LM 27184 Experimental and Behavioural Economics

Assignment/Coursework Remit
Programme Title Master Programs
Module Title LM Behavioral and Experimental Economics
Module Code 27184
Assignment Title Experimental and Behavioural Economics
Level LM
Weighting 100%
Lecturers Amalia Di Girolamo
Hand Out Date Enter date here 25/03/24
Deadline Date & Time Enter date here 25/04/24 12pm
Feedback Post Date Enter date here 20/05/x24
Assignment Format Essay
Assignment Length 2000 words absolute maximum
Submission Format Online Individual
Please answer ONE of the following TWO possible questions. Each question has three subparts
(a, b, c) – please answer all parts of the question you attempt.
Whichever question you select, you will write three short essays. It is up to you how you use
the words at your disposal, but the total word count should not exceed 2000 words. This is a
strict maximum word limit. Note that in-text referencing is included in the word count, but
the reference list at the end is not. All referencing should be in a Harvard style. Weightings
appear after each sub-part.
Question 1
a) Consider the article by Harrison and List (2004). The authors propose a taxonomy in
the article to categorize the different types of experiments. For each category you
should provide a detailed description of the type of experiment, explaining the
differences in terms of subject pool, information set, task, commodity, stakes and
environment where the experimental subjects operate in. For each type of experiment,
provide an example of a study (published), shortly describe the experimental design of
the article and how it fits the category you chose to represent. You should support your
discussion with examples from the Experimental Economics literature. (40%)
b) Consider the Gift Exchange Game (Fehr et al., 1993). Explain the Fair Wage-Effort
Hypothesis as defined by Akerlof and Yellen (1990). Describe how the Fair Wage-
Effort hypothesis can be tested in a lab setting by means of the Gift Exchange Game.
You should discuss the pros and the cons of running a Gift Exchange game in a lab
setting. You should support your discussion using the experimental economics
literature. (30%)
c) In their article “Putting Behavioral Economics to Work: Testing for Gift Exchange in
Labor Markets Using Field Experiments” Gneezy and List (2006) examine the fair
wage-effort hypothesis by means of a Field Experiment. Describe the Experimental
Design used in the Field Experiment. You should explain the type of experiment used
by the authors, the treatments chosen, and the tasks undertaken by the participants.
Compare the results between the “Library Task” and the “Fundraising Task”,
highlighting common points and main differences. Discuss the contribution that the
paper by Gneezy and List (2006) makes to the Experimental Economics literature on
the Fair Wage-Effort Hypothesis. You should reflect on the difference between Lab and
Field Experiments in the context of the Fair Wage-Effort Hypothesis, supporting your
discussion with evidence from the experimental economics literature. (30%)
− Akerlof, G. A., & Yellen, J. L. (1990). “The Fair Wage-Effort Hypothesis and
Unemployment,” The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 105(2), 255–283.
− Fehr, E., Kirchsteiger, G., & Riedl, A. (1993). Does Fairness Prevent Market
Clearing? An Experimental Investigation. The Quarterly Journal of Economics,
108(2), 437-459.
− Gneezy, U. & List, J. A. (2006) “Putting Behavioral Economics to Work: Testing
for Gift Exchange in Labor Markets Using Field Experiments,” Econometrica,
vol. 74(5), pages 1365-1384.
− Harrison, G. W. and List, J. A. (2004) “Field Experiments”, Journal of Economic
Literature, Vol. 42, No. 4., pp. 1009-1055.
Question 2
a) Provide a definition of Social Norms: you should concisely summarize the economic
literature on the topic trying to combine the different shades of the concept provided by
different authors (Hint: Bicchieri and Ostrom are the most prominent economists
working on the topic, but you can also refer to other authors publishing in economics).
With reference to Krupka and Weber (2013) describe how it is possible to elicit social
norms by means of a lab experiment. Describe the experimental design, the treatments,
tasks, and stakes. Critically discuss the results of the experiment(s). (40%)
b) Kahneman and Tversky (1979) criticize Expected Utility Theory as a descriptive model
of decision making under risk, and they propose Prospect Theory as an alternative
model for describing risk preferences of individual decision makers. Discuss the
Certainty Effect and the Reflection Effect. Illustrate the main characteristics of the
Value Function, explaining how the reference point is determined and how gains and
losses are evaluated under this theory. You should graphically support your explanation
of the Value Function. (30%)
c) Consider the article by Imas et al. (2016). Discuss the experimental design. You should
explain the type of experiment used by the authors, the treatments chosen, and the tasks
undertaken by the participants. Compare the results between Experiment 1 and
Experiment 2 reflecting on the underlying theoretical predictions.
− Imas, A., Sadoff, S. &, Samek, A. (2016) “Do People Anticipate Loss Aversion?”
Management Science 63(5):1271-1284.
− Kahneman, D., & Tversky, A. (1979). “Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision
under Risk.” Econometrica, 47(2), 263-291.
− Krupka, E.L. and Weber, R.A. (2013). Identifying Social Norms Using Coordination
Games: Why Does Dictator Game Sharing Vary? Journal of the European Economic
Association, 11: 495-524.
Grading Criteria:
Mark awarded The higher mark (100, 88, 78, etc.) should be awarded if criteria in any mark
