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Thinking Critically 2

For this assignment, you will pick 3 questions from among the videos, and the chapter readings and answer each with a minimum of 2 paragraphs that are 3–5 sentences per paragraph.

NOTE: You will answer 3 questions total.

Read Chapter 8 of the Straubhaar et al. text. Select 2 questions from the list below to answer:

  1. What would be the most effective response by the film industry to keep it from being hurt by piracy in the way that the music industry has been?
  2. Does violence in film need to be more tightly controlled? If so, what steps would you suggest to create effective control mechanisms? Justify your answer with examples from film history and from controversial films.
  3. Do you think that the impact of special effects and other technology on films is positive? Discuss ways the new tools help and/or harm storytelling in film.
  4. In earlier years of filmmaking, the studio system controlled actors, projects to be made, and the producers and directors who made them. Today many independent filmmakers create their own works without studio support of any kind. What benefit, if any, does independent filmmaking offer to the movie consumer?

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View the Videos assigned in this Module/Week.

  1. Pastor, author and filmmaker, TD Jakes stated in his video interview that if Jesus were alive today, he would be a filmmaker. On what basis does Jakes make this claim?  Discuss whether or not you agree with this thought and why.

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  1. In recent years, more Christian films have come on the market. Some people have sung their praises and some have criticized them harshly.  In your opinion, have the Christian films out there been effective in preaching the gospel.?  If so, how, and if not, why not.


  1. One accusation leveled at Christian filmmakers and their films is that they are “preaching to the choir.” Discuss whether you believe this to be true.  If true, is there justification to “preach to the choir” with wholesome films?

Submit Thinking Critically 2 by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 4.

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Real Estate Financial projection plan Finances numbers

  1. The pro forma (or projected) financial statems are the heart of the financial section of a business plan
  2. pro forma income statement reflects the projected results of the operations for a firm for a given period of time.
  3. Nets sales consist of total sales minus  allowances for returned on goods and discounts
  4. cost of good sold includes all direct cost associated with producing or delivering
  5. operating expenses include marketing, utilities and administrative cost not directly related to producing a product or service.
  6. constatnt ratio method of forecasting which expense itmes are the same rate as sales
  7. Pro forma balance sheet is a projection of a firm assets, liabilities and owners equity at a specific point in time
  8. current assets include cash plus itmes that areadily converible to cash
  9. fixed asssets are assets used over a long time frame
  10. current liabilities include obligation that are payable with a year

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  1. long term liabilities includes nots or loads  that are repayblable beyond one year.
  2. owners equity is the equity invested in the business by owner
  3. working capital assets minus its current liabilites
  4. current ratio which equals its of liquid current assets divided by its projected current liabilities
  5. debt ratio is computed by dividing its total debts by its total assets.
  6. cash flow provide an indication of whether a firm will be able to maintian a sufficient cash blanace to get up and running successfully
  7. Operating activies include net income or loss, depreciation and changes in current assets and current liabilitiesother than cash
  8. investing activies include the purchase, sales or investment in fixed such as real estate, equipment and buildings
  9. financing activites include cash raised dring the period by borrowing money, markingpayments of loans or paying dividends.
  10. ratio analysisfirms historical or proforma fianancial statement
  11. profitability rations compareincome earned against the resources used to generate it
  12. liquidity ratio measure relationship between a compnany short term assts and its short term liabilities
  13. overall fiancial stability ratios measure the overall fianancial stability of a firm.

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Leadership behavior

Conduct research on behavior skills assessments.  Then, complete a self-evaluation using information you gained or realized through this week’s Books and Resources.  Prepare a written appraisal of your own specific skills and behaviors, and then examine how these can be beneficial to guide organizational change as a leader/coach. Determine how these findings would affect your personal relations and those of others within an organization.  Then, provide real world examples of the application to support your assessment.

Support your assessment with at least five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your assessment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current format standards.

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Get Tutored On These Homework Help Questions

Research on Nicholas Carr (the author of “IT Doesn’t Matter”) …

Do some independent research on Nicholas Carr (the author of “IT Doesn’t Matter”) and explain his current position on the ability of IT to provide competitive advantage. Do you agree or disagree with Carr’s position? Support your stance with credible research. Your response should be a 1-2 page APA paper.

