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Building Data Model |Management

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Building Data Model |Management

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Explain role of system within its respective organization

Today, many companies use MISs, but remember that information systems vary across companies. Every company must use a system that is tailored to its needs.

Using the following link, review 3-4 of the listed information management case studies: IBM Information Management Case Studies ( (Note: if the link is no longer valid, you can choose any two information management case studies you like. Just be sure to reference them correctly.) Select two information systems to refer to in this individual work. Make sure you select at least two MISs to discuss.

Write a paper in which you address the following points regarding each system:

Explain the role of the system within its respective organization.

Outline the components of the system.

Describe the application(s) of the system.

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Network Routing And Switching| Computer Science

Network Routing And Switching| Computer Science

Week 6





This assessment task requires you to demonstrate your knowledge of basic routing concepts by completing a number of exercise questions. The questions contain numerical as well as descriptive questions covering the material up to Week 6.

The questions are designed to help you to achieve the unit learning outcomes as listed in the unit profile.

You must do this assignment on your own – it is not a group assignment.

Type all your answers in the ‘Template for Your Answers’ Section of this document and upload only that template. You could do that by copying the Template section into a new Word document for uploading. Answers that are not typed into the “Template for Your Answers” section may not be marked, or may be returned to you for re-typing and re-submission – late penalties will apply.

Where instructed, you must show the steps you took to arrive at your answers. Write your answers in your own words to avoid potential plagiarism and copyright violations.

You must submit the Answer section as a Word file (.doc or .docx). Do not submit PDF’s or any other type of file without express permission from the Unit Coordinator.

Plagiarism Procedures can be found in the CQUniversity Policies section of the Unit Profile.

Assessment Requirements and Marking Criteria

There are 3 main questions with some sub-questions and the requirements are stated for each one. You must answer all questions and sub-questions. Marks are indicated in the Answer Template.

The questions will be marked on correctness, logic and clarity, and addressing all parts of the question.

The Assignment Questions begin on the next page.

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Question 1 – Address usage (3 marks)

Consider the following classless address block:

Calculate the following:

a) the network address,

b) the direct broadcast address, and

c) the range of addresses available for hosts

Show the steps you took to arrive at your answers.

Question 2– Allocating subnets from a block (8 marks)

A company has been granted a block of addresses which includes the address Answer the following questions, showing your calculations.

a) Calculate the network address of this block and how many addresses including special addresses this block can provide (1 mark)

b) Create the following 6 subnets for this company by calculating the subnet address for each subnet. Answer this question by filling in the table in the Answer template. Use CIDR format for the mask.

I. 2 subnets with 64 addresses each (2 marks)

II. 4 subnets with 32 addresses each (4 marks)

c) How many addresses are unallocated? Show calculation (1 mark)

Question 3 – Network Tools (Windows) (4 marks)

Often the best way to gain an initial familiarity with network tools is to simply use them, at a basic level in exploratory mode as suggested in some of the tutorial exercises. Netstat and Tracert are included in Windows, while Wireshark is free to download and install. Explore Wireshark, Netstat and Tracert, then complete this question.

a) A wireshark scan has produced a packet capture, saved to a file named wireshark_capture01.pcapng and available on the Unit website. Download the file and open it in Wireshark, then answer these questions about the scan:

i. View Frame 2: On which interface was this packet captured? what transport layer protocol was used? What kind of message was being transmitted at that point? (1 mark)

ii. View Frame 10: What transport layer protocol was used? Scan a few more frames down: what general activity was the user most likely engaged in? – give reasons (1 mark)

b) A ‘NETSTAT –aon’ command has given the output shown below. Focussing on line 4 (highlighted), what type of application is sending messages on this connection, and is it over a secure connection or not a secure connection? – give reasons (1 mark)

Active Connections

Proto Local Address Foreign Address State PID










c) Do a TRACERT on your computer to Paste the output to your assignment answer template and discuss the output in sufficient detail to demonstrate that you understand the information being displayed (1 mark)

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Information Systems paper help

Information Systems paper help

Technology security.

You must produce a minimum of a 6 pages paper. You must use a minimum of references.

– Assure you are citing in APA format

-You must use a minimum of one graphics (may use a table)

– Double space the paper

– You must use APA formatting (6th Edition)

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Quantitative Reasoning II Paper: Calculations and Visuals

Quantitative Reasoning II Paper: Calculations and Visuals

In this stage you will do statistical reasoning and mathematical modeling to show central tendency and two variable analyses, including regression with equation and R squared value from the data set you chose in Week 2. The purpose of this assignment is to have you practice creating visuals using your own data. This shows you how you will be working with data in your own careers.