band are fully or nearly fully met. The lower marks (62, 33, etc.) should be
awarded to scripts that are above the highest standard for the category below
but fail to meet all the criteria for the selected mark band. The middle marks
(45, 55, 65, 75) can also be used when marking between 40 and 80%.
100 (93) An outstanding essay, as good as can be reasonably expected, must show excellent
understanding of the topic and synthesis of material from a range of relevant
sources. Presentation and structure excellent with effective use of diagrams and
formulas (where appropriate). Reference material cited and listed appropriately.
88 (83) An excellent answer demonstrates full understanding of the topic. Good use of
material from a wide range of relevant sources. Extremely well written and structured
with effective use of diagrams and formulas (where appropriate). Reference material
cited and listed appropriately.
78 (75) (72) A very good essay that includes all the major points required to address the topic,
demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic. Good use of material from
several sources. Presentation and structure good with good use of diagrams and
formulas (where appropriate). Reference material cited and listed appropriately.
68 (65) (62) A good essay that includes most of the major points required to address the topic,
shows a good understanding of the subject area. Good use of material from several
sources. Presentation and structure generally good with good use of diagrams and
formulas (where appropriate). Reference material cited and listed appropriately.
58 (55) (52) A satisfactory essay that includes the basic information required to address the topic,
shows understanding of the topic. Material may be from a limited range of sources
or too reliant on the slides provided in the module. Insufficient thought given to
structure, some use of diagrams and formulas (where appropriate). Some errors in
citing and listing reference material.
48 (45) (42) Essay incomplete with serious omissions, some sound knowledge and evidence that
the topic has, at least partly, been understood. Material may be from a limited range
of sources or too reliant on the slides provided in the module. Poorly structured with
poor use of diagrams and images. Errors in citing and listing reference material.
38 (33) Unsatisfactory essay with major omissions and errors; lacks evidence of
understanding. Material from a limited range of sources or too reliant on the slides
provided in the module but some material relevant to the topic. Poorly structured with
poor use of diagrams and formulas. Errors in citing and listing reference material.
28 (23) Poor essay but contains some relevant points. Material from a limited range of
sources or too reliant on the slides provided in the module. Poorly structured, little
use of appropriate images or diagrams. Errors in citing and listing reference material.
18 (13) Little of value, one major or a small number of minor points which may be just
relevant. Fails to address the question.
8 (3) Virtually nothing of value, maybe one or two very minor points, phrases or words that
are barely relevant. No evidence of understanding the question.
0 Answer contains nothing relevant to the question.
Feedback to Students:
Both Summative and Formative feedback is given to encourage students to reflect on their
learning that feed forward into following assessment tasks. The preparation for all
assessment tasks will be supported by formative feedback within the tutorials/seminars.
Written feedback is provided as appropriate. Please be aware to use the browser and not
the Canvas App as you may not be able to view all comments.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand correct referencing practices. You are
expected to use appropriate references and keep carefully detailed notes of all your
information sources, including any material downloaded from the Internet. It is your
responsibility to ensure that you are not vulnerable to any alleged breaches of the
assessment regulations. More information is available at
Use of Generative AI:
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, students should assume that the use of generative AI
within an assessment or assignment is not permitted. Any assessment submitted that is not
a student’s own work, including that written by generative AI tools, are in breach of the
University’s Code of Practice on Academic Integrity
Wellbeing Extenuating Circumstances:
The process for Extenuating Circumstances is to support students who have experienced
unforeseen issues that have impacted their ability to engage with their studies and/or
complete assessments. Students should notify Wellbeing of any extenuating circumstances
as soon as possible via the online form, following the guidance provided.
Assignment Instructions
• Submit your assignment through Canvas.
• All papers mentioned in the questions are uploaded on the relevant topic pages in
Canvas. Wider reading and referencing other literature is welcome but only if
strictly relevant for the topic. This means that if you provide support to your
argument with more literature this will be evaluated positively as long as it is
relevant for the discussion.
• Please type your answer. You should produce your own equations, tables and
diagrams where relevant, either by hand (and uploaded/scanned) or digitally.
Figures copied directly from the slides or online sources will receive lower marks.
The exception is plots of data taken from published articles, which can be included
directly as long as they are appropriately referenced.
• Refer to the marking criteria for further guidance and write to me
(a.digirolamo@bham.ac.uk) if anything is unclear.

