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Response paper Phil 201

Having completed the unit of philosophy of religion, you are now ready to respond to an article written by an actual atheist. This article titled “On Being an Atheist,” was written by H. J. McCloskey in 1968 for the journal Question. McCloskey is an Australian philosopher who wrote a number of atheistic works in the 1960s and 70s including the book God and Evil (Nijhoff, 1974). In this article, McCloskey is both critical of the classical arguments for God’s existence and offers the problem of evil as a reason why one should not believe in God. Please note the following parameters for this paper:


  1. Your assignment is to read McCloskey’s short article found in the Reading & Study folder in Module/Week 7 and respond to each of the questions below. Your instructor is looking for a detailed response to each question.
  2. The response paper is to be a minimum of 1,500 words (not including quotes) and must be written as a single essay and not just a list of answers to questions.
  3. The basis for your answers must primarily come from the resources provided in the lessons covering the philosophy of religion unit of the course (Evans and Manis, Craig, and the presentation) and these sources must be mentioned in your paper. You are not merely to quote these sources as an answer to the question—answer them in your own words.
  4. You may use other outside sources as well, as long as you properly document them. However, outside sources are not necessary. Each of the questions can be answered from the sources provided in the lessons.
  5. While the use of the Bible is not restricted, its use is not necessary and is discouraged unless you intend to explain the context of the passage and how that context applies to the issue at hand in accordance with the guidelines provided earlier in the course. You are not to merely quote scripture passages as answers to the questions. Remember this is a philosophical essay not a biblical or theological essay.
  6. While you may quote from sources, all quotations must be properly cited and quotes from sources will not count towards the 1,500 word count of the paper.
  7. You may be critical of McCloskey, but must remain respectful. Any disparaging comment(s) about McCloskey will result in a significant reduction in grade.
  8. Please note that this paper will be submitted through SafeAssign, which is a plagiarism detection program. The program is a database of previously submitted papers including copies of papers that have been located on the Internet. Once submitted, your paper will become part of the database as well. The program detects not only exact wording but similar wording. This means that if you plagiarize, it is very likely that it will be discovered. Plagiarism will result in a 0 for the paper and the likelihood of you being dropped from the course.
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Specifically, you must address the following questions in your paper:


  1. McCloskey refers to the arguments as “proofs” and often implies that they can’t definitively establish the case for God, so therefore they should be abandoned. What would you say about this in light of Foreman’s comments in his “Approaching the Question of God’s Existence” presentation?
  2. On the Cosmological Argument:
  3. McCloskey claims that the “mere existence of the world constitutes no reason for believing in such a being [i.e., a necessarily existing being].” Using Evans and Manis’ discussion of the non-temporal form of the argument (on pp. 69–77), explain why the cause of the universe must be necessary (and therefore uncaused).
  4. McCloskey also claims that the cosmological argument “does not entitle us to postulate an all-powerful, all-perfect, uncaused cause.” In light of Evans and Manis’ final paragraph on the cosmological argument (p. 77), how might you respond to McCloskey?
  5. On the Teleological Argument:
  6. McCloskey claims that “to get the proof going, genuine indisputable examples of design and purpose are needed.” Discuss this standard of “indisputability” which he calls a “very conclusive objection.” Is it reasonable?
  7. From your reading in Evans and Manis, can you offer an example of design that, while not necessarily “indisputable,” you believe provides strong evidence of a designer of the universe?
  8. McCloskey implies that evolution has displaced the need for a designer. Assuming evolution is true, for argument’s sake, how would you respond to McCloskey (see Evans and Manis pp. 82–83)?
  9. McCloskey claims that the presence of imperfection and evil in the world argues against “the perfection of the divine design or divine purpose in the world.” Remembering Evans’ comments about the limitations of the conclusion of the cosmological argument, how might you respond to McCloskey’s charge about the teleological argument?
  10. On the Problem of Evil:
  11. McCloskey’s main objection to theism is the presence of evil in the world and he raises it several times: “No being who was perfect could have created a world in which there was avoidable suffering or in which his creatures would (and in fact could have been created so as not to) engage in morally evil acts, acts which very often result in injury to innocent persons.” The language of this claim seems to imply that it is an example of the logical form of the problem. Given this implication and using Evans and Manis’ discussion of the logical problem (pp. 159–168, noting especially his concluding paragraphs to this section), how might you respond to McCloskey?



  1. McCloskey specifically discusses the free will argument, asking “might not God have very easily so have arranged the world and biased man to virtue that men always freely chose what is right?” From what you have already learned about free will in the course, and what Evans and Manis says about the free will theodicy, especially the section on Mackie and Plantinga’s response (pp. 163–166) and what he says about the evidential problem (pp. 168–172), how would you respond to McCloskey’s question?
  2. On Atheism as Comforting:
  3. In the final pages of McCloskey’s article, he claims that atheism is more comforting than theism. Using the argument presented by William Lane Craig in the article “The Absurdity of Life without God,” (located in Reading & Study for Module/Week 6), respond to McCloskey’s claim.


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Supplemental Assignment 2 Instructions

You will take an active part (e.g., spend half a day volunteering/helping out) in a community outreach activity (not a university or church activity unless it is an activity that reaches out to the community) of your choosing, which will familiarize you with the needs of the community. Some examples of activities include volunteering at a shelter, a camp, a recreation center, a home for girls or boys, a soup kitchen, a clothing bank, a detoxification center, a tutoring center for younger children, a vocational rehabilitation center, Habitat for Humanity, a minority community center, etc. After the completion of the activity, you will document your experience by writing a paper. The paper will be written in current APA format and will include one title page, one abstract page, two full pages of text, and one reference page.  The paper will explain in detail: (1) the experience (what was observed, how it affected you), (2) what was learned from the project (what the community’s needs are, what ethics are in place, how you can help make a difference), and (3) a discussion of two course concepts that relate to your observations.  For number three (3), cite two empirical studies from the research literature that address each one of the two course concepts discussed relating to sociocultural diversity that you observed in the outreach activity.  Make sure to cite each of these concepts in correct APA format.



Six Sigma DMAIC

Select a business ( Chick-fil-A ) where you are able to gather data, and for which you can identify processes to improve.


Develop a 3- to 4 -slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, including detailed speaker notes


Execute the define phase of the Six Sigma DMAIC project including the following:


Identify a project suitable for Six Sigma efforts based on:

Business objectives.

Customer needs and feedback. For example, if the team chooses a fast food chain, they could observe and record defects with preparation and delivery of the food, cleaning of the restaurant inside and out, including the rest rooms



Data Warehouse questions


Describe the original data warehouse designed for Indiana University Health and its limitations. Please describe the new data warehouse and the differences between each?


Type your answer here.




Q2: Identify the major differences between a traditional data warehouse and a data mart? Explain the differences between the traditional data warehousing process compared to newly designed data warehouse in less than 90 days?


Type your answer here.




Q3: While this case study supports a specific data warehouse product, please locate another case study from another data warehousing software company and explain the data warehouse that was designed in that case study?


Type your answer here.


Assessing Spirituality – The Relationship between Spirituality and Mental Health


Read the “Assessing Spirituality – The Relationship between Spirituality and Mental Health” article. (link below)

In this quantitative study, the authors attempted to investigate the possible relationship between two spirituality variables (religious coping styles and spiritual well-being) and two psychological variables (anxiety and depression). Also studied were differences between those who self-disclosed a spiritual/religious identity and those who did not. Their data analysis concluded that individuals who reported a high use of religious coping styles also reported high levels of spiritual well-being.

  • The authors felt a limitation of their study was in defining ‘spirituality.’ State how that can be an obstacle in doing religious counseling.
  • The authors state, “Spiritual well-being can clearly incorporate God into ones’ life while also incorporating self-reliance.” Is this not a seeming contradiction? Give your thoughts on this.



This is your chance to make a difference in the company (not to mention your own career). Write your proposal as a memo that the entire C-suite will review. Include at least these points, in your own words, to be persuasive: WRITE A MEMO IN 4 PAGES


  1. Identify the main functions of your proposed information system and why they are important to the business. 2. Describe what types of data your information system will hold and how data quality will be ensured.  3. Explain how the old information system handles the functions you mentioned, the problems that occur, and why your information system will handle things better.  4. Offer evidence of feasibility: Show that similar information systems have been built successfully and that they save more money than they cost.