The purpose of this assignment is to gain experience creating visuals using the data for the topic you selected in Week 2. Use statistical reasoning and mathematical modeling to show central tendency and two-variable analyses, including regression with equation and R2 value.

Watch How to Create Trendlines and Scatterplots in Excel®.

Watch® Video: Adding Trendlines to Charts.

Watch® Videos: Creating Pie Charts, Histograms, & Box-and-Whisker Plots.

Create at least three visuals.

One visual must be a scatter plot with trend line, equation, R2 value, and prediction value.
Two of the remaining required visuals can be of the following format: histogram, box and whisker plot, or pie chart.
Please note that the data set that you chose in Week 2 includes data that will not be needed to create your visuals. Quantitative reasoning requires critical thinking to decide what data is necessary.
Create a Microsoft® Word document that includes your three visuals and the following items:

Title of your project and the scenario you are addressing
Brief description of each visual (15 to 50 words)
Consider including the following for each visual when applicable:
A chart title that is appropriate for the data
A descriptive x-axis label
A descriptive y-axis label
For your xy scatter plot, make at least one prediction using the trend line equation for a date in the future. How confident are you in this prediction? State your prediction and provide justification (50 to 150 words).
If you created a box and whisker plot, describe the central tendency of the values. What does this tell you about the data and about your project?
Calculate the mean of the sample data.

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Analyze any legal considerations of the program

Analyze any legal considerations of the program

Create a 700- to 1,050-word development plan that includes the following:

Assess the legalities of training.
Determine whether the plan could offend any of the protected classes.
Evaluate whether you will use the plan as the sole weighting for promoting and determining the eligibility of employees for opportunity to move forward at work.
Conduct a cultural assessment of your terminology.
Consider the various aspects of EEOC.
Use at least two (2) properly cited outside academic sources

Cite any sources according to APA formatting guidelines.

Part I

Create a 350 to 500-word executive summary as a team outlining the reasons why a company of your choice should invest in a mentoring program.

Include the following in the summary:

Provide the needs analysis assessment and outcome for a mentoring program
Determine if the mentoring program will be formal or informal
When will the organization realize the return on the investment
analyze any legal considerations of the program
Conduct a SWOT analysis that will summarize the Benefits and Risks of a mentoring program
Determine how the program will be measured

1. Employee development is a career-long process. There is often more emphasis on preparing line employees for the next step than building good managers. Describe a manager development program with which you are familiar? What makes it successful? How is it different from other development programs in the organization?

2. What are some mentoring practices that you have seen or participated in that were particularly effective? Why? How were the mentors chosen and how durable was the mentoring relationship?

3. After watching the video, describe a situation with which you are familiar where coaching was used to guide an employee back in the right direction? Why was coaching a better choice, in the particular situation, than progressive discipline? Did it work?

(See Transcript attach its the video transcript you can read it than anser the question.)

4. Discuss a situation where a manager or HR employee successfully mediated a disagreement between employees or a divergence of opinions? Was it a formal mediation program or an ad hoc intervention?

5. “Discipline” does not sound like an employee development term but it can be if early steps are paired with well-developed action plans. Describe a situation with which you are familiar where an action plan was successfully used in a progressive discipline situation.

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Carry out a SWOT analysis that will summarize the Benefits and Risks of a mentoring program

Carry out a SWOT analysis that will summarize the Benefits and Risks of a mentoring program

Create a 700- to 1,050-word development plan that includes the following:

Assess the legalities of training.
Determine whether the plan could offend any of the protected classes.
Evaluate whether you will use the plan as the sole weighting for promoting and determining the eligibility of employees for opportunity to move forward at work.
Conduct a cultural assessment of your terminology.
Consider the various aspects of EEOC.
Use at least two (2) properly cited outside academic sources

Cite any sources according to APA formatting guidelines.

Part I

Create a 350 to 500-word executive summary as a team outlining the reasons why a company of your choice should invest in a mentoring program.

Include the following in the summary:

Provide the needs analysis assessment and outcome for a mentoring program
Determine if the mentoring program will be formal or informal
When will the organization realize the return on the investment
Evaluate any legal considerations of the program
Conduct a SWOT analysis that will summarize the Benefits and Risks of a mentoring program
Determine how the program will be measured

1. Employee development is a career-long process. There is often more emphasis on preparing line employees for the next step than building good managers. Describe a manager development program with which you are familiar? What makes it successful? How is it different from other development programs in the organization?