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Networking Trends Paper 1

Networking Trends Paper:  In this paper, you will research and report on network design and management trends over the last three years (present year minus 2) in the areas of virtualization, security, hardware, network management tools, software defined networking, and wireless.   Choose, at least, three areas and explain the general trend and trends within two subsets of the area (i.e., security has subsets of physical, perimeter, monitoring) over the last three years.  Use at least one figure from Google Trends showing a trend discussed in your paper.  Support your information and make sure all information sources are appropriately cited.The paper must use APA 6th ed., 7th printing formatting and contain a title page, 5 to 7 pages of content,and a minimum of four peer-reviewed references Your assignment will be graded based on the rubric, which can be viewed when clicking on the assignment submission link above

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Networking Trends Paper 2

In this paper, you will research and report on network design and management trends over the last three years (present year minus 2) in the areas of virtualization, security, hardware, network management tools, software defined networking, and wireless.   Choose, at least, three areas and explain the general trend and trends within two subsets of the area (i.e., security has subsets of physical, perimeter, monitoring) over the last three years.  Use at least one figure from Google Trends showing a trend discussed in your paper.  Support your information and make sure all information sources are appropriately cited.

The paper must use APA 6th ed., 7th printing formatting and contain a title page, 5 to 7 pages of content,and a minimum of four peer-reviewed references

Your assignment will be graded based on the rubric, which can be viewed when clicking on the assignment submission link above.

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Critical Writing Assignment

Writing assignment (critical) 10-12 pt. double spaced 3-5 pages. Defend a thesis and proceed according to the following format: Thesis, Arument, Objective(S), Response (S), Conclusion.

Clifford’s evidentialist argument from module 2 and then contrast Clifford’s position with one of the non evidentialist positions encountered Module 6. Deciding which position, evidentialism or nonevidentialism, more closely aligns with your own point of view and argue for that position.

Citations and any additional sources must be properly cited using MLA format.

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Leadership Behavior

What can you bring to the table as a leader coach? Are you able to envision strategic advantages? Are you able to connect with people by drawing out their concerns and making an action plan to help them overcome their issues?  What will be your specialization?

Over the past several weeks, you built a foundation of consulting, coaching, leadership, communication, and analysis research and application. This week, you will use this information along with your individual skill strengths to create a leadership coach profile.

Prepare a coaching/consulting profile to apply in the business environment. Then, conduct research to develop a coach consultant process that is specific to your skills.  The process must be detailed and include a plan for you to communicate your findings with management as well as collaborate on an action plan.  Be sure to include a figure/flowchart to visualize this process.

Support your profile with at least five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your profile should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current format standards.

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Discussion Board Forum

Discussion boards are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student is required to provide a thread in response to the provided prompt for each forum. Each thread must be 250–300 words, demonstrate course-related knowledge, include 1 citation is current APA format, and include 1 biblical integration. In addition to the thread, the student is required to reply to two (2) other classmates’ threads. Each reply must be 175–200 words, include 1 citation in current APA format, and must reference the textbook readings.

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 DB Forum 2 Topic:  Television and the Internet

Prompt: After viewing the videos iand reading the chapters in this assignment, discuss the following:

  1. Discuss what was meant by the “Golden Age” of television.  What characteristics marked this era and how have things changed today?  Do you still consider television to have any “golden” moments todaY?
  2. The Internet has given us search engines that take us to information, entertainment content, public and private forums, DIY instructions and exploration all the world over.  In what ways do having all this information at one’s fingertips improve one’s life?  In what ways is this easy access to so many topics and sites detrimental?
  3. How do you see the future of shopping changing as a result of the Internet?  Consider everything from products from around the world to getting your groceries or your pet supplies.
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Replies: Compare/contrast your responses with the responses of your classmates.  What new ideas did your classmates present that have challenged your thinking?

Submit:  Submit your thread by Thursday and your replies to 2 other classmates’ threads by 11:59 PM (ET) on Monday. # Get Homework Help Now!

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Motivation and Performance Management

  1. Compare the difference between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Determine which is more strongly related to performance for your selected company “Wegmans Food Markets, Inc.”.
  2. Apply motivational theory and performance management principles to evaluate the company as a potential employer.
  3. Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

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what is culture

What is culture? Why is it hard to define culture? I need help with this question

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In a well-organized, two to three page essay (minimum 750 words) discuss the case of NATIONAL FEDERATION OF INDEPENDENT BUSINESS ET AL. v. SEBELIUS. Be sure to include who benefited by this decision and what negative consequences might follow.