COU362 Psychological Disorders, SUSS, Singapore: Based on your understanding of Insomnia, appraise the following statements as either ‘True’, ‘False’, or ‘Depends on the context’

COU362 Psychological Disorders, SUSS, Singapore: Based on your understanding of Insomnia, appraise the following statements as either ‘True’, ‘False’, or ‘Depends on the context’

Question 2

Based on your understanding of Insomnia, appraise the following statements as either ‘True’, ‘False’, or ‘Depends on the context’. Organize your responses with relevant justifications from the literature. In-text citations are mandatory.
The statements are:

a) Insomnia is defined as difficulty falling asleep but not difficulty maintaining sleep.
b) Chronic insomnia is typically diagnosed when sleep disturbances persist for at least three nights per week for three months or longer.

Read Text A carefully and write an argumentative essay of about 600-700 words in response: TMA Essay, SUSS, Singapore

Read Text A carefully and write an argumentative essay of about 600-700 words in response: TMA Essay, SUSS, Singapore

Essay Question:

Read Text A carefully and write an argumentative essay of about 600-700 words in response to the following question.

The National Security Law China imposed was considered a violation of human rights and autonomy. On the other hand, some people believe it is beneficial to keep Hong Kong a safer place. Which view do you agree with?

Text A
The Guardian view on Hong Kong: still fighting
Hong Kong is not yet cowed. That was, unquestionably, Beijing’s aim in imposing the draconian National Security Law after a year of protests. The law has demolished the pledge to allow the region to maintain its freedoms until 2047. It has struck fear into the city. In the hours after it took effect, Demosisto, the pro-democracy party founded by young protesters including Joshua Wong, disbanded itself. Individuals deleted social media accounts.

Yet Mr Wong was among thousands who took to the streets once more for the annual 1 July protest march, defying a ban. More than 370 were arrested, including at least nine under the new law – one a 15-year-old girl waving a Hong Kong independence flag. Though the law is purportedly aimed at a small minority intent on separatism, subversion, terrorism and “collusion with foreign or overseas powers”, these are vaguely defined offences routinely used to punish dissent on the mainland. The intent of the law was made clear by the police’s own banners, which warned protesters that chanting or holding signs with calls for independence could constitute a crime.

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Draw the centre of gravity for a circular and an equilateral triangle-shaped lamina: Mechanics Report, NTU, Singapore

Procedure for Part 1 – Determine the center of gravity for a regular-shaped lamina.

a) Make three holes in the cardboard as near the edge as possible.
b) Arrange the setup as shown. In this instance, a bamboo pole is placed across two chairs.
c) Insert a paper clip or wire hook into one of the holes and suspend the lamina from the pole with a cloth peg holding the setup in place.
d) Hang the string with weight attached through the paper clip.
e) Allow the lamina and string to stabilise before drawing a line on the lamina to represent the line of the string.
f) Repeat steps c to e for the other two holes.
g) Clear mark the intersection for the regular-shaped object.

Procedure for Part 2 – Determine the center of gravity for an irregular-shaped lamina.
a) Draw an irregular-shaped profile on the same cardboard as shown and cut the profile out.

b) Make three holes in the cardboard as near the edge as possible.
c) Repeat the same steps as in the procedure for part 1.
d) Use a different colored pen when drawing the lines on the lamina for the second procedure.
e) Place the lamina on the tip of your finger and the lamina should stay in place if the procedures are properly carried out.

a) Draw the centre of gravity for a circular and an equilateral triangle-shaped lamina (4 marks).
b) Discuss the precautions that you took while conducting the experiments in order to obtain accurate results (4 marks).
c) Discuss, with illustrations, how an object’s centre of gravity affects its stability. (10 marks)

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Rely on our acclaimed Singapore Assignment Help for unparalleled academic support, backed by stellar student reviews. Explore our expertise in precise Report Writing Services in Singapore, including tasks like drawing the center of gravity for circular and equilateral triangle-shaped laminas in Mechanics Reports at NTU. Elevate your academic experience by paying our experts for tailored assistance, ensuring success in every course.

Analytics for Decision-Making Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: The Green Mark, a Building and Construction Authority of Singapore rating system

Question: The Green Mark, a Building and Construction Authority of Singapore rating system, is used to assess infrastructure assets’ environmental friendliness and acknowledge projects employing advanced sustainability strategies. The assessment process includes design and documentation reviews as well as site verifications, culminating in a point-based certification. Depending on the point scoring, projects can be awarded one out of four Green Mark Ratings (Certified – Gold – Gold Plus – Platinum). The dataset “Building_TMA.xlsx” records the building energy performance in Singapore, containing data fields such as the building address, type, green mark status and rating, size, area, energy use intensity and intensity growth. Note that green marking rating is denoted as “A” if green mark status is “No”.

(a) Identify a business problem that can be addressed through an analysis of the dataset. Provide a clear description of the pertinent data fields and how these fields can be utilized to address the business question. (Maximum of 150 words for part (a))

(b) Generate a summary of the whole dataset in tabular format. You should include the classification of each data field as nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio. Examine individual variables within the dataset and compute relevant summary measures when applicable. (Up to 200 words for part (b))

(c) Address the data issues and errors in the dataset with explanations and justifications. Illustrate the data preparation with relevant example screenshot(s). (Up to 200 words for part (c))

(d) Employ two (2) graphical charts and one (1) pivot table to present the key features of the data variables or to analyse the relationship among the variables. Please provide a screenshot of each produced chart and pivot table. In your explanation, describe the process of creating the charts and the pivot table and discuss why these visualizations are recommended. (Up to 250 words for part (d))

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Empower your academic journey with our expert team offering specialized support as your go-to assignment helper in Singapore. From navigating intricate assignments to comprehensive Dissertation Writing Services, we’ve got you covered. Specifically tailored for the Analytics for Decision-Making Assignment at SUSS, Singapore, our services extend to topics like “The Green Mark,” a Building and Construction Authority of Singapore rating system. Pay our experts and ensure success in every facet of your academic pursuits.