2. What are some mentoring practices that you have seen or participated in that were particularly effective? Why? How were the mentors chosen and how durable was the mentoring relationship?

3. After watching the video, describe a situation with which you are familiar where coaching was used to guide an employee back in the right direction? Why was coaching a better choice, in the particular situation, than progressive discipline? Did it work?

(See Transcript attach its the video transcript you can read it than anser the question.)

4. Discuss a situation where a manager or HR employee successfully mediated a disagreement between employees or a divergence of opinions? Was it a formal mediation program or an ad hoc intervention?

5. “Discipline” does not sound like an employee development term but it can be if early steps are paired with well-developed action plans. Describe a situation with which you are familiar where an action plan was successfully used in a progressive discipline situation.

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Get solutions to these / similar questions for Homework Nest Tutors

Get solutions to these / similar questions for Homework Nest Tutors

Module/Week 8 — Encountering the One Who Calls Us to Follow

  • Summarize the significance of Jesus’ 3 resurrection appearances to His disciples.
  • Explain how John 21 supports the notion of Johannine authorship of the Gospel.
  • Identify unique characteristics of John’s Gospel in relation to the Synoptic Gospels.
  • Demonstrate how John’s theology is firmly rooted in the Old Testament.
  • What are the circumstances surrounding Jesus’s three resurrection appearances to his disciples?
  • What is the primary purpose for Jesus’s commissioning of Peter?
  • How does the final chapter of John’s gospel support the notion that the apostle John wrote it?
  • Trace the story line of each of the three Synoptic Gospels and relate these to that of John’s gospel.
  • Comment on each of the fourteen explicit Old Testament quotations in John’s gospel, considering also the book’s most significant Old Testament allusions.
  • Discuss the points of contact between John’s gospel and the other Johannine writings as well as similarities and differences between John and Paul, Hebrews, or Peter.

Comparative Essay Instructions

Selection of Topic

Choose 1 of the following topics for your Comparative Essay:

  1. Age of the earth (radioisotope dating vs. alternative methods)
  2. Origin of coal(swamp forestsvs. marine deposition)
  3. Dating the rock layers seen in the Grand Canyon (old earth vs. young earth)
  4. The fossil record(evidence of: long periods of time vs. short periods of time)
  5. Mass extinctions in the fossil record(old-earth vs. young-earth)
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Content and Outline

Use the following outline when writing your paper. Each point on theoutline below must be a separate section (with the section heading, as indicated) within your paper.

  1. Introduction
  • Indicate which topic you chose from the list above.
  • Indicate the purpose of your paper (i.e., to compare old-earth and young-earth viewpoints on your chosen topic).
  1. Old-Earth Secular View
  • What is the old-earth secular viewpoint and the evidence supporting that viewpoint on your chosen topic?Are there assumptions that are part of this viewpoint?
  • Young-Earth View
  • What is the young-earth viewpoint and the evidence for that viewpoint on your chosen topic?Are there assumptions that are part of this viewpoint?
  1. Comparison of the Viewpoints
  • Comparison is articulating similarities between the 2 viewpoints. What are the similarities (if any) in time, sequence, and processes involved?
  • Be sure to provide at least 2 similarities (comparisons) between the viewpoints.
  1. Contrast of the Viewpoints
  • Contrast is articulating differences between the 2 viewpoints.What are the differences (if any) in time, sequence, and processes involved?
  • Be sure to provide at least 2 differences (contrasts) between the viewpoints.
  1. Conclusion
  • Provide a summary statement for your paper.
  • Be sure to restate your purpose.
  • Do not introduce new material in your conclusion.


Avoid using first person throughout the paper. Use of “I” or “we” should be avoided.


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This paper must be 1,000–1,500 words.Do not exceed this word limit. The title page and reference page do not count toward this word total.



You must use current APA formatting. Papers must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins. Font is to be 12-point Times New Roman. Include a cover or title page with:

  • paper title
  • your name
  • instructor’s name
  • course number, section number and course name (i.e., PHSC 210 B21, Elements of Earth Science)
  • date

There is no need to include an abstract in your paper.