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(Essay must be plagiarism free)

REference Showalter,J. S.(2012). The Law of Healthcare Administration.(7th ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. ISBN: 978-1-56793-421-2

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Criminology Homework

Assessment Details
This assessment allows you to develop your academic research, argumentation and writing

Choose ONE of the following questions and write a 1,500 word answer:

  1. 1)  What is the function of police/public communications? Critically explore the key aims and objectives and how they may have changed over thepast decade providing at least

    ONE example”


  2. 2)  Describe ONE historical event in the last century (UK), and apply the Peelian

    Principles to explain how the police responded to the event at the time. Was such a response justified?


The essay must include a clear introduction , main body which covers your research and arguments, and a clear conclusion . The essay must be referenced throughout using Harvard Style conventions (please consult ‘Cite Them Right’ for guidance). A separate and correctly formatted References section must be provided at the end. All the sources cited in the text (including secondary citations) must be included in the References section.




Your essay should be supported by appropriate evidence and referenced throughout.

The specific readings will depend on your essay topic. Note that the readings for the corresponding lectures will provide a useful starting point. These will be available on Blackboard.

The module key texts will also provide a good starting point for your research: Newburn, T. (2012). Criminology , 2n d ed. London: Routledge. Rowe. M.(2013) Introduction to Policing , 2n d ed. London: Sage.

Remember that academic work requires academic sources . You are expected to consult a range of sources for the assignment independently, including textbooks, journal articles and good quality websites.

As a rule of thumb roughly 10% of the word count should be used for the introduction and

another 10% for the conclusion. ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT

The University takes academic misconduct very seriously and seeks at all times to rigorously protect its academic standards. Plagiarism, collusion and other forms of cheating constitute academic misconduct, for which there is an explicit range of graduated penalties depending on the particular type of academic misconduct. The penalties that can be applied if academic misconduct is substantiated range from a reprimand to expulsion in very serious cases and for repeated instances of misconduct. Make sure to check your work before you submit!

Risk Analysis Homework

Risk Analysis Homework

Every program has risks associated with it.  This week, I want you to review your idea and provide a risk analysis.  What are the potential risks involved with this program, and what processes can be put in place to manage these risks?  One specific risk that I want you to discuss is related to cultural differences.  Please assume that your company is a multinational corporation…will this program work in all areas of the business?  If not, how can it be adapted for the other country/countries involved?

This does not need to be written as a formal research paper, but all research provided does need to be cited in APA format.  You may write in the first person because you are presenting your own ideas.  You do not need to provide an abstract, but you do need an APA formatted title page and reference page.  Your paper should be a minimum of 2 pages (approx. 700 words) not including the title and reference.

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Sociology Questions

Q1. The poor sometimes remain in severely damaged homes or temporary housing for extended periods of time True of False?
    a. true
b. false

Q2. Emergency operations plans should identify the types of emergency response actions that are most likely to be appropriate but also encourage improvisation. True or False?
    a. true
b. false

Q3. Population monitoring and assessment identifies the size of the population at risk and is important if the number of people remains constant over time. True or False?
    a. true
b. false

Q4. Improvised disaster responses are when existing organizations seem incapable of meeting the needs, they expand with new members, extend with new tasks, or new organizations emerge. True of False?
    a. true
b. false

Q5. In the Incident Management System structure there can be multiple incident commanders at every incident scene. True or False?
    a. true
b. false

Q6. Economic impact losses are difficult to measure because:
    a. Impacts of disasters are due to immigration and emigration.
b. Psychosocial impacts are usually mild and brief
c. Impacts can create conflict as one group’s attempts to solve its problems create problems for others.
d. Not all the information is recorded.

Q7. People in special facilities such as schools, hospitals, nursing homes, and jails have the same patterns of warning and evacuation from those of residents and transients. True or False?
    a. true
b. false

Q8. People’s susceptibility to death, injury, or illness from extreme levels of environmental hazards is:
    a. Social vulnerability
b. Human vulnerability
c. Structural vulnerability
d. Hazard vulnerability

Q9. Threat detection includes:
    a. Recognizing that a threat exists
b. Assessing preparedness
c. Determining the classification
d. Implementing the recovery

Q10. There are two distinct population groups, residents and transients related to departure timing. True or False?
    a. true
b. false