The executives are busy, so keep your memo to 1-4 pages and avoid any extraneous content.


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Lean Techniques

Assignment Steps


Select a business you are familiar with which incorporates lean manufacturing or lean supply chains.


Evaluate how this firm uses lean strategies and how much lean techniques has improved the firm’s efficiency.


Evaluate ways the firm can go even further to make improvements using lean techniques.


Use the results you obtained from evaluating this firm to apply to your own business or a business you are interested in which currently does not use lean.


Develop a 1,050-word report in which you describe your lean evaluation project.


Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.



Research Paper on a Business

his is a five full page minimum research paper on your chosen industry – the group of companies that compete within the same set of product offerings – and company. You must include a minimum of 10 scholarly sources, use APA formatting, and write in third person.




Sample industry questions:

  1. What are the major companies within the industry?


  1. What are the industry trends?


  1. How is the product or service manufactured?


  1. Distribution….?


  1. Trends…?


  1. Outlook…?





Sample company questions:

The size of a company and the scope of its operations say a great deal about the company’s ambitions and opportunities for advancement. Try to answer the following questions:


Has the company expanded globally?


Is it expanding or downsizing?


What are its divisions and subsidiaries?


How many employees does it have?


How many clients does it serve?


How many locations does it have?


Direction and planning

Answers to questions about the company’s plans may be difficult to find outside of the company’s Web site, annual report, newspaper business pages, business magazines, or the industry’s trade publications. The following information is worth pursuing as it lets you know some of the hot issues to address or avoid:


What are the company’s current priorities?


What is its mission?


What long-term contracts has it established?


What are its prospects?


What are its problems?


Is it initiating any new products or projects?


Products or services

You shouldn’t go into a job interview without at least knowing what products or services are the bedrock of the company’s business. Find the answers to these questions:


What services or products does the company provide?


What are its areas of expertise?


How does it innovate in the industry — by maintaining cutting edge products, cutting costs, or what?


Competitive profile

How the company is positioned within its industry and how hard competitors are nipping at its heels are measures of the company’s long-term health and the relative stability of your prospective job there. Get to the bottom of these issues by asking:


Who are the company’s competitors?


What are the company’s current projects?


What setbacks has it experienced?


What are its greatest accomplishments?


Is the company in a growing industry?


Will technology dim its future?


Does it operate with updated technology?


Culture and reputation

The answers to these questions are likely to be subjective, but they say a great deal about how well you’ll be able to fit into the corporate culture:


Does the company run lean on staffing?


What’s the picture on mergers and acquisitions?


What is the company’s business philosophy?


What is its reputation?


What kind of management structure does it have?


What types of employees does it hire?


Is it family-friendly?


Is it woman-friendly?


What is the buzz on its managers?


How does it treat employees?


Has it pushed out older workers?


Company history

Assess how the company’s future may be influenced by its past. Was the company part of a hostile takeover? Has it been doing the same things the same way for years because its founder would have wanted it that way? Ask the following questions to find out:


When and where was it established?


Is it privately or publicly owned?


Is it a subsidiary or a division?


Has it changed much over time?


How quickly has it grown?


Company financials

Collecting current and accurate information about financials is a long chase, but it’s better to learn a company’s shaky financial picture before you’re hired than after you’re laid off. Dig for the following nuggets:


What are the company’s sales?


What are its earnings?


What are its assets?


How stable is its financial base?


Is its profit trend up or down?


How much of its earnings go to its employees?


How far in debt is the company?



Criminal Justice Ethics #2

Essay, 350 words.




Visit for an example of NIBRS data.


Scroll down and open either the Murder and non-negligent manslaughter report.


  1. How does the NIBRS report differ from the UCR collection of murder data?
  2. Read the data thoroughly on both pages. What did you find interesting about the data?
  3. Locate an additional source that supports the item you found interesting and discuss. For example, you may find it interesting that most murders occur between 7PM and 3AM.  You could research time as it relates to crime.


Cite your sources.

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Criminal Justice Ethics

  1. Be submitted on time for a grade
    2.  Contain at least 350 or more words
    3.  Be written using correct spelling and grammar
    4.  Include an outside reliable source in addition to the textbook.
    5.  Outside source must be cited in APA or MLA format.
    6.  Sources cannot include wikidpedia or other blog/opinion sites.  Please seek assistance from school media specialist/librarian for information on reliable and scholarly websites.
    7.  Word Count must be posted

An undercover police officer was on duty inside a bar conducting surveillance activities on crime suspects. The officer bought a beer to maintain her cover. Unbeknownst to the officer, buying the beer automatically qualified her for a contest sponsored by a beer company. The grand prize winner would win a new car worth $20,000. It was later announced that the undercover officer was the grand prize winner.

Her employer, the New York City           Police Department (NYPD), believes            the car       should be        turned over to the department because she bought the beer with department money and was on duty at the time.

The officer argues that the car should be hers because her employer did not require her to buy beer at the bar. She merely had some good luck, and the department wishes to capitalize unfairly on her good fortune. The case was sent to the city’s Board of Ethics to settle the dispute.

As a member of the Board of Ethics, how would you evaluate the competing claims of the officer and the NYPD?
Would your answer be different if the undercover officer walked into the bar and was awarded the new car for being the 10,000th customer inside the bar?  Why or why not?
Does this case represent absolute ethics or relative ethics?  Support your response with an explanation.
What do you consider the biggest ethical challenge/s for young people today?  Explain your answer.


BSBREL401 establish network


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Formative assessment


Activity 1.


  1. Identify five question you could ask another person at a networking event to begin to eatablish a relationship with them. 40-80 words




  1. Think about business relationship or friendship you currently have. How do you maintain those relationships? 40-80 words








Activity 2.


  1. Choose an industry ( eg the wedding industry, pet related business, real esate, child-related business) and make a list of the types of business organisations in that industry should network with and pursue to maximise their range of contacts. What opportunities might they have for maximising their contacts? 75-100 words
  2. How would you record, store and categories contact details people you meet at networking events? Why would you use this method? 75-100words


Activity 3.


  1. What do you consider to be the main reasons why you should network? 75-100words






  1. What do you think is the most important benefit? Why? What do you think is the least important benefit? Why?




  1. How might you communicate information regarding new networks and their benefits? 10-25words
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  1. To whom should you communicate this information? 10-25 words




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Activity 4.


Locate three professional associations in an industry you are interested in (eg accountancy, advertising). Find out what they offer to members in the way of professional development to maintain knowledge and skills. evaluate the professional development opportunities offered by each association.


Write a report on your findings and explain which association you would choose to become a member and why.










Activity 5.


  1. You have made a new network contact. You have exchanged relevant information and believe that the contact you have made will be useful for a particular client. How will you go about developing a good relationships with your new contact and how will you negotiate the appropriate level of support that can be provided for the client? If possible use an example, from your work, to describe the procedures you would follow. 100-150words


  1. Write one page code of ethnics that could be used to ensure that you maintain relationship that assist you in meeting organisational/ client requirements. The code od ethnics should be also used to maintain trust and confidence of contacts through demonstrations of high standards of business practices. Do not limit your responses to information provided in the text


The code should have two componets:


  1. An inspirational section that outlines the organisation’s aspirations—the ideals to which it hopes to live up


  1. A list of rules or principles, to which members of the organisation will be expected to adhere.




You might need to conduct your own research to complete this task,





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Activity 6.


  1. Think about a time when you were involved in a negotiation. This might have been a time when you undertook negotiation in the process of buying a house or a car. It might have been a situation in which you negotiated a pay rise. Alternately, it might have been a time when you negotiated what movie to see or what restaurant to go with friend. Describe the situation. What negotiation skills did you use? Was the outcome of the negotiation positive? Why/why not? What would you do differently next time you were involved in a negotiation? 100-150 words


  1. Negotiation is a problem-sloving process. You need to identify the problem, gather data, determine the best problem, make a decision about the problem solution and implement the solution.


Effective collaboration with others is necessary for win-win solutions. Explain what a win-win situation is and how it can be achieved. 100-150 words


Activity 7.