Your Comparative Essay must include at least 4scholarly sources in addition the course textbook and the Bible. Of these required sources, 2 must be from an old-earth perspective and 2from a young-earth perspective. Acceptable sources include journal articles, manuscripts, scholarly textbooks, and/or internet sites from .edu or .gov sources. Avoid internet sites from .com, .net, .org, etc. as the information contained therein is not often peer reviewed. There are exceptions to this rule (e.g., the Institute for Creation Research site is a .org site, but it has been judged a reputable site by those in the young-earth community. Answers in Genesis is also acceptable.). In particular, avoid Wikipedia. Study Bibles are alsonot appropriate for this assignment.



Be sure to cite your sources in the body of your paper using current APA formatting. Examples of current APA formatting rules can be found here. Also, a presentation about current APA formatting is provided in Module/Week 6.



Plagiarism is an academic infringement and a violation of Liberty’s Honor Code. To learn more about plagiarism and how to avoid it, visit this website. All submitted essays are subject to a SafeAssign review. This will compare your paper against thousands of other submissions.  Cases of plagiarism will be dealt with according to current policies established by Liberty University Online.



Submit your work to Blackboard as a Microsoft Word document. Do not paste your paper in the submission box in Blackboard, only upload the Word document. Do not submit as .pdf file.


Submit your Comparative Essay by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 6.

Perspectives of Aging Reflection

Research three types of media, either electronic or print, that depict an older adult. You may look at television, movies, greeting cards, or newspapers as a few examples. Look for stereotypes in the media and how the older adult is portrayed.

Include an explanation of ageism and how misconceptions and misinformation play a role in it.

Evaluate the challenges of motivating employees

From the e-Activity, determine how you would adapt your leadership style to effectively manage the foreign worker force. Identify three differences you would expect and how you would lead this group in a more meaningful way.

Justify your opinion about how autocratic or democratic leadership styles are more effective for non-Western cultures.

“Rewards and Motivation” Please respond to the following:

It’s important that reward systems are aligned with the country’ s culture. Analyze how you would align the major characteristics in a reward system for a different culture, and determine how you would approach this problem.

Evaluate the challenges of motivating employees in an international setting and analyze which employee characteristics will be most important to consider and how you would overcome them.

 Explain e-business- the sarbanes oxley act

The Sarbanes Oxley Act (Sox) came about as a result of corporate scandals such as Enron and Worldcom. Critics say that it is burdensome for most medium sized business. Others say that it is working. All one has to do is pick up the Wall Street Journal on any given day and find irregularities: From Coca-Cola, to Tyson Chicken’s CEO, to most all Big Accounting Firms. What do you say?

Critically analyze the value of the marketing

What are the basic marketing functions that must be performed in the marketing channel?

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Explain how the concepts of demand and price

You have just been hired as the corporate account manager at a brand hotel. The manager asks you to evaluate the prices of corporate accounts that the hotel has to see if they need to be adjusted. How would you go about this task?

Pricing Strategies: Part II

Case Study: Pricing Almost Destroys and Then Saves a Local Restaurant

Why was Mr. Herrera reluctant to raise his prices? How did these low prices almost destroy the business?

Using this case as an example, explain how the concepts of demand, price, and profits are interrelated and why was the revenue (Yield) management important for the Mexicatessan restaurant?

In addition to revenue management, are there other pricing strategies that this restaurant can consider? If yes, discuss what those are. If no, support your idea.


Taxation research and communication

Suppose a client has come to you with a question about corporate taxation. Discuss your plan of action and communication with the client. Remember, the client does not have any technical background, and you need to communicate in terms he or she will understand.


  1. What would be your plan of action?
  2. What tax sources would you use to research the problem?
  3. How would you communicate your findings to the client?
How is the marketing of services different than the marketing of a product?

How is the marketing of services different than the marketing of a product?


Describe the marketing process and the basic elements of the marketing mix.

Describe the marketing process and the basic elements of the marketing mix.

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Human Resource Project

Create a 350 to 500-word executive summary as a team outlining the reasons why a company of your choice should invest in a mentoring program.


  • Provide the needs analysis assessment and outcome for a mentoring program
  • Determine if the mentoring program will be formal or informal
  • When will the organization realize the return on the investment
  • Evaluate any legal considerations of the program
  • Conduct a SWOT analysis that will summarize the Benefits and Risks of a mentoring program
  • Determine how the program will be measured



  1. Employee development is a career-long process.  There is often more emphasis on preparing line employees for the next step than building good managers.  Describe a manager development program with which you are familiar?  What makes it successful?  How is it different from other development programs in the organization?
  2. What are some mentoring practices that you have seen or participated in that were particularly effective?   Why?  How were the mentors chosen and how durable was the mentoring relationship?