Q11. A step in impact zone access control and security is:
    a. Quickly obtain services of victim location specialists
b. Establish traffic control points on major perimeter routes
c. Provide security patrols outside the impact area
d. Maintain a list of available security equipment

Q12. Land-use practices are defined by the ways people use the land. True or False?
    a. true
b. false

Q13. Among the tools available to local governments for hazard mitigation are:
    a. Zoning
b. Natural disaster regulations
c. Levee piping
d. Overtopping of structures

Q14. In order to protect structures from airborne firebrands, avoid building on sites on top of a slope or near a canyon draw. True or False?
    a. true
b. false

Q15. During an emergency, specific warnings should be disseminated by expert and credible sources. True or False?
    a. true
b. false

Q16. Hazard mitigation is most effective when it takes place after disasters. True or False?
    a. true
b. false

Q17. IMS’s are the hub of the emergency information processing within the jurisdiction. True or False?
    a. true
b. false

Q18. The Urban Areas Security Initiative’s purpose is to prevent, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism. True or False?
    a. true
b. false

Q19. People threatened by disaster have multiple sources of information, but most people consider none of them to be completely credible. True or False?
    a. true
b. false

Q20. For Hazmat releases before the appropriate monitoring equipment arrives, responders should:
    a. Allow people to move across the release area
b. Prevent entry into the “hot zone.”
c. Send contaminated people to the hospital
d. Rely upon centralized medical facilities for medical treatment.

Q21. Structures can be significantly protected from wind damage by installing stronger than normal connections among the foundation, walls, rafters or roof trusses, and roof decking. True or False?
    a. true
b. false

Q22. Households who have social vulnerability often occupy the areas most likely to be hit by a disaster and also occupy the oldest, poorest maintained buildings. True of False?
    a. true
b. false

Q23. Information collected through the emergency assessment function forms the basis for the:
    a. Population protection function
b. Severity of impact
c. Immediacy function
d. Duration of impact

Q24. One of the pre-impact conditions is:
    a. Hazard exposure
b. Meteorological exposure
c. Geophysical exposure
d. Airborne exposure

Q25. Emergency classification system organizes a large number of potential incidents into a small set of categories. True or False?
    a. true
b. false

Q26. Buildings can be vulnerable to environmental hazards because of inadequate designs, inadequate construction materials. True of False?
    a. true
b. false

Q27. Historically, over 60% of disaster casualties reach hospitals in their own vehicles or those of peers or bystanders. True or False?
    a. true
b. false

Q28. An issue champion who has the expertise and legitimacy to promote emergency planning is a:
    a. Policy entrepreneur
b. Expert
c. Specialist
d. Politician

Q29. People use their own pre-existing beliefs about appropriate protective actions. True or False?
    a. true
b. false

Q30. In the Incident Management System (IMS), agencies select and train their staff to perform all the duties associated with specific standardized positions. True or False?
    a. true
b. false

Q31. Emergency assessment activities in the response phase are directed toward mitigation. True or False?
    a. true
b. false

Q32. Hazard operations actions are implemented only when the need arises and must be able to be implemented rapidly. True or False?
    a. true
b. false

Q33. Property owners can change their construction practices voluntarily because of risk communication and incentives or change involuntarily because of building code requirements. True or False?
    a. true
b. false

Q34. There is substantial variation across communities in the relative importance of different warning sources to different:
    a. Age groups
b. Genders
c. Ethnic groups
d. Education levels

Q35. SOPs should contain rules that define the conditions under which each hazard operations action should be used or avoided. True or False?
    a. true
b. false

Q36. Social impacts are primarily reduced by hazard mitigation practices and emergency preparedness practices. True of False?
    a. true
b. false

Q37. A guiding principle for natural hazard mitigation is:
    a. Preventive actions must be decided at the federal level.
b. Private sector participation is vital
c. Long-term efforts and investments in prevention measures are ineffective.
d. Mitigation is only useful for flooding

Q38. The level of compliance to protection action recommendations is contingent upon:
    a. Spontaneous evacuation
b. Receiver characteristics
c. disaster-relevant competencies
d. Federal directives

Q39. The EOC:
    a. Is a facility located in the hazard’s danger area
b. Is important because resources are often tightly concentrated in a jurisdiction
c. Includes only those who have technical knowledge
d. Is used to provide close coordination among organizations at all levels

Q40. Disaster Research Center’s studies of hundreds of emergencies showed no evidence of role abandonment. True or False?
    a. true
b. false



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