  1. Think about a time you were faced with a problem. How did you solve that problem? How did you/ might you have used collaborative problem-solving techniques to solve that problem? 75-100words


  1. Why is it necessary to use collaboration when negotiating problem solutions? 75-100words



Activity 8.


  1. From whom could you seek specialist advice in the development of contacts? 75-100 words


I use Homework Nest to get college homework help on Philosophy homework and basically that is how college students get Instant College Homework Help On all Subjects at    I just do it to Ace My Homework. Homewoknest offers a study pool of all tutors and resources. You will get course merit assignment help at homework nest. The tutors at Homework Nest will do your HomeworkForYou just same way AceMyHomework Scholars used to do it before the users migrated to Homework Nest. So basically I am a student of Fortune (SoF) and I am a Course Hero when I comes to my grades! Even Chegg cannot handle homework Help Like Tutors at Homework Nest do it for college students for business and finance questions.  I get My Homework Help at Homework Nest. The tutors are a Brainy Essay Helpers.  College students from USA, CANADA, UK, Australia and Singapore can Ace Their Grades through Homework Nest Today!


  1. Locate a specialist networking organisation. What do they do? What networking specialist advice do they offer? How can you become a member of or join the networking group? Do you think this organisation could provide a valuable role in helping you to develop more contacts? Why/ why not? 100-150words?


Activity 9.


What are the strategies might you utilise to communicate the goals and objectives of a particulars networking relationship to the management of the organisation for which you work? 100-150 words


Activity 10


  1. Use effective writing skills to create an email asking a potential contact for help to grow your business. 50- 75 words
  2. Write a script of a conversation that you might have with a potential contact to establish what they do and how a relationship with them might be mutually beneficial. Assume that English is not a first language for the person that you are speaking to. (100-150words)
  3. Design and develop a written presentation promoting:


  1. An organisation and its products/ service


  1. A particular product or service that this organisation offers.
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Put this into email format ready for an electronic mail out to a contact list. 250 -500words


Activity 11.


  1. When making verbal presentations you should, if possible, collect feedback from your audience in order to determine whether you presented the information clearly and whether the presentation material met the needs of the audience. What do you think are the best ways to do this? 100-150 words
  2. Design a set of questions that you might ask your audience to determine what they thought of the presentation (not the product or service being offered). 100-150words



Summative assessment 1.


Question 1.


Explain the strategies you would to establish and maintain business relationship. 200-500words



Question 2.


What networks, organisations, agencies etc could  you join to make useful contacts? Explain 100-150words


Question 3.


Describe the principles and techniques needed to negotiate positive outcomes. 150-500 words


Question 4.


Explain how you can use policies and procedures to make sure you comply with an organisation’s expectation in relation to establishing business relationships. 100-150words


Question 5


Outline methods of obtaining feedback on promotional activities. 100-150words


Summative assessment 2.


Project 1.


You have been asked to write a series of short articles for a networking magazine. There are six articles in all


The topics of the articles are:


  1. What networking is and its benefits


  1. How to establish and maintain network contacts/ relationships


  1. Networking ethically.


  1. How to negotiate and get what you want from network contacts/ relationships.


  1. How network contacts can help you solve problems


  1. Identifying your networking goals and finding ways of fulfilling them.




Each articles should be at least 500 words and have:


  • A suitable headline


  • Relevant pictures/ diagrams and charts( if applicable)


  • Real-life examples of successful and unsuccessful networking


  • Any relevant statistics


The articles should demonstrate an understanding of the learning material provide in this unit of work; however, you will need to conduct some of your own research to complete this project

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BSBWHS401 Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs to meet legislative requirement


Formative assessments


Activity 1.


  1. The impact of workplace injury is wide reaching. Discuss in 50 to 80 words.
  2. How is the integrity (validity) of information ensured? Discuss 50 to 80 words.
  3. List three sources of health and safety information in your state/ territory.



Activity 2.


  1. Why is it important that all workers have access to health and safety information? Discuss in 80 to 100 words.


  1. If a worker had made suggestion to improvement for the design, development and management of health and safety in a comoany in which they worked, how could they go about having them ratified and implemented by senior management? Discuss in 80 to 100 words.


  1. Before submitting strategies for the design , development and management of health and safety to senior management for approval, should the worker consult with the members of their team/ department to get their imput? Why/ why not? Discuss in 100 to 120 words.


Activity 3.


  1. Where might information about hazards and the outcomes of risk assessment and control result from? Discuss in 120 words and 150 words


  1. List five ways that PCBUs can provide clear explanation to work teams about identified hazards about the outcomes of risk assessment and control.


Activity 4.


  1. what types of changes in the workplace would benefit from consultation between PCBUs and workers ( or their representatives)? Discuss in 150 to 180 words.


I use Homework Nest to get college homework help on Philosophy homework and basically that is how college students get Instant College Homework Help On all Subjects at    I just do it to Ace My Homework. Homewoknest offers a study pool of all tutors and resources. You will get course merit assignment help at homework nest. The tutors at Homework Nest will do your HomeworkForYou just same way AceMyHomework Scholars used to do it before the users migrated to Homework Nest. So basically I am a student of Fortune (SoF) and I am a Course Hero when I comes to my grades! Even Chegg cannot handle homework Help Like Tutors at Homework Nest do it for college students for business and finance questions.  I get My Homework Help at Homework Nest. The tutors are a Brainy Essay Helpers.  College students from USA, CANADA, UK, Australia and Singapore can Ace Their Grades through Homework Nest Today!


  1. What are the benefits of consulting with workers about health and safety issues? Discuss in 120 to 150 words.








Activity 5.


Explain (50-80 words) the role of the HSR in each of these consultation procedures:


  1. Attendance at team meetings.


  1. Early response to work suggestions, requests, reports, and concerns put forward to management.


  1. Requirements as specified in Commonwealth and state/ territory legislation, regulations and codes of practice.



Activity 6.


  1. What strategies can PCBUs use to consult with workers on health and safety issues? Discuss in 80 to 100 words.


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  1. Health and safety issues raised through consultation should be dealth with promptly. Why is this? Discuss in 120- 150 words










Activity 7.


Create a meeting agenda template suitable for a HSC






  1. Create a meeting minute template suitable for HSC.












Activity 8.


  1. What is training needs analysis and how can it be conducted? Discuss in 100- 120 words.






  1. What tools can be used to identify the skills a worker needs? Discuss in 100- 120 words.




  1. What are the 6 steps in developing a training program?










Activity 9.


Your team is concerned that they have insufficient knowledge/ understanding of safety procedures and legislative requirement in your workplace. They also feel that the incidence od accident in your section is higher than it should be. They have asked you to submit, to senior management, a proposal for a formal health and safety training program.


1.what information would you include in the proposal and how would you encourage senior management to support this initiative? What procedures would you follow in gathering data and information to support your proposal? How likely is it that this or a similar proposal would be accepted in your workplace? Discuss in 120-150 words


  1. what critical information must be contained in a new worker induction program? Discuss in 50-80 words.
  2. Why is only providing induction training and no follow-on-training unsatisfactory? Discuss in 50- 80 words.

Activity 10.


  1. What are the benefits of evaluating training to both workers and the organisation? Discuss in 80-100 words.


  1. When evaluating health and safety training, how can you determine the appropriateness and effectiveness of the training? Discuss in 80-100 words.


  1. What should be evaluated in relation to a health and safety training program? Discuss in 150- 180 words.

Activity 11.


Your organisation had identified and increase in injuries to workers who use the new plant. You are responsible for training in the area where the injuries occur. Your rate (for the exercise) is $360 per day. A training need analysis concludes a training program will reduce the injury rate.




  • The training needs analysis will take two days. Including reporting to management


  • It will take you dfive days to develop the training program


  • You can get a good training video at a cost of $375


  • You will need to hire a TV/ video for each session, cost $120


  • Handouts will cost $12 per participant


  • Management wants you to conduct the training at a venue that cost $195 per day


  • Catering is available, $25 per participants per day


  • You will deliever the training


  • Lost production is costed at $320 per day per participant


You will train 20 workers in fice groups. Each course runs for one day. Administrative support works out at $28 per participant


Calculate the cost of training.

