in their conflicts with the British? With whom would you have sided, Hamilton or Jefferson? Readings for
this Discussion: Roark, Page 230 (Concerning the Jay Treaty), page 231 (Concerning the Haitian
Revolution), Pages 232 – 235 (Concerning the Election of 1796, the XYZ Affair, and the Alien and Sedition
Acts). This Short Article on Washington’s Neutrality and the Genet Affair:
1789-1799.php Cabinet Battle #2 from the musical Hamilton:

Question 4462 US History Exam

There are three questions that need to be answered. Each question should be answered with a
minimum of 250 words. work cited page. Q1. Evaluate one of the causes of the War of 1812. Q2.
Analyze how the Missouri Compromise brought the U.S. closer to civil war Q3. Using your Introduction
to Nation Building, apply one of the theories of developing national identity to the United States from
1776-1860. Explain how the theory is relevant to the United States and give specific examples. (look at
attached doc)

Question 4463 Industrialization and the Rise of a Regulated Economy

Please note that ecree works best in Firefox and Chrome. Please do not use Internet Explorer or mobile
devices when using ecree. This assignment again uses the ecree platform for doing and submitting the
paper. Plus, all learned from the first assignment the value of having the assignment INSTRUCTIONS
sheet and the assignment’s FORMAT SAMPLE paper. So, please get those items below. BEFORE
of the following links (if needed, right click the link and Open in new window. Sometimes a document
will flash to the top or bottom of your screen to a downloads folder): INSTRUCTION SHEET for
Assignment 2—topic, outline, sources, instructions with key details: Assignment

2_HIS105_Stansbury_Instructions.docx FORMAT SAMPLE for Assignment 2—This shows the parts of the
paper and what to do in each; it shows what the in-text citations and the sources list at the end look
like; it shows the special ecree-type draft that is single spaced: Format_Sample_ Assignment
2_Stansbury_HIS105_ecree_version.docx Help Sheet for Using eCree: Ecree_Help_Doing and
Practicing_HIS105_assmt2.docx VIDEO HELP on doing and submitting Assignment 2:
ntry_id/0_0pcbkj6f/embed/dynamic VIDEO HELP—ecree walk-through for Assignment 2:
ntry_id/1_rb1st3qg/embed/dynamic Assignment 2: Industrialization and the Rise of a Regulated
Economy The United States went through dramatic economic change during and after the Civil War, as
industrialization spread rapidly and changed society. This transformation and some of the apparent
abuses that developed (monopolistic practices, work conditions, low wages, arbitrary and oppressive
expectations) led to an increased role of the government in regulating businesses and society. This role
was heightened as government was viewed as the arbiter between business and organized labor. One
can explore these developments from 1865 on through to World War II. Examine the statement below
and drawing from provided sources, present a paper with specific examples and arguments to
demonstrate the validity of your position. Statement—in which you can take a pro or con position: From
the start of Progressive era of the late 1800s through the New Deal period in the 1930s, increasing
government interventions and regulations of business tended to help the overall economy and the
common workers. (Or you can argue that such interventions and regulations hurt the overall economy
and the common workers.) Use specific examples from different decades—and be sure one of your
examples is from the 1930s. After giving general consideration to your readings so far and any general
research, select one of the positions above as your position—your thesis. (Sometimes after doing more
thorough research, you might choose the reverse position. This happens with critical thinking and
inquiry. Your final paper might end up taking a different position than you originally envisioned.)
Organize your paper as follows, handling these issues: The position you choose or something close to
it—will be the thesis statement in your opening paragraph. To support your position, use four (4)
specific examples from different decades between 1865 and 1940. However, one (1) of your four (4)
examples must be from the 1930s. Explain why the opposing view is weak in comparison to yours.
Consider your life today: In what way does the history you have shown shape or impact issues in your
workplace or desired profession? Length: The paper should be 500-to-750 words in length. Research and
References: You must use a MINIMUM of three sources; the Schultz textbook must be one of them. Your
other two sources should be drawn from the list provided below. This is guided research, not open-
ended Googling. Source list for Assignment 2: Some sources are “primary” sources from the time period
being studied. Some sources below can be accessed via direct link or through the primary sources links
on Blackboard. Each week has a different list of primary sources. For others, they are accessible through
the permalink to the source in our online library: Sources below having libdatab.strayer.edu as part of
the URL have a permalink to that source in our university’s online library. Each source below is shown in
SWS form. SWS Form for the textbook: Kevin M. Schultz. 2018. HIST: Volume 2: U.S. History since 1865.
5th ed. D. P. Del Mar. 1998. Region and Nation: New Studies in Western U.S. History.
N=957156&site=eds-live&scope=site S. Gompers. 1914. The American Labor Movement: Its Makeup,