  1. After watching the video, describe a situation with which you are familiar where coaching was used to guide an employee back in the right direction?  Why was coaching a better choice, in the particular situation, than progressive discipline?   Did it work?


  1. Discuss a situation where a manager or HR employee successfully mediated a disagreement between employees or a divergence of opinions?   Was it a formal mediation program or an ad hoc intervention?


  1. “Discipline” does not sound like an employee development term but it can be if early steps are paired with well-developed action plans.   Describe a situation with which you are familiar where an action plan was successfully used in a progressive discipline situation.
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Prepare a memo to the organisation addressing a key concern

Prepare a memo to the organisation addressing a key concern

Landscaping company wants to upgrade their outdated accounting system to QB online:

you will prepare a memo to the company addressing a major concern of yours that you wanted to be sure was covered in this process: internal controls. Discuss the various changes that must be made when transitioning from a manual accounting system to a computerized accounting system. Consider what processes might need changed or if there are any new opportunities for fraud to take place given this change.

2 Pages, APA format

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Research assignment on jobs and majors with fright future in usa

Research assignment on jobs and majors with fright future in usa


1) You are going to write a research-based paper presenting your own view point opinion on your topic. You will summarize what you have read from the 2 reading sources, paraphrase and quote facts from the readings, and add your own ideas.

2) I uploaded 2 articles sources. Have to use this 2 sources!

-Job outlook for College graduates is slowly improving
-Many with new college degree find the job market humbling

3) The topic of my research paper will be about the jobs and majors with the fright future in America

4) required criteria for this paper

* you must include a paper title and your full name at the top of your paper

*You are to write a 2 to 3-page double spaced typed paper, using a 12-point font size, with a title.

*You need to have 4 reading sources (2 textbook essays and 2 online articles): include MLA documentation within the paper, and an MLA Works Cited page.

* at least 4-6 MLA citations.




















Ethics and social responsibility

Ethics and social responsibility

Purpose of Assignment

This assignment is designed to identify how decisions impact a business. Corporations have an obligation to be ethical at all times. For this assignment; the student will identify potential ethical implications surrounding the decision, and how this may impact the decision-making process. From there, corporate social responsibility will be explained and how it can impact the outcome of decision-making for an organization.

Assignment Steps

Identify a business in your local community. This can be your current place of employment or a business with which you are familiar.

Develop a 1,050-word examination of the ethics and social responsibility practices within the organization.


Include the following in your examination:

  • Select a business decision within the organization.
  • Identify the potential ethical implications associated with this decision.
  • Determine the effect this may have on the decision making process.
  • Identify how the organization applies corporate social responsibility to the business.
  • Evaluate the influence that corporate social responsibility has on the organization.
  • Discuss the application of critical thinking to corporate social responsibility.

Format the assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment

Need a graph and references

BSBCUS403 Implement customer service

BSBCUS403 Implement customer service

Activity 4.

1. why is customer feedback important? Discuss in 150-180 words.



2. Describe how customer feedback should be shared and discussed in 180-200 words.




3. describe what should happen to feedback date adter it has been collected in 180-200words.



Activity 5.

1. place the following steps in the problem resolution process in their correct order:

A.     Analyse alternative solutions and make a choice

B.     Generate ad many alternative solutions as possible.

C.     Analyse the gap between current and desired situation and identify the reasons/ causes of the problem

D.     Implement the solution.

E.     Identify and define the problem.

F.      Monitor and evaluate the solution.

G.    Gather data which can be analysed to give reliable, relevant, valid and timely information related to the problem and possible solutions.

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2. briefly describe each of the solution generation methods in the table.





The nominal group method


The Delphi techniques


Quality circles


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Activity 6.

1. identify 10 strategies that can be used to communicate workforce information.


2. place the steps that should be observed when creating documents in their correct order:

a)     Drafting the document

b)     Drawing up and proofreading the final copy

c)     Collecting and organising all relevant information

d)     Proofreading and editing the document

e)     Planning the document

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Activity 7.

1. why is it important for organisations to aim to meet quality standards 100% of the time?




2. Go to standards Australia website and complete the following:

a)     Identify five benefits of standards




b) Are standards legally binding?




Activity 8.

Why is it important that teams are manageable size? (30-50 words)


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Activity 9.

What resources might you require in order to deliver high levels of customer service? (approx 50 words)




Summative assessment 1.