Discharge of a contract refers to the termination or completion of a contract: Business Law Assignment, NTU, Singapore

University Singapore University of Social Science (SUSS)
Subject Analytics for Decision-Making Assignment

Discharge of a contract refers to the termination or completion of a contract. It signifies the point at which the contractual relationship comes to an end, and the parties are relieved of their respective duties and responsibilities outlined in the contract.

The four ways a contract may be discharged are by performance, frustration, agreement, and breach. When an unforeseen occurrence occurs and neither party is at fault, frustration results. It destroys the entire foundation of the contract and results in the contractual parties doing substantially differently from what they had originally intended.

Discharge by Performance
The contract shall terminate, and the parties will be released from further contractual duties after they have fulfilled their promises in full and accurately. Issues will arise if the commitments are not fulfilled or if there is a discrepancy between the contract and performance. Generally speaking, a portion of the work completed is regarded as having no performance as well. There are, nonetheless, certain exceptions to the generalization. The first exception is a substantial performance that is only completed in part. The second is complete performance prevention, where the other party stops the party carrying out their commitments.

Discharge by frustration
When an unforeseen occurrence occurs and neither party is at fault, frustration results. It destroys the entire foundation of the contract and the results in the contractual parties doing substantially differently from what they had originally intended.

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NCO103 Listen and Be Heard: Effective Communication through Storytelling

NCO103 Listen and Be Heard: Effective Communication through Storytelling, SUSS, Singapore: Describe in brief what your chosen story is about and the medium on which it is presented.

Question 1 

Choose a story presented on any medium (e.g. film, short story, graphic novel, novel, song, TV series, podcast etc.).

a) Describe in brief what your chosen story is about and the medium on which it is presented. (15m)
b) Analyse your choice based on what you have learned in the module so far. (30m)
Please answer (1a) and (1b) in separate parts. Do NOT combine them into a single essay. Your answers for (1a) and (1b) should not exceed 600 words in total.

Question 2 

a) Apply what you have learned by writing an outline. Your answer should not exceed 100 words. (20m)

Describe how you would re-tell your chosen story. Please see below for prompts you may want to consider. A re-telling could include:

Recontextualizing (e.g. changing the American Barbie to a Singapore context; time periods, situations, places, and cultures are examples of what
can be reconceptualized)


Reconceptualizing (e.g. changing the original medium from film to short video; changing the genre from Romance to Horror; telling the story from a different point of view, introducing new characters, changing the ending; a recreating of main ideas of the original work in general)

Note that these prompts are not exhaustive. They are simply to guide you in answering the question. You can choose to retell your story
in other ways

b) Explain why you choose to do it this way. Your answer should not exceed 300 words. (35m)

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Need academic support for your NCO103 course at SUSS, Singapore? We’ve got the solution! From TMA and assignment help online to specialized assistance for Do My Assignment Singapore, we’ve got you covered. Navigate “Listen and Be Heard: Effective Communication through Storytelling” with ease as our experts guide you through individual assignments. Focus on your chosen story and its presentation medium while we handle the academic load. Elevate your academic journey with our dedicated support.

Solved ! – MGMT201: Choose A Multinational Corporation MNC Or A Small-Medium Enterprise SME From Singapore: Principles Of Management Assignment, SUSS, Singapore

Choose a Multinational Corporation MNC or a Small-Medium Enterprise SME from Singapore. You are encouraged to choose a company based on your specialization of study. Write a management report based on the details shown in the table below.

  • Introduce your chosen company. Discuss and explain the nature of its business and any other information you feel is important to understand who they are and what they do.
  •  Provide a brief appreciation of the environment surrounding this company using a PESTEL analysis.
  • Create a SWOT  analysis of your chosen company.
  • Choose ONE approach to ‘Ethics’, and briefly explain it. Then, using this chosen approach, explain how your chosen company can engage in ethical decision-making. Provide ONE example relevant to the company.
  •  Choose and briefly explain ONE approach to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Then, explain how the chosen company can use this CSR approach to manage their stakeholder/s.
  • Using the 4 key elements to a plan provide a Formal plan for your chosen company. Note: You need to relate the theories and concepts covered in class and relate these to your chosen company.
  • Select and briefly explain ONE aspect of your chosen company’s culture. Explain how your chosen company might create a strong company culture with this aspect of the company culture you have chosen.
  •  Explain how your chosen company may achieve unity of command, centralization, and span of control. Choose the most appropriate organizational structure for your chosen organization. Explain and justify your choice for this structure.

Recent Science/Math Questions

 Q1.Calculate the work done in moving a 4-C charge from B(1, 0, 0) to A(0, 2, 0) along the path y = 2 – 2x, z = 0 in the field ??? = 5??^V/m.