Achievements, and Aspirations.
s.pdf S. S. Harjo. 1996. Now and Then: Native Peoples in the United States.
N=507507152&site=eds-live&scope=site Helen Hunt Jackson. 1881. Helen Hunt Jackson’s Account of
Sand Creek
sand_creek.htm S. M. Jacoby. Oct., 1983. Union Management Cooperation in the United States: Lessons
from the 1920s.
N=4462675&site=eds-live&scope=site R. La Follette. 1924. La Follette’s Progressive Platform.
http://college.cengage.com/history/wadsworth_9781133309888/unprotected/ps/follette.html T. C.
Leonard. Spring, 2009. American Economic Reform in the Progressive Era: Its Foundational Beliefs and
their Relation to Eugenics.
N=36656984&site=eds-live&scope=site H. D. Lloyd. June, 1884. The Lords of Industry from North
American Review, 331. In Modern History Sourcebook.
https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/mod/1884hdlloyd.asp E. Rauchway. 2008. The Great Depression and
the New Deal: A Very Short Introduction. eBook.
AN=218056&site=eds-live&scope=site Kevin M. Schultz. 2018. HIST: Volume 2: U.S. History since 1865.
5th ed. L. Steffens. 1904. The Shame of the Cities.
http://college.cengage.com/history/wadsworth_9781133309888/unprotected/ps/steffens.html Taylor,
F. W. 1911. The Principles of Scientific Management.
http://college.cengage.com/history/wadsworth_9781133309888/courseware/ps/taylor.html J.
Whitaker. 1871. The Impact of the Factory on Worker Health. Retrieved from

Question 4464 Tibetan religion

You can continue to use the Encyclopedia of Religion, or you might consult the bibliography at the end
of the entry you found for more scholarly resources. This bibliography may contain books, book
chapters, and articles that the author recommends for further research. Over the last couple weeks you
have learned a bit about the history of the religious tradition you are studying. Next you will focus on
some of the more physical and material aspects of that religion. Your task this week is to find and learn
about (1) a physical object and (2) a ritual related to your assigned research topic. After reading about
these as much as you can, answer the questions below. For rituals, please **DO NOT** select a holiday
or festival. I would like you to find a ritual that is performed regularly (daily, weekly, or monthly).
Remember that you need to use a word processor on a laptop or desktop to complete these
assignments properly. Please number your answers and be sure to cite any sources your use to answer
these questions, such as where you find information or a photograph of the object. Physical Object 1.
What is the object called? 2. Describe the object in three complete sentences, using your own words.

Just look at the object and describe what you see. Do not quote or paraphrase a description of the
object you find online. 3. How is it used? 4. Who uses it? 5. Include a photograph of the object. Ritual 6.
Does the ritual have a specific name? If so, what is this ritual called in the language used by the tradition
you are studying? 7. How does the ritual work? In your own words, describe the parts or process of the
ritual in at least three sentences. 8. How often is it performed? 9. Who performs the ritual, and where?
(For example: A priestess? A monk? A layperson? Indoors? Outdoors?) 10. What is the purpose of the
ritual? (For example: worship? exorcism? self-cultivation?) Include MLA-style citations wherever
necessary. If you quote, paraphrase, or even use a similar sentence structure to that of your source, you
must include an in-text citation. Remember to put your name, student ID, and date on your assignment.
Please use a standard 12-point font and 1.5 line spacing.

Question 4465 Elegant Art of Movement

Based on your textbook, Elegant Art of Movement, 18th Century, Alicia M. Annas.pdfPreview the
document , and the film Vatel briefly answer the following short answer question (One to two
paragraphs at most): 1. What was the importance of “carriage” to people in 18th century Europe? 2.
How did clothing and mannerisms of “polite society” of the 18th century affect the way people moved?
Give specific examples. 3. What was the significance of the S curve shape as a beauty standard in the
18th century? 4. Which French king’s court was portrayed in Vatel? 4. What role did fashion and
entertainment play in the French Court? 5. Why was the brother of the King always upset according to
Vatel. Do you agree? 6. Describe the men’s and women’s dress portrayed in Vatel.