Question 1.

Choose two similar product/ services and write a short report to present to a customer.

Outline the details/ comparison for each, including :

·       Features

·       Benefits

·       Associated services

·       Advantages

·       Disadvantages and possible alternatives or variations


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Question 2.

What rights and responsibilities do consumer have? 50-100 words





Under what legislation are consumer rights protected? Give at least three examples




Question 4.

Explain what is meant by a good customer service model? 50-100 words



Question 5.

What are customer service standards? Approx. 50 words




Question 6.

What procedures and standards should be used when establishing and maintaining customer service relationships? 50-100words


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Summatrive assessment 2.

Project 2.

Choose an organisation you are familiar with and complete the following activites,

1.     Describe the organisation’s business. What does it do?

2.     Who are its customers?

3.     Create a set of customer service standards that could be used by the organisation or access the organisation’s existing customer service standard and evaluate then, making suggestions for improvement and rewriting and poor quality standards.

4.     What does the organisation  do with regards to continuous improvement processes?

5.     How does the organisation encourage its staff to deliver consistently high customer service?

6.     Hows does the organisation gather feedback from its customer? Design a feedback form or customer service survey that could be used by the organisation to gather feedback from its customer or evaluate an existing feedback document.

7.     How does the organisation handle complaints? Whar is their complaints handling policy/ procedure?

8.     How does the organisatuon communicate adjustment in service delivery to employees?

9.     What quality assurance procedures does the organisation use?

10.  Do employees work in teams? How teams structured?

11.  Do staff feel they are given the resources required to deliever excellent customer service. Explain

12.  Using the information you have gathered and knowledge gained from course content, write a 500 evaluation of the organisation’s customer service performance.

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The Debate over Climate Change goal

The Debate over Climate Change goal

identify problems issues or consequences with in a body of evidence.

analyze problems issues or consequences raised within a body of evidence

determine several possible outcomes for a single problems

select among possible outcomes for soundness for a single problem

Project does not have any attached files


Essay questions you can get a tutor!

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Thinking Critically 2

For this assignment, you will pick 3 questions from among the videos, and the chapter readings and answer each with a minimum of 2 paragraphs that are 3–5 sentences per paragraph.

NOTE: You will answer 3 questions total.

Read Chapter 8 of the Straubhaar et al. text. Select 2 questions from the list below to answer:

  1. What would be the most effective response by the film industry to keep it from being hurt by piracy in the way that the music industry has been?
  2. Does violence in film need to be more tightly controlled? If so, what steps would you suggest to create effective control mechanisms? Justify your answer with examples from film history and from controversial films.
  3. Do you think that the impact of special effects and other technology on films is positive? Discuss ways the new tools help and/or harm storytelling in film.
  4. In earlier years of filmmaking, the studio system controlled actors, projects to be made, and the producers and directors who made them. Today many independent filmmakers create their own works without studio support of any kind. What benefit, if any, does independent filmmaking offer to the movie consumer?

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View the Videos assigned in this Module/Week.

  1. Pastor, author and filmmaker, TD Jakes stated in his video interview that if Jesus were alive today, he would be a filmmaker. On what basis does Jakes make this claim?  Discuss whether or not you agree with this thought and why.

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  1. In recent years, more Christian films have come on the market. Some people have sung their praises and some have criticized them harshly.  In your opinion, have the Christian films out there been effective in preaching the gospel.?  If so, how, and if not, why not.


  1. One accusation leveled at Christian filmmakers and their films is that they are “preaching to the choir.” Discuss whether you believe this to be true.  If true, is there justification to “preach to the choir” with wholesome films?

Submit Thinking Critically 2 by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 4.

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Real Estate Financial projection plan Finances numbers

  1. The pro forma (or projected) financial statems are the heart of the financial section of a business plan
  2. pro forma income statement reflects the projected results of the operations for a firm for a given period of time.
  3. Nets sales consist of total sales minus  allowances for returned on goods and discounts
  4. cost of good sold includes all direct cost associated with producing or delivering
  5. operating expenses include marketing, utilities and administrative cost not directly related to producing a product or service.
  6. constatnt ratio method of forecasting which expense itmes are the same rate as sales
  7. Pro forma balance sheet is a projection of a firm assets, liabilities and owners equity at a specific point in time
  8. current assets include cash plus itmes that areadily converible to cash
  9. fixed asssets are assets used over a long time frame
  10. current liabilities include obligation that are payable with a year