Activity 12.


  1. What is difference between a risk and a hazard? Discuss in 50 -80 words.




  1. Create a 1 page checklist for a managers/ supervisor to assist them with the identification of hazards.



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Activity 13.


  1. Why should organisations have comprehensive risk assessment procedures? Discuss in 50-80 words


  1. A hazard had been assessed as being unlikely, but would have major consequences. Using the risk matrix, identify the risk and what it means to the organisation




Risk assessment matrix: See attachment


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Activity 14.


  1. Give an example of each of the following types of controls of managing hazards.


  1. Elimination




  1. Substitution




  1. Engineering




  1. Administration




  1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)








Activity 15.


You are the safety supervisor at a commercial construction company. The company employs 12 administration personnel, 18 construction personnel and 60 construction subcontractors.


The worker who work on-site face a changing work site each day and are often working with people from other companies. Three months ago you were alarmed at the number of back injuries being reported and introduced new procedures that were aimed at ensuring heavy items were lifted in accordance with the legislative requirements of yours state/ territory and work requiring bending for long periods was minimised. You provided a toolbox meeting to inform the workers of the new procedures and techniques. You now need to evaluate this strategy to determine whether it has met your aim of reducing back injuries.




Information: see attachment



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Using the supplied information, develop a procedures (1 page) for system evaluation that covers:


  • Inclusion of external data in the evaluation process


  • External input into the evaluation process, eg stakeholders


  • Hoe to identified areas for improvement will be documented and actioned


  • How top management will be involved in the review process








Activity 16.


  1. Why is it important to keep health and safety records? Discuss in 50-80 words.




  1. Name three health and safety records that must be kept by every organisation.




  1. If you were the health and safety representative of a company, how would you ensure that the workers you represent are aware of the recordkeeping requirements? Discuss in 50 -80 words.








Activity 17.


  1. A workplace employs 75 workers, who work a total of 150,000 hours in a year. They have experience eight lost time injuries for the year, resulting in 65 days off.


Calculate the following:


  1. Frequency rate.


  1. Incidence rate.


  1. Average lost time/ severity rate.


Provide your workings.



I use Homework Nest to get college homework help on Philosophy homework and basically that is how college students get Instant College Homework Help On all Subjects at    I just do it to Ace My Homework. Homewoknest offers a study pool of all tutors and resources. You will get course merit assignment help at homework nest. The tutors at Homework Nest will do your HomeworkForYou just same way AceMyHomework Scholars used to do it before the users migrated to Homework Nest. So basically I am a student of Fortune (SoF) and I am a Course Hero when I comes to my grades! Even Chegg cannot handle homework Help Like Tutors at Homework Nest do it for college students for business and finance questions.  I get My Homework Help at Homework Nest. The tutors are a Brainy Essay Helpers.  College students from USA, CANADA, UK, Australia and Singapore can Ace Their Grades through Homework Nest Today!


  1. You are required to present these statistics to your next senior executive weekly committee meeting. Describe how you will present this information. Include copies of any graphs or tables that might be relevant.



Summative question 1.


Question 1.


What are the key aspects of health and safety legislation? Discuss in 220- 250 words.




Question 2.


What processes or procedures might an organisation use to identify hazards and monitor risk control procedures? Discuss in 220- 250words.


Question 3.


Why is it important to provide information to work teams on the relevant health and safety legislation, the organisation’s health and safety policies, procedures and programs, and any  identified hazards and their controls? Discuss in 80 -100 words.


Question 4.


Explain the importance of effective consulatative mechanism in managing health and safety risk and describe what they entail. Discuss in 80-100words.


Question 5.


Explain how the hierarchy of control applies in the work area. Discuss in 220-250 words.



Summative assessment 2


Project 1.


You work in a large department store and are the newly appointed health and safety representative for your work group. The organisation is wanting in its compliance with health and safety compliance.


You have just completed an investigation and have discovered the following:


  • Workers are unsure of health and safety legislation and codes of practice that relate to them


  • Works have not received training in the organization’s health and safety policies, procedures and programs for two years and people are unsure which are current and which have been superseded


  • There is no mechanism to inform workers of hazards (and their assessment) that have been identified in their work area


  • Historically there has been little encouragement or support for work teams to manage work area hazards


  • If workers raised issues they were generally ignored


  • There was little communication back to workers if consultation about health and safety issues did occur


  • A health and safety training needs analysis has not been conducted for two years


  • There are some pressing health and safety information gaps that can be addressed by training


  • Management are reluctant to approve health and safety training as they fear it will cost too much


  • The workplace hazards assessment has not been updated for the last six months


  • There are four hazards that were identified in the last hazards assessment that have not been actioned


  • There is no procedure in place to use data to identify risks, control those risk, or monitor outcomes of reported inadequacies


  • Management are unsure of what health and safety records must be kept or how to fill them out


Your task is to create a action plan (3-5 pages) for what you will do to address these problems and turn over your workplace into an example of health and safety best practice. Use the template provided as a guide.

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Resource management

The paper must be about the key to an effective resource management system.

The paper will be researching an writing on the following subtopics below.

  • Resource Planning
  • Aggregate Planning
  • Disaggregation
  • Managing Inventory Resources
  • Benefits, problems/challenges of managing resources




PSYC 341 Week 6 Essay


Essay Instructions

The essay should be in APA format and should discuss the required prompt. This assignment does not require a Title page or Abstract page, but does require a Reference page and in-text citations.

Each essay will review a different topic from the text and will also link each topic with Scripture. Each essay should have a word count of at least 500 words.

Using the Jerry Falwell Library, select two full-text, scholarly (peer-reviewed) journal articles that directly relate to the topic for each essay. The textbook may be used, but does not count toward the two required scholarly references.


Essay Topic


Examine McCrae and Costa’s 5-factor model of personality. Pick 1 of the factor’s listed (extraversion, neuroticism, openness, agreeableness, or conscientiousness) and describe 1 person in Scripture that you would consider to be high in that area and 1 person in Scripture that you would consider to be low in that area. Please use the same factor for both people and support your stance with Scripture.

Selecting Appropriate Journal Articles

If you need assistance finding scholarly journal articles, click here to learn how to navigate through the Jerry Falwell Library.

When searching Liberty University’s online library, from the Jerry Falwell Library home page, select “Advanced Search” and be sure to select the appropriate dates (within the last 7 years).  Under Show Only select the following: “Items with full text online”, “Scholarly materials, including peer-reviewed.” Under Exclude from results: select all three options. To find useful articles, narrow the search by selecting, keywords or phrases to use as your search parameters.

The articles researched must be from scholarly journals. It is preferred that the journal have the word “Journal” in the title (Journal of Marriage and Family, etc.). Ideally, each journal that you review should have a Methods section as well as Data, Results, and Conclusion sections, but these sections are not required. Please note: You may not use book reviews, magazine articles, or online articles that have not been published in scholarly journals.


I use Homework Nest to get college homework help on Philosophy homework and basically that is how college students get Instant College Homework Help On all Subjects at    I just do it to Ace My Homework. Homewoknest offers a study pool of all tutors and resources. You will get course merit assignment help at homework nest. The tutors at Homework Nest will do your HomeworkForYou just same way AceMyHomework Scholars used to do it before the users migrated to Homework Nest. So basically I am a student of Fortune (SoF) and I am a Course Hero when I comes to my grades! Even Chegg cannot handle homework Help Like Tutors at Homework Nest do it for college students for business and finance questions.  I get My Homework Help at Homework Nest. The tutors are a Brainy Essay Helpers.  College students from USA, CANADA, UK, Australia and Singapore can Ace Their Grades through Homework Nest Today!


IST7000 – Data Management – Week 2 ERD Diagram Definition 

Name:  your name


The entity relationship diagram is crucial to the creation of a successfully implemented application and database. A good understanding of how to identify the components that define the Entity Relationship Diagram is needed. Select one of the following 5 scenarios and design an entity relationship diagram with the following components:


  • Identify the entities that need to be modeled
  • Identify the attributes that each entity will include
  • Identify the relationships as required.
  • Identify the primary keys (identifier attributes)
  • Identify any business rules or assumptions that are associated with your data model


Scenario 1 – Online Ordering and Delivery Service for Sandwich Shop

Joe’s Sub Shop is starting an online ordering system that will provide local delivery within five miles of the sub shop. The customer can order a limited menu of the sandwiches the sub shop creates. The online order system will need to track the following information customer, order and product. They shop will need to know the quantity ordered, toppings and other directions for the order. The delivery driver will need to know the address and phone number of the customer.