Question 4466

Compare and contrast the reasons why the Western Roman Empire ended in ​476 and
the Eastern Roman Empire su
Use twelve point type and double space. Have a cover page with the title of your review, the course
number and section, your name, date submitted, your tutor’s name and the word count. Use Chicago
style footnotes. Write an essay in formal academic English (800-1000 words) on ONE of these topics:

Question 4467 How did the environments of six Physiographic regions of Canada

Assignment Format: All assignment are to be in 12 point font with a cover page with an assignment title,
your name, course code Hist 112 DE, assignment number, word count and tutor’s name (Prof. Howard
Hisdal) on the bottom. Use Chicago style footnoting and include a bibliography even if the only book you
used was the textbook. Send in assignments as Microsoft Word attachments.
Question 4468 Development of racial thinking from Europe to the Americans
Directions: 1. Listen to podcast/radio show on “The Invention of Race” at
https://www.wnyc.org/story/invention-race/ A summary of the show is “Compiled by Award-winning
producer John Biewen from the “Seeing White” series. The Invention of Race traces the development of
racial and racist ideas from the ancient world – when there was no notion of race – up to the founding
of the United States as, fundamentally, a nation of and for white people.” 2. Create a timeline of the
development of racial thinking from Europe to the Americas (up to the founding of the United States).

Your timeline should include the date, and a few words on each event/law/action/etc. you chose that
played a role in constructing race. Your timeline should reflect the evolution of understanding or
thinking about race over time.

Question 4469 Lois Banner’s Steel Engraving Lady

Questions: 1. How did society view women in the Romantic period? 2. What were beauty ideals of the
Romantic era? How did the steel engraving lady play into the concept of Romantic beauty ideals? 3. How
did the popular clothing and silhouette of this period support society’s views on attaining ideal Romantic
era beauty? 4. What were some of the ways women in this period tried to achieve ideal Romantic
beauty? 5. Pick a picture from current fashion magazine today, attach it to your assignment book. Can
you find any similarities to Romantic beauty ideals as discussed in the reading “Steel Engraving Lady” in
the current fashion image that you chose?

Question 4470 Historical letter writing paper

two pages of letter style paper. Analyze the primary source documents by Samuel Seabury and Thomas
Paine. Imagine that somehow the two had read each other’s works and had the chance to write to each
other about independence and government. You will write two letters: one from Seabury to Paine and
another from Paine to Seabury. What would have been their perspectives on government? What would
they have said to each other?

Question 4471 Digital Source Analysis

write a short (400-500 word) dialogue between Adam Smith and Karl Marx in which they analyze the
opening scenes of the movie. In the dialogue that you write, you should have each theorist draw upon
their own writings to answer the following questions: 1. How would each analyze the conditions in the
factory and the labor that the Little Tramp performs? 2. How would each explain the interactions
between the Little Tramp and his co-workers? 3. How would each explain the “feeding machine” scene?
4. Why does the main character (the Little Tramp) have a nervous breakdown? 5. What is the remedy?
(or, What would bring about a better future for the Little Tramp?) Please note that the dialogue should
be written as a dialogue (like in a play). For example Karl Marx: Statement Adam Smith: Response to

Question 4472 history of civilization II

1. To what extent did the age of European expansion impact the Chinese? Who benefited more from
this seaborne interaction? Explain, with examples. 2. Compare and contrast the governmental systems
of British and Spanish colonies in the Americas. Why were the British colonists of North America more
inclined toward independence than their Spanish American counterparts? Explain, with examples.

Question 4473 Primary Source 2 assignment WWI

Read Article and do three paragraphs on it based on this link
https://worldwar1letters.wordpress.com/2009/06/ no longer than 450 words, but no shorter than 300.

P1- Should provide the title of the source, a very brief summary of the text and say what students hope
to critique-argue in P2. Students need to provide an argument-thesis driven statement. A summary
alone is neither desirable nor enough to thoroughly complete the assignment. P2- Should be an
analytical paragraph that provides (at least) one example from the text to support the author’s claim…ie.
The slave’s story provides insight into the cruelty of the system, “insert quotation from text here.” Using
direct quotations provides clarity and helps to support the author’s claims. P3- Should summarize briefly
what was covered in P1 and P2 and also say something about the significance of this document for the
study of world history and how it shows global interconnectivity. (How is the world connected?) Do not
throw this paragraph away, put as much effort into it as P1 and P2.