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  1. long term liabilities includes nots or loads  that are repayblable beyond one year.
  2. owners equity is the equity invested in the business by owner
  3. working capital assets minus its current liabilites
  4. current ratio which equals its of liquid current assets divided by its projected current liabilities
  5. debt ratio is computed by dividing its total debts by its total assets.
  6. cash flow provide an indication of whether a firm will be able to maintian a sufficient cash blanace to get up and running successfully
  7. Operating activies include net income or loss, depreciation and changes in current assets and current liabilitiesother than cash
  8. investing activies include the purchase, sales or investment in fixed such as real estate, equipment and buildings
  9. financing activites include cash raised dring the period by borrowing money, markingpayments of loans or paying dividends.
  10. ratio analysisfirms historical or proforma fianancial statement
  11. profitability rations compareincome earned against the resources used to generate it
  12. liquidity ratio measure relationship between a compnany short term assts and its short term liabilities
  13. overall fiancial stability ratios measure the overall fianancial stability of a firm.

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Leadership behavior

Conduct research on behavior skills assessments.  Then, complete a self-evaluation using information you gained or realized through this week’s Books and Resources.  Prepare a written appraisal of your own specific skills and behaviors, and then examine how these can be beneficial to guide organizational change as a leader/coach. Determine how these findings would affect your personal relations and those of others within an organization.  Then, provide real world examples of the application to support your assessment.

Support your assessment with at least five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your assessment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current format standards.

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Questions where you can get tutored by our tutors!

ENG 101 essay 2

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Essay 2 Instructions and Checklist – Ethical Argument

In preparation for Essay 2 and by completing your textbook readings, you will be equipped to respond by objectively compiling information from a variety of sources to compose an essay demonstrating that you understand and practice reading, writing, and rhetoric within the context of a biblical worldview; apply methods of sound reasoning; produce well-structured essays; integrate sources accurately and effectively; write with clarity; recognize standard usage in English grammar, word choice (diction), phraseology, and sentence structure; and apply knowledge of sentence structure to basic sentence editing and revision (Syllabus MLOs: A, B, C, D, E, F, G and Module/Week 5 LOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

In Module/Week 5, you must write a 1,000–1,200-word ethical argument essay from the thesis/outline that you submitted in Module/Week 4. Please note the word count does not include citations.

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Efficient Capital Markets


  • Describe an efficient capital market for stocks.
  • Compare and contrast the weak form of market efficiency with the strong and semi-strong forms.
  • Explain the relevance of market efficiency for financial managers.
  • Distinguish how maximizing the value of the corporation differs from maximizing shareholder interests.
  • Explain how leverage can improve returns to the shareholders.
  • Describe the impact of corporate taxes on the weighted average cost of capital.
  • Distinguish between direct and indirect costs in a corporate bankruptcy.
  • Describe agency costs and the impact on bondholders.


Capital Market Efficiency

Explain in 525 words what it means to have efficient capital market, including:

  • Describe the behavioral challenges in achieving efficiency.
  • Discuss the three forms of market efficiency.
  • What are the implications to corporate finance?
  • Would you consider the real estate market an efficient capital market? Please explain why or why not. include a minimum of two references 

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Stock Valuation

Scenario: Hightower, Inc. plans to announce it will issue $2.0 million of perpetual debt and use the proceeds to repurchase common stock. The bonds will sell at par with a coupon rate of 5%. Hightower, Inc. is currently an all-equity company worth $7.5 million with 400,000 shares of common stock outstanding. After the sale of the bonds, the company will maintain the new capital structure indefinitely. The company currently generates annual pretax earnings of $1.5 million. This level of earnings is expected to remain constant in perpetuity. The tax rate is 35%.

  • Construct the company’s market value balance sheet immediately after the announcement of the debt issue.
  • 150 words. Any calculations should be done in excel

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Get Tutored On These Homework Help Questions

Research on Nicholas Carr (the author of “IT Doesn’t Matter”) …

Do some independent research on Nicholas Carr (the author of “IT Doesn’t Matter”) and explain his current position on the ability of IT to provide competitive advantage. Do you agree or disagree with Carr’s position? Support your stance with credible research. Your response should be a 1-2 page APA paper.