ERD Diagram for Definition for Scenario Question 1.


An entity-relationship diagram (ERD) can be defined as a data modeling technique that is design graphically to illustrates an information system’s entities and the relationships between those entities.  The ERD is a conceptual and representational model of data used to represent the entire entity framework infrastructure.

Below is my explanation:

Entities: The entities from my scenario and my diagram are; Customers, Address, Orders, Products and Payment.


Customer: Customer name, customer_Id, phone number.

Address:  Address_Id , place, Zip code

Orders: Customer_Id, quantity order, prices, payment_Id, and Date

Products: Product_Id, product name, and product type (sandwich)

Payment: Payment_Id, payment type, and card type.


Customer has only one address, therefore, customer is having one to one relation between customer and address.

Customer places many orders, therefore, customers are having many to many relationships between customer and order.

Order has many products; therefore, order is having one to many products between order to the product

Order has one payment; therefore, payment is having one to one payment methods between order to payment.

Primary Keys:

Customer_Id, address_Id, Order_Id, Product_Id, online order_Id, and Payment_Id.

The business rules are stated below:

Joe’s Sub Shop is starting an online ordering system. Joe’s Sub shop would be providing delivery locally to the customers within the range of five miles to the sub shop with the limited menu of the sandwiches.

Any online order system will need to be tracked the customer’s information.




Here is the question.

Assignment Definition:

For this assignment, you are to utilize the data model that was designed from the Week 2 ERD Diagram Definition assignment. This data model will be further reviewed and taken from the conceptual model to logical and physical model status.

Make sure you define the following:

  1. Select a database management system (Oracle, SQL Server, MYSQL, etc.) and identify the data types and sizes for all attributes.
  2. Make sure all relationships have been addressed and corrected.
  3. Review the data model to ensure that it is in at least 3rd normal form (as defined by the normalization process).


Intermediate Accounting


The scheduling manager tells me you have some time available. We have recently been advised that management of Back-I-Up Corporation (BIUC) has received an offer from Ventura Capital partners to sell 100% of all issued an outstanding common shares. I have a meeting with management in two weeks regarding this issue, and I havent had much time to think about this engagement.


I have prepared some background informationon the company for you to review, including background information on the client (Exhibit 1), the company’s most recent internal financial statements (Exhibit11), and the proposed share purchase agreement (Exhibit 111). I have also met with BIUC management earlier this month and made some notes from that meeting (Exhibit 1V). they should all be in your inbox by now.


Can you please prepare a report that I can use for the upcoming meeting?


PSYC 341


The Essay assignments occur in Module 2, Module 4, Module 6 and Module 8. Each essay should be in APA format and should discuss the required prompt. This assignment does not require a Title page or Abstract page, but does require a Reference page and in-text citations.

Each essay will review a different topic from the text and will also link each topic with Scripture. Each essay should have a word count of at least 500 words.

Using the Jerry Falwell Library, select two full-text, scholarly (peer-reviewed) journal articles that directly relate to the topic for each essay. The textbook may be used, but does not count toward the two required scholarly references.


Essay Topics


Module 4: Identify Maslow’s 5 basic assumptions regarding motivation as well as Maslow’s Heirarchy of Needs.  Discuss each assumption and hierarchy level. Include specific examples from Scripture regarding  motivation.

Selecting Appropriate Journal Articles

If you need assistance finding scholarly journal articles, click here to learn how to navigate through the Jerry Falwell Library.

When searching Liberty University’s online library, from the Jerry Falwell Library home page, select “Advanced Search” and be sure to select the appropriate dates (within the last 7 years).  Under Show Only select the following: “Items with full text online”, “Scholarly materials, including peer-reviewed.” Under Exclude from results: select all three options. To find useful articles, narrow the search by selecting, keywords or phrases to use as your search parameters.

The articles researched must be from scholarly journals. It is preferred that the journal have the word “Journal” in the title (Journal of Marriage and Family, etc.). Ideally, each journal that you review should have a Methods section as well as Data, Results, and Conclusion sections, but these sections are not required. Please note: You may not use book reviews, magazine articles, or online articles that have not been published in scholarly journals.





Soni, B., & Soni, R. (2016). Enhancing maslow’s hierarchy of needs for effective leadership. Competition Forum, 14(2), 259-263. Retrieved from

D’Souza, J., & Gurin, M. (2017). Archetypes based on maslow’s need hierarchy.Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, 43(2), 183-188. Retrieved from


Leadership strategy


Prior to creating organizational strategies, it is important to thoroughly understand the sector in which the organization operates, along with typical strategies organizations within this sector use to achieve their long-term and short-term goals and objectives. Analyzing the sector includes examining the overall industry, identifying what determines success in that industry, what stimulates growth, and what strategies other successful organizations are implementing to achieve their goals and objectives. Based on a comprehensive sector analysis, executive leaders can begin outlining a strategic plan.






Analyze the sector your organization operates in and create a report for the organizational stakeholders. Respond to the following in your report:


  • Identify the sector that the organization belongs to.


  • Determine the main goal of that sector in terms of achievement and operational goals. (Examples: increase profits, serve more people, increase revenue, etc.) Identify some of the largest and most successful organizations within the sector.


  • Explain how your organization specifically fits within the sector in terms of size and success.


  • Determine the internal and external forces that influence the success or failure of the organizations within this sector.


Support your assignment with at least five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.


Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages


Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.


Performance, Legal, and Ethical Issues


The selected company is APPLE INC  the product/service were iPad, watches, iPhone, televisions, and computers.


1 – Introduction  (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)


Describe separately in sub-titled sections:

a  – the company,

b – the product,

c – and the elements you will be addressing in your plan, 


2 – Incorporate Executive Summary (Week 6)

After researching the components typically included in an Executive Summary, provide such elements.  Using numbers, include:

  1. Strategic Objectives (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)
  2. Products or Services (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)
  3. Resources Needed (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)
  4. Projected Outcomes (3 years) (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)


3 – Incorporate Understanding Target Markets (Week 2)


Describe separately in sub-titled sections:


a – Select a geographical area,

b – provide a customer demographic profile (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)

c – provide the quantitative demographics for the geographical area (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)

d – compute the area market potential for the selected target market (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)


4 – Incorporate Promotion and the Product Life Cycle (Week 3)


Describe separately in sub-titled sections:


Here you discuss how Promotion Strategies change in each one of the five stages – (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)


a  -Introduction,

b – Growth,

c – Maturity, ‘

d – Decline,

e – Termination)

of the PLC 


5 – Incorporate Price and Channel Strategy (Week 4)


Describe separately in sub-titled sections:


Here you provide your Distribution Plan for


a – your product/service,(Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)

b – your selected channels (be specific) – (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)

c – and the pricing (use ‘numbers’) schedules for the selected channels. – (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)


6 – Incorporate Marketing Communication and Brand Strategy (Week 5)


Describe separately in sub-titled sections:


Here you describe


a – the message you would use to start your brand and  (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)

b – to then maintain your brand, (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)

c – and describe the 6 marketing elements strategies to build and maintain your product/service brand. (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)


7 – Legal, Social and Ethical Considerations (Week 6)


Describe separately in sub-titled sections:


Here you enter:


a – legal,  (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)

b – social  (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)

c – and ethical issues related to the marketing of your product and service. (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)


8 – Develop a process to monitor and control marketing performance (Week 6)


Describe separately in sub-titled sections:


Use specific numbers or  


a – expected number ranges and  (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)

b – describe how you would monitor your marketing implementation.  (Domestic and Foreign in separate sub-headings)


9 – Conclusion


Here you conclude your plans.


Please, make sure that your paper contains 9 Titled and numbered Sections to reflect the assignment titles and numbers as they are listed above.


Cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed references.