Question 4474 Iron Jawed Angels

What to do: In this discussion, I would like you to write a post that touches on some of the following
topics relating to Iron Jawed Angels (below). Make sure to incorporate specific details from the film AND
specific details from lecture and readings to help back up your ideas. Anacronism: Can you think of a few
examples in the film where the filmmaker took license with history? For example, where did they put in
modern details, attitudes, or sensibilities to make the film resonate with a 21st century audience?
(Anacronism = something, a word, object or an event, that is mistakenly paced in a time where is does
not belong). We are not looking for obscure inaccuracies, just major ones that might be important when
critiquing the overall value of the film. The whole story? Do you think that someone watching this movie
will get an accurate depiction of how the 19th Amendment was won? Explain to reason for your answer
with specific details from readings and lecture to show your knowledge . How does “Iron Jawed Angels”
compare to our textbook and lecture accounts of the road to suffrage (1848-1920)? The merit of the
film? What do you think is the greatest merit of the film? Are the anachronisms and limited chosen
narrative outweighed by the film’s overall value? Provide specific examples to explain your answer. Film
as history. Whether we historians like it or not, many Americans get most of their ‘history’ from
Hollywood films (and TV shows). These films may be inaccurate, biased toward modern sensibilities, or
politically motivated. Are there dangers or advantages of using popular films to learn history? Provide
specific examples to explain your answer. Discussion Directions: NOTE: This post needs to be your own
work. This means: Resist the temptation to google “Iron Jawed Angels + Anachronism.” If you write
some obscure details about the inaccuracy of number of stars on the American flag or incorrect door
handles being used or how the wrist watches were from the wrong time period, I will be pretty sure that
you looked up that information online (or else you will need to prove to me how you came to be so
knowledgeable in the subject of historic door handles…). Please only use our readings and lectures this
week as the basis for your discussion. Do not go online looking for additional information. One of your
goals is to demonstrate that you have completed this week’s assigned materials. Also you will have to
watch this lecture and give evidences from it. This is the link:

Question 4475 Be Unrealistic and the Best of Will Smith MOTIVATION

Watch the entire “BE UNREALISTIC” (Ft. Will Smith) video: Be Unrealistic and the Best of Will Smith
MOTIVATION – #MentorMeWill (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. Be Unrealistic and

the Best of Will Smith MOTIVATION – #MentorMeWill TWO PARAGRAPHS (more 350 words per
paragraph) respond to the following questions (after watching the entire video). First, notice that Will
Smith tells stories about his life, and what lesson he learned from that experience. Second, write a
SUMMARY of some of the key points that Will Smith makes in the video. Then, select ONE STATEMENT
he makes that is the most significant one. Why was it picked and explain. NO HEADER OR FOOTER, NO

Question 4476

How did industrialization and economic growth affect the social and the natural
environments of the Western Hemisphere countries
What major political challenges faced the new nations of the Western Hemisphere in the nineteenth
century, and how well did they deal with those problems?* How did industrialization and economic
growth affect the social and the natural environments of the Western Hemisphere countries?*
Question 4477 How was Rome influenced politically, economically and culturally by this contact
500 word discussion I will provide links for the topic Discussion topic: Rome was a city. Roman History is
the story of a city that encompassed the known world. A new world order came into being that lasted
for a thousand years. Its main components were: Roman law, Roman ethics, Roman practicality, Roman
finance, Roman rule, Roman military strength, Roman science. Seeing it in perspective, Rome as a city
conquered other great city-cultures. Choose ONE of the following and respond to it in 500 words after
opening a new thread in DiscussionRome came into contact, early in her History, with neighboring
cultures such as the Etruscans and the Greeks of southern Italy. How was Rome influenced politically,
economically and culturally by this contact? Roman writers believed that Rome became a world power
out of necessity. Since early in her expansion, Rome came to be in a state of perpetual war. Are there
modern parallels to be drawn from contemporary powers that dwell in a state of perpetual war? Who
gained the most from Rome’s war based economy and war inspired politics? Who gains in today’s states
from their war based economy and war inspired politics?