Q2.Darter Ltd has recently acquired a machine for an invoice price of $50 000. Various other costs relating to the acquisition and installation of the machine include transportation, electrical wiring, and preparing a platform for installation. These amounted to $7500. The machine has an estimated useful life of 10 years, with no residual value at the end of that period. One of the accounting team has suggested that the incidental costs of $7500 be charged to expense immediately for the following reasons.1. If the machine is sold, these costs cannot be recovered in the sales price.2. The inclusion of the $7500 in the machinery n the records will not necessarily result in a closer approximation of the market price of the asset over the years because of the possibility of changing demand and supply levels.3. Charging the $7500 to expense immediately will lower the depreciation expense in future years.
Q3. The time taken for cessation of bleeding was recorded for a large number of persons whose fingers had been pricked. The mean time was found to be 1.407 min. In an effort to determine whether pressure applied to the upper arm increases bleeding time, six persons had pressure equal to 20 mmHg applied to their upper arms and had their fingers pricked. For these six persons, the times taken for bleeding to stop were 1.15,1.75, 1.32, 1.28, 1.39, and 2.50min,
Question: Give a 95% confidence interval for the mean bleeding time under pressure for the six persons and draw some conclusion as to whether pressure increases bleeding time.
Q4. The average concentration of iridium in the earth’s crust is 3 x10^(-10)% by weight. The price of iridium is about $14,000/kg. Using equation (Cm˜10/G) to estimate the grade of ore from which iridium.

 Q5. The Weemow Lawn Service wants to start doing snow removal in the winter when there are no lawns to maintain. Jeff and Julie Weems, who own the service, are trying to determine how much equipment they need to purchase, based on the various job types they have. They plan to work themselves and hire some local college students on a per-job basis. Based on historical weather data, they estimate that there will be six major snowfalls next winter. Virtually all customers want their snow removed no more than 2 days after the snow stops falling. Working 10 hours per day (into the night), Jeff and Julie can remove the snow from a normal driveway in about 1 hour, and it takes about 4 hours to remove the snow from a business parking lot and sidewalk. The variable cost (mainly for labor and gas) per job is $12 for a driveway and $47 for a parking lot. Using their lawn service customer base as a guideline, they believe they will have a demand of no more than 40 homeowners and 25 businesses. They plan to charge $35 for a home driveway and $120 for a business parking lot, which is slightly less than the going rate. They want to know how many jobs of each type will maximize their profit. a. Formulate a linear programming model for this problem. b. Solve this model graphically.

Q6. Word limit: 1500 – 1700 words

It is important for community services workers to understand the purpose of social policies, why they are developed, and how they are shaped by the different theoretical perspectives and values of the decision-makers in government. It is often a theoretical or ideological viewpoint that informs social policy decision-making rather than a genuine identified social need or evidence-based research.

For this assessment, you must choose ONE social policy from the list below and the relevant social system it applies to:

      ; Religious institution, Australia’s First Nation People,  Family system

Q7. A 0.350-kg object attached to a spring of force constant 1.30 x102 N/m is free to move ona frictionless horizontal surface. If the object is released from rest at x = 0.100 m

Q8.  Describe or sketch the vertical temperature profile that would cause precipitation that began as snow to reach the ground as each of the following:

-snow, freezing rain, rain

Q9. If you have consumed 500 grams of sugar (C12H22O11) in one week, how many molecules of sugar have you consumed?
Q10. What is the fatigue strength reduction factor of a shaft under bending that has a hardened sled-runner keyway if it were to be used for about 436728 cycles?


lessons, childhood development, essay, assignment, paper

Question 211 Critical Analysis of Research Article

This assignment will revolve around the article, “Examining ableism in higher education through social dominance theory and social learning theory” (Kattari, 2015). The final critical analysis should be approximately 1000 words in length and adhere to APA referencing and citation style. Be sure to include the APA reference in your write-up.

Question 212 Reflection Paper of my lesson plan

Reflect on your lesson in the field and write and a 3 paragraph reflection(1 page),(no double space) .In your essay, evaluate what went well during your lesson and what you would like to have changed. As you reflect on your experience this week, write a narrative essay and answer the following questions: 1. Were you prepared for your lesson? Fully explain your answer. (25 pts.) 2. How can you improve your classroom management skills? What do you feel you need to work on? (20 pts.) 3. Did the children learn what you intended to teach? Explain how you know that you taught them new information. How did your assessment activity reflect students’ understanding? Did your assessment activity reflect that some students were unable to master the lesson objective? Explain. (25 pts.) Write, that everybody was getting the objective lesson. Children had a fun and were able to name all five senses after our my lesson.

Question 213 Why full day kindergarten doesn’t work

  1. The type of assignment is Summary and Analysis Essay. 2. All instruction and requirements will be attached. 3. please read and follow instruction very carefully.

Question 214 understanding the principles of learning and teaching

Note: Refer below for details of the tasks. Assignment 1 Understanding the principles of learning and teaching (30%) Students (Novice Teachers) are required to observe an experienced teacher teaching and accompanied by student’s mentor. 1. Discuss with the mentor the important features of an effective lesson. 2. Submit (a) Novice Teacher Observation Form (NTOF), and (b) a copy of the experienced teacher’s lesson plan. 3. Based on your observation of the experienced teacher’s teaching, , write in not more than 1500 words on : a) Critically explain your understanding of learning and how others learn. b) Explicate in detail the teaching methods and learning activities used by the experienced teacher that motivate the pupils in class to learn. c) Explain in-depth your understanding of the purposes of assessment d) Determine and elaborate on the main reasons why you think the lesson is effective. *Please put references as well in MLA format.