Include all peer-reviewed references from the previous weeks’ individual assignments in your marketing plan.





1 – Positioning

2 – Targeting

3 – Product strategy

4 – Pricing strategy

5 – Promotion strategy

6 – Distribution strategy


A – Choose a product or service of your choice, and describe its tangible and intangible qualities

B – Identify and define the Key Performance Indicators you would use to monitor your promotion strategy:

B1 – for a television strategy

B2 – for a print strategy

B3 – for a web site strategy

B4 – for a social media strategy



Discussion Board Forum- PSYC 351

opic: Stages of Displacement – The Immigration Experience of Latinos- MUST BE OVER 250 words

Read the “Stages of Displacement – The Immigration Experience of Latinos” article found in the Reading & Study folder.

In this qualitative study, the authors attempted to investigate the following research question: What are the displacement stages of Latinos immigrating to the United States? Their data analysis concluded 5 distinct stages of displacement for Latino immigrants: 1. Seeking Opportunities, 2. Emotional Reactions, 3. Adjustment, 4. Rationalization, and 5. Acknowledgement.

Assignment: Write 1 theme the authors found for each stage. Although there is more than 1 theme per stage, cite only 1 per stage for this assignment. State how you as a counselor, counseling a Latino client who shares his or her immigration experience with you, would use your client’s disclosure to develop the therapeutic alliance. Connect your response to the article.



Imagine you are a manager at a major bottling company. Customers have begun to complain that the bottles of the brand of soda produced in your company contain less than the advertised sixteen (16) ounces of product. Your boss wants to solve the problem at hand and has asked you to investigate. You have your employees pull thirty (30) bottles off the line at random from all the shifts at the bottling plant. You ask your employees to measure the amount of soda there is in each bottle. Note: Use the data set provided by your instructor to complete this assignment.


Psychology 355 homework

Problem Set 2: The paired-samples t test

Research Scenario: A clinical psychologist is studying the differences in the number of Facebook® friends between identical twins raised apart. She believes that twins raised in different environments will have differences in the number of friends, which would help point to the influence of environmental factors over inherited factors on social outcomes. She divides the twins into two groups (“Twin 1” and “Twin 2”), collects the data and creates the table below.

Using this table, enter the data into a new SPSS data file and run a paired-samples t test to test the claim that the identical twins raised apart will have a different number of Facebook® friends. Create a boxplot to show the difference between the number of friends for each group.

Problem Set 2: The paired-samples t test

Research Scenario: A clinical psychologist is studying the differences in the number of Facebook® friends between identical twins raised apart. She believes that twins raised in different environments will have differences in the number of friends, which would help point to the influence of environmental factors over inherited factors on social outcomes. She divides the twins into two groups (“Twin 1” and “Twin 2”), collects the data and creates the table below.

Using this table, enter the data into a new SPSS data file and run a paired-samples t test to test the claim that the identical twins raised apart will have a different number of Facebook® friends. Create a boxplot to show the difference between the number of friends for each group.

Twin 1

















Twin 2

















  • Paste SPSS output.


  • Write an APA-style Results section based on your analysis. Include your boxplot as an APA-style figure as demonstrated in the APA writing presentation



Who can help me with homework psych 355


Problem Set 2: The paired-samples t test

Research Scenario: A clinical psychologist is studying the differences in the number of Facebook® friends between identical twins raised apart. She believes that twins raised in different environments will have differences in the number of friends, which would help point to the influence of environmental factors over inherited factors on social outcomes. She divides the twins into two groups (“Twin 1” and “Twin 2”), collects the data and creates the table below.

Using this table, enter the data into a new SPSS data file and run a paired-samples t test to test the claim that the identical twins raised apart will have a different number of Facebook® friends. Create a boxplot to show the difference between the number of friends for each group.

Problem Set 2: The paired-samples t test

Research Scenario: A clinical psychologist is studying the differences in the number of Facebook® friends between identical twins raised apart. She believes that twins raised in different environments will have differences in the number of friends, which would help point to the influence of environmental factors over inherited factors on social outcomes. She divides the twins into two groups (“Twin 1” and “Twin 2”), collects the data and creates the table below.

Using this table, enter the data into a new SPSS data file and run a paired-samples t test to test the claim that the identical twins raised apart will have a different number of Facebook® friends. Create a boxplot to show the difference between the number of friends for each group.

Twin 1

















Twin 2

















  • Paste SPSS output.


  • Write an APA-style Results section based on your analysis. Include your boxplot as an APA-style figure as demonstrated in the APA writing presentation.



Leadership Theory

Analyze the leadership theories within the organization you chose to research in Week 1. Write a paper addressing the following:

  • Explain which leadership theories are used most often in the sector in which the organization operates. Provide specific examples within the sector, including other successful organizations as well, to support your findings.
  • Determine the leadership theories used by each of the specific executive leaders. Provide specific examples for support.
  • Explain whether the executive leaders of the organization are successful in implementing these leadership theories into their leadership roles.

Support your assignment with at least five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic.

There are several theories related to leadership, and although there are similarities and overlap in many of the theories, each theory has unique characteristics distinguishing it from the others. All leadership theories can be effective given the right situation and sector. Some industry sectors have different leadership needs; therefore, leadership theories that can best be applied in one sector may differ from the most effective leadership theories in other industry sectors


BSBSUS401 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices

Project 1

Essay question- write a response to  the following quote from unlimited sustainable development solutions


Organisations today are being asked to address an increasingly complex set of environmental issues. As noted in the quote:

‘Sustainability is achieved when we understand the economic, environmental and social consequences of our actions and make deliberate choices that allow all people to lead healthy, productive and enjoyable lives.’


I use Homework Nest to get college homework help on Philosophy homework and basically that is how college students get Instant College Homework Help On all Subjects at    I just do it to Ace My Homework. Homewoknest offers a study pool of all tutors and resources. You will get course merit assignment help at homework nest. The tutors at Homework Nest will do your HomeworkForYou just same way AceMyHomework Scholars used to do it before the users migrated to Homework Nest. So basically I am a student of Fortune (SoF) and I am a Course Hero when I comes to my grades! Even Chegg cannot handle homework Help Like Tutors at Homework Nest do it for college students for business and finance questions.  I get My Homework Help at Homework Nest. The tutors are a Brainy Essay Helpers.  College students from USA, CANADA, UK, Australia and Singapore can Ace Their Grades through Homework Nest Today!


Your response should include a discussion of;

Complex environmental issues

Methods of measuring an organisation’s environmental impact

Methods of managing an organisation’s environmental impact

Methods of reducing an organisation’s environmental impact




Project 2

You are the supervisor of a group of 15 worker in a business involved in an industry of your choice (forexampke manufacturing, finance, customer service, education, health etc). You have been asked to plan and organise a number of work group activities in relations to measuring current resource use and devising strategies to improve usage.

1 identify a minimum of three appropriate work group activities and provide an pverview of what is involved in each activity.

2 develop a plan to monitor resource use and improvement for environmental performance as a result of the activities undertaken bu your work group.



BSBSUS401 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work pratices


Project 1

Essay question- write a response to  the following quote from unlimited sustainable development solutions


Organisations today are being asked to address an increasingly complex set of environmental issues. As noted in the quote:

‘Sustainability is achieved when we understand the economic, environmental and social consequences of our actions and make deliberate choices that allow all people to lead healthy, productive and enjoyable lives.’


Your response should include a discussion of;

Complex environmental issues

Methods of measuring an organisation’s environmental impact

Methods of managing an organisation’s environmental impact

Methods of reducing an organisation’s environmental impact




Project 2

You are the supervisor of a group of 15 worker in a business involved in an industry of your choice (forexampke manufacturing, finance, customer service, education, health etc). You have been asked to plan and organise a number of work group activities in relations to measuring current resource use and devising strategies to improve usage.

1 identify a minimum of three appropriate work group activities and provide an pverview of what is involved in each activity.

2 develop a plan to monitor resource use and improvement for environmental performance as a result of the activities undertaken bu your work group.