Question 4478 Two Letters from Slaves to Their Former Masters

ONE paragraph (350 words minimum) based on the information read. MUST start by giving the author,
title of document, and when the document was written in order to clearly cite the source of
information. Who is the author (race, nationality, position)? What is the document about (summary)?
What does this show about the event and time period? What was learned from reading of this
story/document? MSUT use ONE DIRECT QUOTE from the document. Post TITLE of document.

Question 4479 Reaction paper history 2

watch these movies and write a reaction paper. First paragraph – Identifications. Second Paragraph –
Analysis. Third Paragraph – Reaction. For movie analysis, analyze the historical accuracy of the film.
What did they get right? What did they get wrong? How historically accurate is the film? please see the
attached files

Question 4480 Analytical Writing Assigment

REQUIREMENTS: 12 Font, 350 words, single page, correctly identified the author, title and date of
document, and information about the author, summary the document accurately, describing the main
points that the author is making about the issue at hand, a direct quote from the document that will be
provide is a MUST. Accurate details MUST describe the importance of the document relevant to the
major issues of the time period..Again, will provide document to complete assignment.

Question 4481 Winston Churchill, “The Iron Curtain

Read EWC Document 29.7, Winston Churchill, “The Iron Curtain,” and write a paragraph responding to
the prompt at the end. (follow the link in the Canvas Module for Week 12 to access the document) Your
response to the prompt should be about a paragraph in length but no longer than a page. It should
begin with an introductory sentence that responds directly and completely to the prompt. This sentence
establishes your main point (that is, your argument or thesis). In about four to six additional sentences,
you should present evidence to support your thesis. Present at least two pieces of concrete evidence
drawn from Document 29.7. You must cite any material paraphrased from the source document with a
simple parenthetical citation. You must enclose any material taken word-for-word from the source
document in quotation marks and cite it with a simple parenthetical citation. See the following
examples: In this famous speech, British Prime Minister Winston Church warned that the Soviet Union
controlled eastern European countries liberated from Nazi Germany after the end of World War II. (EWC
29.7, Winston Churchill, “The Iron Curtain”) In this speech, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill
famously warned that “an iron curtain has descended across” Europe, and that the Soviet Union
exercised an “increasing measure of control” on the countries behind it. (EWC 29.7, Winston Churchill,
“The Iron Curtain”) Be sure to analyze the evidence you present by explaining why it means what you
think it means. Conclude your paragraph by restating your main point (that is, your
argument/thesis/direct response to the prompt) and perhaps reflecting on the broader significance of
the document you’ve read. Type your response in MS Word or any similar word processing software.
Proofread your essay carefully to eliminate errors in grammar, punctuation, and usage. Save the file and
then upload it to Canvas. Your work will be compared with the turnitin.com database to detect
plagiarism by searching for similarities with internet sources and/or the work of other students around
the world.

Question 4482 Analytical Assignment

12 Font, 350 words, single page, writing pertains to the document that will be provided, which will
require author’s name, title of document, and when the document was written in order to clearly cite
the source of information. Who is the author (race, nationality, position)? What was the document
about (summary)? What does this show about the event and time period? What was learned from the
document? MUST use a direct quote from the document. DRAFT needed 2 days prior to due date. No
research or citations needed.

Question 4483 Reaction paper / HIS / movies

watch these movies and write a reaction paper. First paragraph – Identifications. Second Paragraph –
Analysis. Third Paragraph – Reaction. For movie analysis, analyze the historical accuracy of the film.

What did they get right? What did they get wrong? How historically accurate is the film? please see the
attached files

Question 4484 reaction paper

watch these movies and write a reaction paper. First paragraph – Identifications. Second Paragraph –
Analysis. Third Paragraph – Reaction. For movie analysis, analyze the historical accuracy of the film.
What did they get right? What did they get wrong? How historically accurate is the film? please see the
attached files

Question 4485 James Davidson, Courtesans and Fishcakes.