Question 215 Teaching an Effective Lesson

Assignment 2 Task 1 Teaching an Effective Lesson (35%). Please use the lesson plan and QAT observation for your reference and develope your teaching. You are required to conduct a lesson. 1. The mentor will observe your teaching to provide you with formative feedback for you to use in your reflection. 2. Submit your lesson plan together with your Mentor Observation Quality Observation Form (QAT) 3. Write in not more than 1000 words: a) Critically examine and describe how you structured the lesson to make it coherent. b) Explain clearly how the teaching methods, learning activities, and materials that you used helped to develop the pupils’ learning. c) Describe how you determined pupils’ learning through assessment. d) Evaluate your existing teaching practice. e) Identify which aspects need further development. f) Explain how you intend to change and develop these in your future practice.

Question 216 Facilitating learning through effective teaching

Note: Refer below for details of the tasks. I have 2 QAT Observation from my Mentor. This Task will talk about my improvement of teaching. First QAT I got 46D and the second QAT I got 55C.Meaning to say i have improve my teaching. 1. The mentor will observe your teaching to provide formative feedback for your reflective practice. 2. Submit your lesson plan together with your Mentor Observation Quality Observation Form (QAT) 3. Write in not more than 1000 words: a) Explain clearly how you developed your lesson and how it is linked to pupils’ previous learning. b) Provide reasons why you chose the approaches in your lesson. c) Discuss how you addressed the heterogeneous needs of your pupils in your lesson. d) Describe clearly how formative assessment was used to keep track of your pupils’ learning. e) Explain in what way/s your formative assessment was able to gauge your pupil’s learning. f) Identify and explain the strengths and limitations of your teaching and learning approaches that you think needs further improvement.

Question 217 Technology can be used

  1. Watch the videos below on how technology can be used during observations in early childhood classrooms. Practice using several techniques and post your experiences to the discussion forum. Right click and open in a new tab http://www.cde.state.co.us/sites/default/files/video/resultsmatter/UsingiPodTouchAndDragonDictation.mp4 http://www.cde.state.co.us/sites/default/files/video/resultsmatter/UsingiPodTouchAndiPhonetoRecordVideoandPhotographicDocumentation.mp4 Post your experiences using different types of technology for observation.

Question 218 Rubric for emerging reading skills in 1st grade students

Design a developmental rubric for emerging reading skills in 1st grade students. Find objectives for beginning readers to develop the characteristics for different stages of development. Use the Florida Standards for 1st grade to find the reading curriculum objectives. List five characteristics of the beginning reader for the categories of pre-reader, beginning reader and fluent reader. Organize the rubric into the three levels. Then determine what the child will be able to accomplish at each level of the rubric.

Question 219 Foundations of Structured English Immersion

Based on key legislation pertaining to English language learners (ELLs) from your state and from your readings, create a brochure, newsletter, or Glogster to be used to inform parents in your community about English immersion policies and programs. Include the following: – Historical developments that led to the policies regarding the role of English in their children’s classrooms. – Pros for the English immersion program in the community or school you have chosen. – At least two websites that enable parents to get additional information about the English immersion programs that parents would need to know about. – A description of the characteristics of a relevant English immersion program in terms of instructional strategies, time spent in the classroom with other ELL students, and time spent in regular classrooms with native speakers. You can find this information on the Arizona Department of Education website or from the Department of Education website of your state. – Definitions for any terms that parents would need to know.

Question 220 Childhood and Adolescence Personal Reflection

Write a 350-500-word personal reflection essay related to the potential strengths and difficulties associated with the childhood and adolescence specialization. Include the following in your essay: 1.Who you are as a counselor in terms of how you conceptualize problems and solutions? 2.How would this be reflected in this specialization for better or worse? Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide,

Question 221 Education Research Complete

For this assignment, develop a list of three topics of interest to you related to your degree program. Then choose one of these topics and explore available resource using at least three of the following databases. EBSCOhost EBSCOhost Education Research Complete EBSCOhost SPORTDiscus ProQuest ProQuest Education Journals Sage Journals Online Gale Academic OneFile Find three peer-reviewed scholarly research articles in your area of interest. Use key words and search limiters to focus your searches. Next, write a 2-3 page paper covering the following topics (you can use first person). Include an APA style Reference section with the three resources you found; list them according to APA formatting requirements. Describe your topic of interest and why it is important to you. What are “key words” and how do they help with searches? What key words did you use for your searches? What are “search limiters” and how do they help with searches? What search limiters did you use for your searches? What does “peer reviewed” mean? And why is it important to research? Comment on what you learned from two of the suggested NCU Library resources? Length: 2-3 pages (not including title page and references) References: Three peer-reviewed scholarly research articles from the search exercise.

Question 222 Reading Response

Please read week 11-13 reading 2 and 3 and complete the reading template. I have included an example of how I would like it completed. It is Reading response chapter 8. On one of the questions you will have to relate the reading to other reading, I will upload when you except the job. I could not upload any more on this page

Question 223 Mixed Methods Report

a 1000-word mixed methods report that includes statistics and data. analyze the quantitative and qualitative data, and write a mixed methods report, with a minimum of 5 academic sources. Of the five articles, two (2) should be about mixed methods research, and three (3) should relate to your thesis statement (e.g., using APA as a graduate student, academic integrity and graduate studies, etc.)