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Why I Need Revision Questions to Acemyhomework

Recently Homework Nest introduced a new and exciting project, Revision Question Segment that allows students to access questions frequently asked in class discussions and examinations. The main idea behind this project was to give students an idea on what to expect and to make exam preparation easier. Our team at Homework Nest partnered with an amazing team of examination experts and we managed to gather questions from different universities around the world ease accessibility to our students. The content has been prepared on slide share and you can access and download them for free here.

Many of you are wondering how we arrived at this decision. After our last interview with our CEO, Tony Craig on his college life, he shared some challenges he experienced. One of the issues he expressed was the lack of enough revision material due to limited access. He shared that along with other students, they would struggle to get these questions online and if they were lucky enough to have students in other institutions, they would exchange past papers and questions shared in class. Tony really wished to have easy access to this content and we sort to inquire why these revision questions were so important to him and other students. Here is what he shared with us.

1. Exposure to a Variety of Questions

Exam questions are set in different ways, depending on the intention of examiner. Tony shared that while he was studying, there were professors who wanted to assess critical thinking, decision making, problem solving and basic knowledge. Basic knowledge questions were mainly definitions and questions that are directly derived from class notes. The teacher mainly wants to assess how well you understand the basic concepts of the subject and whether you can give a few examples from these concepts. Critical thinking, decision making and problem solving questions are often in the form of case studies and analytical questions. They are often looking into how you can apply all the concepts learnt and use them to solve real life problems. Therefore, revision questions are able to expose you to different approaches to answering questions.

2. Helps The Student Understand the Examiner’s Mindset

Most examiners aim at setting exam questions with considerations to changes in the curriculum, job market and external factors such as the influences of technology in learning. In addition to this, the mindset of the examiner is to evaluate critical and analytical abilities of the student. However, it can be challenging to predict what exactly a specific examiner seeks to evaluate as some use different methods in setting different papers. Some examiners can use different terms so as to confuse the student which could mislead how they answer the question. One common example is questions relating to the terms “Compare and Contrast.” Most students confuse these two terms and end up answering the question wrongly by either giving a contrast or similarity instead of both.  Revision questions will make it easy for you to understand what exactly the examiner had in mind while they were setting the questions and what they expect of you in delivering the answers. This way you are able to approach questions more accurately without going out of topic.

3. Identify Frequently Asked Topics/Questions

Examiners often apply the method of question or topic repetition for a number of reasons. One is that the questions and topics could be a common challenge among students and they are seeking to gauge their understanding of these topics. In many instances, these questions are mandatory if the exam paper provides the option to select a few number of questions.

Secondly, these questions and topics are key concepts in the subject and they are highly applicable in the job market. The third and most important reason is that most students tend to assume these repeated questions and they do not take time to review them which is often a trap created by the examiner. For the diligent students, repeated revision questions are often considered as free marks as they have practiced them a number of times and they understand the concept making it easier for them to handle these questions even when framed differently.

4. Introduce You to Unfamiliar Territories

“We once exchanged revision question papers with students from another country who were taking the similar course. For a moment, I almost confused the content for another subject because of how these questions were set.” Tony shared this experienced that almost got him thinking that he was not studying extensively and enough. Later on, he realized that the examiner was focused on the same subject but the approach used to frame the question was quite different and with different response expectations. He also stated that he realized that the level of complexity was more advanced than what they were used to in their institution. Revision questions are able to expose you to different and unfamiliar examining approaches that could not be similar with those in your institution.

5. Improves the Quality of Your Study Notes

The chances that you will come across concepts and terms that have not been discussed in class in revision papers are very high. With a variety of revision papers, you will be able to identify what has not been taught, do research on it and build on your class notes. In addition to this, you will be able to stay ahead of your classmates when it comes to having content that some of them might not be bothered to review. Tony states that, at the end of my campus years, “I gathered all the books I used for writing my revision notes and I was surprised at how I had used up so many books in creating extra notes to supplement what was already taught.” These notes were instrumental as at times these concepts were examined and many students claimed to be clueless.



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Are you always clueless when it comes to Math Homework? Are those complex terms in your Business Management Class giving you sleepless nights? Are you wondering, how can I acemyhomework? Worry no more!!

Homework Nest has got you covered with an amazing segment for free online classes.

This new segment is specially designed to make revision easier for students. It provides simple and introductory questions in mandatory courses for College students.

We will prepare daily posts on courses that are mandatory for students in all disciplines and provide Homework Help in Math, Homework Help in Business, and you no longer have to worry about who will help me with my homework now??? This is a tool for free homework help designed to help students taking online classes, students who need in home tutoring or online private tutoring.

Most of you are wondering what next after the closure and especially when it comes to getting reliable tutors and high quality papers. has created an amazing platform with the best and most qualified tutors to assist with online tutoring in Management, homework help in Accounting and homework help online in Engineering and Technical Courses.

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Turning to a tutor for help for your academic work is often related to the fact that your grades are probably not doing so well. However, there are other reasons as to why you need to engage a tutor during your time as a student. We have heard different reasons as to why students engage a tutor in their studies and we want to create a list of those that really stood out.

  1. Get that Extra Information- Education related content is quite a wide scope for one person to claim that they know everything they need to know in a certain subject. You need to engage a tutor for extra information that could not be in your reach or for new information that you could be unaware of while you study. Tutors are dedicated to always discovering new sources of information as well as new methods to approach certain academic problems.
  2. Time Constraints- Most students are often taking up a job as they study so as to get through their studies. Sometimes your working hours could clash with the class timetable which affects the rate at which you attend classes in a given semester. Engaging a tutor becomes important at this point so that they can take you through the content that you missed in a personalized and detailed manner. The good thing about this is that it can be done at your convenience as the tutor is particularly dedicated to you.
  3. Examination Preparation. Tutors are very efficient in helping students prepare for their exams. This could be through sharing material and information that will complement your class notes. An experienced tutor possesses skills that are able to help you predict some of the questions you might encounter and they will provide you with detailed explanations on how to handle the questions.
  4. Fatigue- Students are often overwhelmed by their studies and they lack the motivation to study. By engaging a tutor, you can have a helping hand that will simplify the content for you and point out the most relevant areas you need to focus on. This will make it easier for you to study and provide you with the skills to study better through making interesting summary notes and incorporating new learning methods.
  5. One-on-One Experiences- Lecturers are limited in providing one-on-one experiences due to the many number of students they have to teach in a particular subject. Therefore, with an experienced tutor by your side, you can ask the difficult questions, have a detailed and clear explanation for concepts you did not understand during the lesson and even get to know creative ways to approach assignments.

So, the next time you consider engaging a tutor in your studies, it does not necessarily mean that you are weak student, you just might need someone to add a little more value to what you already know.

You can also check out this amazing website that has top notch tutors:






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Research Methods In Psych Help Please!

Create an experiment with the information provided below and identify the hypothesis, the independent and dependent variables (IV and DV), possible confounding variables and the experimental and control groups and your manner of assignment of subjects to groups. Your format should look like this:
• Hypothesis:
• Independent Variable:
• Dependent Variable:
• Confounding Variables:
• Experimental Group(s)
• Control Group(s)
• Manner of assignment of subjects to groups:

Workers at a local bicycle manufacturing plant have been found to have a high rate of turnover and a lower than expected rate of productivity. As an I/O psychologist, you are hired to investigate and solve the problem. Based upon observations and interviews that you have conducted, you believe that current training procedures may be contributing to the problem. Design an experiment that will examine the effects of training on the rate of turnover and productivity. HINT: Training procedures can vary by type, amount of time and location. With respect to location, there is what is called Vestibule Training, which is training that takes place in a simulated work environment, that is, a work environment (location) that is separate from the actual work environment, where assembly and production take place. Vestibule training is used by companies to prevent a loss of productivity. Vestibule training is a method of teaching workers about their job. It is a room(s) separate from the actual work site. It approximates real working conditions and is equipped with actual production machinery and an instructor, where workers can learn about their job in a safe environment. Also, errors that may occur in this alternate location (vestibule) will not impact on the company’s productivity. It has all the equipment and operating procedures of the actual work area. It is simply a training site. So, as previously mentioned, your assignment is to create an experiment to solve the aforementioned problem and you will need to identify your hypothesis, independent and dependent variables, possible confounding variables, experimental and control groups and how you will place subjects into groups.