Intro:  Introduce the author  Introduce the book (Title, What is it about?) . State author’s thesis and
summarize content/arguments. III. Body:  Each paragraph should address different parts of the book
or different arguments presented in the book.  This may also be in the form of arguments made about
different time periods or stages within a time period.  Use key parts of the book
(quotations/paraphrasing) to demonstrate how the author supports his or her thesis.  You may add
your assessment (analysis/view on the author’s arguments) within each paragraph or in separate
paragraphs  Make sure to evaluate the author’s arguments in terms of whether or not they are
convincing, well researched, and logical. If the author’s work could contribute to the public’s
understanding of the topic you may comment on that as well.  If you choose to disagree with the
author you should do so strictly on academic grounds–i.e. use a reason-based argument to counter her
or his argument. IV. Conclusion  Evaluation of the author’s success or failure to substantiate his or her
thesis with evidence and argumentation  Evaluation of the book’s contribution to history, the public’s
knowledge of the subject, “readability” and style. Format: *Review should be 4-5 pages double-spaced;
stapled at the top left hand corner at a 45-degree angle *Font 12, Times New Roman *One-inch margins
on both sides *You may use Chicago, APA, or MLA style for footnotes or endnotes (Ask in the library if
you don’t know what to do) *Do not enclose your paper in any type of folder *Make sure to save copies
of your paper in multiple locations

Question 4486 Portfolio Reflection

In this module, we’ve learned a great deal about the value of history, how learning from the past may
help provide definition to our present world perspective and how studying and learning from our
ancient ancestors can potentially contribute in shaping our own future. Throughout this course, we have
examined various civilizations and in each one we’ve learned about a myriad of aspects that helped
influence our ancestors’ capacity to act responsibly and determine their roles or abilities to contribute to
society. For this reflection, you will answer the question: “What can I, as an historian of the ancient
world, learn and apply from the history of my ancient ancestors to my own role in contributing to and
acting responsibly for the betterment of society?” In order to answer this question effectively for your
reflection you must: Pick one common theme/criteria topic (from the list below) that you think
significantly influenced an individual from the ancient world to act responsibly and contribute towards
society. o Technology o Politics/Bureaucracy o Law/Ethics o Arts/Sciences o Economy/Business o
Education o Military/Police o Religion/Morals & Traditions Explain how at least one specific example

(one individual) from at least three different civilizations covered throughout this course supports your
selected theme/criteria. (So, your essay will talk about 3 different people – each from a different
civilization that we discussed.) Support each of your examples with evidence from the articles in the
M13 learning module about why we study history. In total, you must reference at least three of the
articles in the learning activities, Support each of your examples with evidence from the module where
we discussed their civilization (So, you will reference at least 3 learning modules in your paper.) Connect
how understanding the history of your ancient ancestors in the context of your selected theme/ criteria
has influenced your sense of responsibility and contributing role towards the betterment of society. In
other words, what have you learned from their experiences that can help you act more responsibly
today? Lastly, make sure you provide proper internal citations and a properly formatted bibliography
This is going into your portfolio so be sure to make sure that you have fixed all grammatical and
formatting issues before submission. For your bibliography, it does NOT have to be annotated. The only
sources you’ll be using will be from your readings, so you MUST include internal citations and a full,
properly MLA formatted bibliography with your paper, but you don’t need to annotated the sources in
your bib. Your paper must be 2-3 pages in length (NOT including your bibliography) and follow MLA
guidelines (double-spaced, 12pt. Times New Roman font, one-inch margins).

Question 4487 Applicant Cover Letter

To Apply: Applicants will need to submit a one-page cover letter (single-spaced) describing their motives
and intent for applying for this position and interning at Pitt Community College (parent company for
the newspaper). This letter should: 1) Indicate the applicant’s views concerning the value of studying
history and the past. Does this internship (this course) have any value beyond fulfilling an educational
requirement? Cover letters should also highlight any personal attributes, interests, and personal
experiences that qualify the applicant for this position. 2) Demonstrate the applicant’s understanding of
primary and secondary historical sources, the differences between these sources, and their ability to
apply these sources critically to the past in order to create analytic interpretations of the past. 3) To
show a final understanding of primary and secondary sources and your ability to perform as a historical
journalist, conclude your cover letter by explaining the type of sources (primary/secondary) you will be
creating for your readers when authoring news stories for AHL. Is American History Learner a primary or
secondary source? We will be looking specifically at the thoughtfulness to your answer of this question
when evaluating applications. Be sure to review the syllabus and Internet Course Tutorial before forming
your position on this question. You’ll need to have a good handle on what the course is trying to achieve
to best answer this question. Submitting Application Applications should be uploaded through the
Applicant Cover Letter link in the Summer Internship Module. Please make sure to submit applications
by the due date indicated in Applicant Cover Letter link. Upon submission, intern applicants will be
required to participate in a survey related to AHL as a source. (MANDATORY) Ensuring Success:
Applicants’ cover letters will be assessed on three criteria. First, cover letters need to comprehensively
fulfill cover letter requirements outlined above in the “To Apply” section. Second, submissions will be
assessed based on the effective use of provided materials in preparing your application. The meat of
your analysis should be based on the “What is History and How Do We Practice It?” lesson. (We’ll be
looking to see who shows a strong understanding of the materials provided.) Third, cover letters must