Question 224 Diversity in Education

Introduction: The United States has become increasingly diverse. The unique perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences of students can enrich the learning environment if those differences do not become barriers. As an educator, it is imperative that you become knowledgeable about aspects of culture and diversity, and develop competence in creating an equitable learning environment for all students. In this task you will write an essay (suggested length of 2–5 pages) in which you explain the importance of diversity consciousness for educators. Requirements: Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. Use the Turnitin Originality Report available in Taskstream as a guide for this measure of originality. You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course. A. Describe two distinct diverse groups within the U.S. student population. 1. To help an educator gain knowledge of each diversity group, cite source information to support your description in part A. 2. Describe a challenge related to the diversity background that each identified group may experience in a school setting (i.e., one challenge for each group in part A). 3. Describe an instructional strategy by which educators can support the educational achievement of students from each of the identified groups (i.e., one strategy for each group in part A). a. Cite source information that supports the instructional strategies described in part A3. B. Explain why it is important for educators to develop approaches that are responsive to the diversity background of all students. C. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

Question 225 Kolb’s Learning Style Paradigm

Pick one new learning style paradigm (one of the four David Kolb’s learning styles) and discuss the value you ascribe to it. Under what circumstances is it useful to you to see your learning preferences this way? What did you learn about your learning style in relationship to Jung’s Personality Types Inventory? Contrast it to either sensory-based modalities or Gardner’s multiple intelligences. What does it tell you about your learning that you did not know before? Journal about any other topic related to your learning styles knowledge and your adult learning experience.

Question 226 Compare and contrast one Indigenous way of knowing with one Western or Eastern learning preference paradigm

Compare and contrast one Indigenous way of knowing with one Western or Eastern learning preference paradigm. Overall, what are differences and what are similarities? Use outside sources to augment your discussion.Please create an entry of 400 words or more. also need apa references At least 3

Question 227 Kolb’s Learning Style Paradigm

Pick one new learning style paradigm (one of the four David Kolb’s learning styles) and discuss the value you ascribe to it. Under what circumstances is it useful to you to see your learning preferences this way? What did you learn about your learning style in relationship to Jung’s Personality Types Inventory? Contrast it to either sensory-based modalities or Gardner’s multiple intelligences. What does it tell you about your learning that you did not know before? Journal about any other topic related to your learning styles knowledge and your adult learning experience.

Question 228 Compare and contrast one Indigenous way of knowing with one Western or Eastern learning preference paradigm

Compare and contrast one Indigenous way of knowing with one Western or Eastern learning preference paradigm. Overall, what are differences and what are similarities? Use outside sources to augment your discussion.Please create an entry of 400 words or more. also need apa references At least 3

Question 229 eval lesson plans

Choose two lesson plans from the “SIOP Lesson Plans and Activities.” Write a 250-500 word evaluation of each lesson. Your evaluations should address the following: Do you see sufficient integration of SEI strategies? Is academic vocabulary addressed? What supports the instruction of vocabulary? Be sure to include links to the lesson plans in your evaluation for your instructor. https://lcgrad3.gcu.edu/learningPlatform/externalLinks/externalLinks.html?operation=redirectToExternalLink&externalLink=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cal.org%2Fsiop%2Flesson-plans%2Findex.html

Question 230 Education

Select either kindergarten, first grade, or second grade and locate the early learning standards and content standards for that grade level. Identify a theme that addresses phonics, phonemic awareness, language development, and technology components. Develop a lesson plan for a small group of learners based on the chosen theme that focuses on phonics and phonemic awareness. Use the format of one of the “Lesson Plan Templates” as a resource and include the following: Clear, measurable learning objectives that align to early learning standards (ELS) as well as your state’s subject standards Anticipatory set Vocabulary Guided practice Relevant materials and resources including visual or audio resources Differentiation of instruction to address the diverse needs of learners. Name the differentiation strategies used to achieve individual learning outcomes. Assessments In a 100-250 word reflection, describe how this lesson plan supports phonics and phonemic awareness. Provide specific examples. Use 1-3 scholarly resources. Collect phonics and phonemic awareness activities to be included in your Literacy Themed Backpack Benchmark Assignment due in Topic 8. APA format is not required, solid academic writing is expected. This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

Question 231 Clinic C

Spend time observing at least one content area classroom that services ELLs in a Title 1 setting. Let your mentors know that you are observing the implementation of SEI strategies. In 500-750 words, summarize and reflect upon your observations within the classroom or classrooms that you observed highlighting on the SEI strategies utilized and the accommodations the instructor made during instruction for the cultural differences of the learners. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Question 232 education

Refer back to the phonics and phonemic awareness lesson created in Topic 4. Identify an interactive technology tool that can be added to this lesson to enhance the instruction through modeling, independent practice, and small group instruction. Write 500-750 words, describing the following: Interactive technology tool, including considerations for diverse learners; Interactions to be used for teacher modeling, student independent practice, and small group work during instruction; and Benefits for instruction and for learning, with supporting evidence. Use 1-3 scholarly resources. Collect technology activities to be included in your Literacy Themed Backpack Benchmark Assignment due in Topic 8. Be sure to address the variety of technologies to which families have access. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