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Networking Trends Paper 1

Networking Trends Paper:  In this paper, you will research and report on network design and management trends over the last three years (present year minus 2) in the areas of virtualization, security, hardware, network management tools, software defined networking, and wireless.   Choose, at least, three areas and explain the general trend and trends within two subsets of the area (i.e., security has subsets of physical, perimeter, monitoring) over the last three years.  Use at least one figure from Google Trends showing a trend discussed in your paper.  Support your information and make sure all information sources are appropriately cited.The paper must use APA 6th ed., 7th printing formatting and contain a title page, 5 to 7 pages of content,and a minimum of four peer-reviewed references Your assignment will be graded based on the rubric, which can be viewed when clicking on the assignment submission link above

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Networking Trends Paper 2

In this paper, you will research and report on network design and management trends over the last three years (present year minus 2) in the areas of virtualization, security, hardware, network management tools, software defined networking, and wireless.   Choose, at least, three areas and explain the general trend and trends within two subsets of the area (i.e., security has subsets of physical, perimeter, monitoring) over the last three years.  Use at least one figure from Google Trends showing a trend discussed in your paper.  Support your information and make sure all information sources are appropriately cited.

The paper must use APA 6th ed., 7th printing formatting and contain a title page, 5 to 7 pages of content,and a minimum of four peer-reviewed references

Your assignment will be graded based on the rubric, which can be viewed when clicking on the assignment submission link above.

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Critical Writing Assignment

Writing assignment (critical) 10-12 pt. double spaced 3-5 pages. Defend a thesis and proceed according to the following format: Thesis, Arument, Objective(S), Response (S), Conclusion.

Clifford’s evidentialist argument from module 2 and then contrast Clifford’s position with one of the non evidentialist positions encountered Module 6. Deciding which position, evidentialism or nonevidentialism, more closely aligns with your own point of view and argue for that position.

Citations and any additional sources must be properly cited using MLA format.

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Leadership Behavior

What can you bring to the table as a leader coach? Are you able to envision strategic advantages? Are you able to connect with people by drawing out their concerns and making an action plan to help them overcome their issues?  What will be your specialization?

Over the past several weeks, you built a foundation of consulting, coaching, leadership, communication, and analysis research and application. This week, you will use this information along with your individual skill strengths to create a leadership coach profile.

Prepare a coaching/consulting profile to apply in the business environment. Then, conduct research to develop a coach consultant process that is specific to your skills.  The process must be detailed and include a plan for you to communicate your findings with management as well as collaborate on an action plan.  Be sure to include a figure/flowchart to visualize this process.

Support your profile with at least five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your profile should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current format standards.

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Discussion Board Forum

Discussion boards are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student is required to provide a thread in response to the provided prompt for each forum. Each thread must be 250–300 words, demonstrate course-related knowledge, include 1 citation is current APA format, and include 1 biblical integration. In addition to the thread, the student is required to reply to two (2) other classmates’ threads. Each reply must be 175–200 words, include 1 citation in current APA format, and must reference the textbook readings.

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 DB Forum 2 Topic:  Television and the Internet

Prompt: After viewing the videos iand reading the chapters in this assignment, discuss the following:

  1. Discuss what was meant by the “Golden Age” of television.  What characteristics marked this era and how have things changed today?  Do you still consider television to have any “golden” moments todaY?
  2. The Internet has given us search engines that take us to information, entertainment content, public and private forums, DIY instructions and exploration all the world over.  In what ways do having all this information at one’s fingertips improve one’s life?  In what ways is this easy access to so many topics and sites detrimental?
  3. How do you see the future of shopping changing as a result of the Internet?  Consider everything from products from around the world to getting your groceries or your pet supplies.
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Replies: Compare/contrast your responses with the responses of your classmates.  What new ideas did your classmates present that have challenged your thinking?

Submit:  Submit your thread by Thursday and your replies to 2 other classmates’ threads by 11:59 PM (ET) on Monday. # Get Homework Help Now!

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Motivation and Performance Management

  1. Compare the difference between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Determine which is more strongly related to performance for your selected company “Wegmans Food Markets, Inc.”.
  2. Apply motivational theory and performance management principles to evaluate the company as a potential employer.
  3. Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

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what is culture

What is culture? Why is it hard to define culture? I need help with this question

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In a well-organized, two to three page essay (minimum 750 words) discuss the case of NATIONAL FEDERATION OF INDEPENDENT BUSINESS ET AL. v. SEBELIUS. Be sure to include who benefited by this decision and what negative consequences might follow.

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(Essay must be plagiarism free)

REference Showalter,J. S.(2012). The Law of Healthcare Administration.(7th ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. ISBN: 978-1-56793-421-2


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