be composed and submitted in a standardized and professional cover letter format stipulated in the
examples provided in the “Applicant Resources” section of the module.

Question 4488 Thomas Nast Obituary

Obituary Format and Objectives: Formatting: Obituaries need to be a minimum of one page, double-
spaced and written in size 12 Times New Roman font. American History Learner is committed to
journalistic integrity and accuracy. Journalists will need to note any sources that were used in
completing this assignment. Objectives: Brief description of the individual’s age, location, and cause of
death. Basic description of the individual’s major professional/personal achievements. What should this
person be most remembered (legacy) for historically? Obituary needs to place this discussion of the
individual in a historic context by describing some of the premier social, political, economic, or cultural
events defining the period the individual lived. Integration of primary and secondary sources in your
historical analysis. At American History Learner our focus is on historical and journalistic integrity.
Obituaries need not glamorize or patronize individuals. Your obituary needs to be professional,
unbiased, and note both accomplishments and offer valid criticisms when necessary. Provide an
appropriate and creative title for this piece. Our research department has compiled some basic
resources you may be interested in consulting when writing your first assignment. See Module 2
Resources. Notes on Success: Management will be looking closely at your first piece for American
History Learner. We will assess the effectiveness of your obituary based on some of the following
criteria: historical accuracy, meeting of obituary goals, demonstration of understanding of historical
significance and context of the individual, style and grammar, commitment/genuineness/inventiveness,
and originality and journalistic integrity. While you have a series of provided readings on Nast that will
serve as the research basis of your assignment, it is a good idea to first read the general historical
concepts in your textbook that this assignment is built upon. The following portions of your textbook are
all historically relevant to this study: Here’s a list of the readings that would be a helpful backdrop when
considering the historical context of Thomas Nast. Reconstruction: Chapter 16 Introduction and parts
16.1, 16.3 Industrialization and Urbanization: Chapter 18 Introduction and 18.3 Chapter 19 Introduction
and parts 19.1, 19.3, and 19.4 Needless to say, American History Learner is committed to academic and
journalistic integrity. Any violation of our parent company, Pitt CC’s academic integrity and plagiarism
policy, will result in automatic termination. See your employee handbook and Internet Course Tutorial
for a more specific elaboration of AHL’s standards. Please provide an appropriate, creative title with
your submission.

Question 4489 Critical Race Theory

Critical responses must identify the main objectives/points of the articles/videos. What do the authors
commonly agree upon and/or state as their central focus? How are these articles and videos “speaking”
to one another or, are divergent ideas presented? Additionally, students must analyze central points
made by authors to develop their own thesis and construct their own claims.
Question 4490 How vital was slavery to the Atlantic economy in the eighteenth century

4. How vital was slavery to the Atlantic economy in the eighteenth century? Provide specific evidence
from the textbook to support your response. The author podcast is also a good resource.
http://www.wwnorton.com/college/history/give-me-liberty3-brief/ch/04/podcast.aspx (due 6/6/19)
5.Discuss the ways in which both supporters and opponents of independence used the concepts of
‘freedom’ and ‘slavery’ during the American Revolution. Be sure to consider the perspectives of both
free and enslaved peoples. Chapter 5 Podcast http://www.wwnorton.com/college/history/give-me-
liberty3-brief/ch/05/podcast.aspx (due 6/7/19) 6.Read the documents located on pages 248 and 249. In
one essay address the questions at the end of page 249. Chapter 6 author podcast
http://www.wwnorton.com/college/history/give-me-liberty3-brief/ch/06/podcast.aspx (due 6/10/19)

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