Question 233 Phonics and Phonemic Awareness

Due Date: Dec 06, 2017 23:59:59 Max Points: 80 Details: In 1-2 pages, create a post-assessment you would give to learners for the phonics and phonemic awareness lesson created in Topic 4. Include modifications that could be made to address differentiated learning. Write a 250-500 word description of how you will utilize the assessment results to guide lesson plan development. Provide specific examples. Use 3-5 scholarly resources. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

Question 234 Key Vocabulary Game

Create an engaging vocabulary game to be used to teach key vocabulary words to ELLs in your selected content area. Your vocabulary words should address Tier One, Tier Two, and Three Tier words from your required reading which include: Common words, which most children acquire in daily conversations in their first language; Content specific technical words, which may be commonly used or rarely used; and Words that define written text which are generally more sophisticated and precise than words used in conversation or academic vocabulary from academic texts. Your submission should include: A list of all of the Tier One, Tier Two and Tier Three key vocabulary words. A detailed description of the game rules, number of players, and how the game is played. The students’ grade level, core content area, and ELP level on your submission document. Utilize this game during your practicum experience within one of your classrooms for ELLs. – Write a 250-word summary regarding whether the game was beneficial to your students, whether there were any problems that occurred while playing the game, and any changes that you would make to the game based on your observations.

Question 235 e-portfolio

Students will explore in an individual way the thematic specialization they see emerging in their work, the specific professional skills they have acquired or developed, and the global scholarly communities they are seeking to take part in. They will present this reflection in the form of an e-portfolio which will be published and shared with peers.

Question 236 Ethnography

You are all going to do an ethnography about the same sub-culture: ADULT STUDENTS. That would be defined as students who have not gone to school for a period of over two years and who are now returning or who have already returned. We need to include work cited use leagal and safe websites do at least 2 interviews with 2 adult students and plagiarism free i will attach a score sheet of everything that should be included in this paper.

Question 237 Reflection Paper For Logic Model Project

The proposed idea/public health problem that will be addressed · Overall goal of the program · Target Population for the program · Reasoning for selecting the topic · An alternative topic of interest for your group Our proposed idea/public health program that will be addressed is Major Depression Disorder(MDD). The overall goal of the program is raising awareness, and promoting the diagnosis and thus treatment of the disease. We plan to first address the disease amongst our peers (polls, surveys etc) to then assist students in treatment via nonpharmacological routes first and provide references to qualified professionals if necessary. Our study of MDD will be centered upon college students in graduate level programs (COPPS, MBA , Master’s of Public Health etc). We decided upon this topic for several reasons including the fact that we are a part of the target population and understand the stress level and different incidents that can cause this disease. As a group, we agreed that our topic is both important and relevant for our peers. As well as the pertinent need for treatment of this disease sense it can often time go undiagnosed. An alternative topic of interest for my group is an Anxiety that would be addressed for the same target population.

Question 238 Learning Styles

Pick one learning context, such as spirituality or creativity, that you care about and discuss how it integrates with your primary sensory modality for learning. You may seek outside resources to help you: for example, the Buddhist paths to enlightenment could be seen to align with different sensory modalities. How can you use your primary sensory preference to increase your awareness and practice in this context? Be sure to cite any and all sources correctly so that your academic integrity is not called into question.

Question 239 Reflection of How People Learn

For this assignment, utilizing the topic materials and and your own research to create a brochure to be used as a resource for beginning teachers, describing how learning occurs and the different ways that students learn. Your brochure should include: Detailed descriptions of how students learn, including principles related to development and acquisition of knowledge. Strategies to teach collaboration in the classroom environment. Strategies for encouraging students to monitor their work and engage in self-reflection. A description of the type of teaching you prefer to demonstrate in the classroom environment. How your teaching practices will support the learning preferences of students based on researched learning theories. The importance for a teacher to assist diverse students’ learning. Support your brochure with a minimum of 2-3 scholarly resources.

Question 240 Project Approach Product

With a group of students, you will plan for, develop and implement *at least pieces of* a project. The project needs to be documented during each phase, and presented in a visually appealing way, either via power point, prezi, a book, etc.. Your project should explicitly identify the social studies themes that you can introduce to students, and evidence that you are promoting social studies for your students. At a minimum, each project must include the following: Phase 1- How did the project theme emerge? Will this project be done with the whole class, or individual students? How will the project me differentiated to incorporate interests, skills, etc.. of multiple students? How are you soliciting information and previous experiences from the students? How do students show an understanding of the concepts How are questions to investigate being developed with the students? What are the questions they will explore A letter you’ve created to send home to parents Phase 2- Developing What field work opportunities, expert speakers, etc.. have you planned, or would you plan, for students to investigate this topic? What other experiences could you include? Examples of resources you would provide- include at least 5 examples of resources How would you document the different stages of the project? How would each student represent their learning? Include examples, or pictures of potential examples What classroom modifications would you make to support the project? Phase 3- Conclusion What type of culminating event could best represent what the students learned, experienced, questioned, etc.. during the project? What would the event look like, who would be involved, etc… How would students be engaged in selecting materials to present at a culmination? How would the student’s learning being assessed? What would be next steps, or ideas for follow-up projects


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