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Users of after its shut down do not have to worry at all. The alternative to AceMyHomework is, yes, . just works like and students are encouraged to cross the bridge from to Homeworknest is an improved version of AceMyHomework although the owners are not same. HomeworkNest is now accepting students from From AceMyHomework to   Share this widely. Tutors from AceMyHomework have now secured places at

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Accounting and Finance Week 6 – Assignment

Before you write your review, do the following:

  1. Get a demo of two accounting software packages. For for-profit businesses, one must be either QuickBooks or AccountEdge (specifically designed for Mac computers but also used on Windows machines). For non-profits it must be MIP Fund Accounting by Abila. The other software can be your choice.
  2. Interview a CFO, business owner, or Non-Profit executive in a business as similar to your business profile as possible. Your goal is to find out what accounting software they chose and what they like or don’t like about it. (They don’t have to be local. You can use the Internet to find someone to talk to who will give you their honest opinion.) If it is different than one you looked at, get a demo and include this software in your review.



*MIP Fund Accounting (Non-profits)

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Write a 300 word max review that compares and contrasts two or more software packages in terms of cost, what reports they generate automatically, support and training they provide, additional services, customer reviews, and input from an outside source.

Decide what accounting software you would choose and why. Be sure to include your personal experiences with each package and the input from your outside source.

Breaking News: What next after shutdown,

Users of after its shut down do not have to worry at all. The alternative to AceMyHomework is, yes, . just works like and students are encouraged to cross the bridge from to Homeworknest is an improved version of AceMyHomework although the owners are not same. HomeworkNest is now accepting students from From AceMyHomework to   Share this widely. Tutors from AceMyHomework have now secured places at

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Accounting and Finance Week 6


  1. Review the Virginia winery financials.

What do you notice about the winery costs for each area growing the grapes, manufacturing the wines, the gift shop/retail, and services – space rental for events? What are potential problem areas that could have increased their costs over the years? What you advise the owners about covering these increases and why? (250 words max)

Be prepared to discuss why you would or would not loan them the money or approve the line of credit they mention in the plan. Be specific.

  1. Assignment for your business profile. Make a list of what you need including staffing and other resources as well as the costs to launch your business or for a new project (describe the project in some detail). What is the total amount? Can you self-fund it or will you have to get help?
  2. Put your monthly expenses in the spreadsheet sheet provided for you. Based on income and expenses, are you going to have cash flow problems? If yes, when? Briefly describe where and what are you going to do about it?

Breaking News: What next after shutdown,

Users of after its shut down do not have to worry at all. The alternative to AceMyHomework is, yes, . just works like and students are encouraged to cross the bridge from to Homeworknest is an improved version of AceMyHomework although the owners are not same. HomeworkNest is now accepting students from From AceMyHomework to   Share this widely. Tutors from AceMyHomework have now secured places at

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The United Way

The United Way is the organization that I chose.

Here is the assignment

Part Three of your Management Analysis Paper should also adhere to APA Guidelines and the following specifications: Times New Roman, 12-point font and double-spaced. Part Three of the

Here is what the content in paper should reflect. ( The organization of choice is the United Way).


The topic/question you will address for Part Three of the Management Analysis Paper is as follows: Examine the various personnel practices and policies of the organization (e.g. the strategic planning, training, diversity management, recruitment, performance management, job analysis compensation, benefits, etc.,). Are their policies and practices up-to-date, relevant to the organization, and enforced consistently and fairly? Should any policy be changed? Improved upon or be eliminated? Why? How?

Management Analysis Paper is required to be 3-4 pages. (3 pages is fine)


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 Management Analysis Paper – Grading Rubric Criteria Novice Basic Proficient Exceptional Points
0-18 19-21 22-23 24-25
The paper is scholarly in nature; well organized and coherent with clear introduction, solid discussion on management topic, concise analysis and meaningful conclusion. /5=
Paper includes an extensive analysis that examine the various personnel practices and policies of the organization as it relates to employee productivity, strategic planning, training, diversity management, recruitment, performance management, job analysis compensation, and benefits of the selected organization. Solid recommendations are made on appropriate management practices. /5=
Thorough identification and discussion of the Saint Leo University core value and address CSHSE standards relevant to final topic. /5=
The paper is appropriate, delineated, with solid analysis relevant to the management topic; academic resources utilized and current information is presented. /5=
Correct grammar, punctuation, sentence structure is evident. /5=
References are appropriately cited using APA Style with accompanying Reference page at the end of the paper. /5=
SCORE = Total Points/ 30



Thought Questions For Religion Class (RLGN1100)

You are required to submit a written response of at least 300 words each to one of the thought questions posed for each module. The words taboo and shaman come from indigenous religions. What do they refer to? Can you cite examples of these in your own religious tradition or other traditions you are familiar with?


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Users of after its shut down do not have to worry at all. The alternative to AceMyHomework is, yes, . just works like and students are encouraged to cross the bridge from to Homeworknest is an improved version of AceMyHomework although the owners are not same. HomeworkNest is now accepting students from From AceMyHomework to   Share this widely. Tutors from AceMyHomework have now secured places at


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Cultural Identifiers: Challenges and Responses

Complete the “Cultural Identifiers – Challenges and Responses” document. Use complete sentences and be specific in your description of the potential challenges and appropriate responses for each example.  Consider how you would handle the circumstance as a future teacher so that you would offer the best learning experience for all students.

For each of the eleven examples, select from the following list of cultural identifiers: ability, age, ethnicity, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status (class), body image (“lookism”), educational background, academic/social achievement, family of origin, family make up, geographic/regional background, language, learning style, beliefs (political, social, religious), or globalism/internationalism.

Breaking News: What next after shutdown,

Users of after its shut down do not have to worry at all. The alternative to AceMyHomework is, yes, . just works like and students are encouraged to cross the bridge from to Homeworknest is an improved version of AceMyHomework although the owners are not same. HomeworkNest is now accepting students from From AceMyHomework to   Share this widely. Tutors from AceMyHomework have now secured places at


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Servant Leadership in Diverse Contexts

While servant leadership is often associated with Christianity and the Bible, one could argue it is compatible with most religions and philosophies and that it transcends cultures. This assignment presents you with an opportunity to explore other cultures, philosophies, and religions and asks you to think critically about how servant leadership practices are apparent in other religious and cultural values.

Select one cultural context and one religious viewpoint (other than Christianity, its denominations, or something already discussed in the textbook) and examine how the principles of servant leadership are evident in that culture and religion. In a 1,250-1,500-word essay, identify similarities and differences between servant leadership’s philosophies and the values evident in the selected cultural context and religious viewpoint. Be sure to provide specific examples of practices and/or values in your discussion.

You are required to locate two articles that examine servant leadership from a different cultural perspective and two articles that examine servant leadership from a different religious perspective. Be sure to select academic articles from reputable sources that are 10-20 pages in length. Include information from the articles in your discussion.


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Breaking News: What next after shutdown,

Users of after its shut down do not have to worry at all. The alternative to AceMyHomework is, yes, . just works like and students are encouraged to cross the bridge from to Homeworknest is an improved version of AceMyHomework although the owners are not same. HomeworkNest is now accepting students from From AceMyHomework to   Share this widely. Tutors from AceMyHomework have now secured places at


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Internal Governance Week 6

  1. Identify, read, and briefly review 6 readings,podcasts, or videos of your choice on creating a great customer experience. They must relate to internal governance (processes, policies and procedures), one for each specific business system (Sales, Marketing, Operations, Administration, Finance, Books andRecordkeeping). Explain what you learned.

Suggested podcasts: from 2 Guys on Your Head, Think, Hidden Brain, TED Radio Hour  and from KUT radio Two Guys on Your Head

  1. Write ONE policy for ONE specific business system (see list above) with procedures based on what you learnedabout customer experience that would be appropriate for your business idea. Use the following format:
    1. Process Name
    2. Purpose
    3. Revision History — This will say “No revisions”
    4. Persons Affected
    5. Definitions
    6. Responsibilities
    7. Procedures List
    8. Include your remedies for people not following the process and how you will train staff, monitor compliance, revise and make changes, and how you will know to remove any part of it.,


(The first 7 steps are based on the recommended format in Stephen Page’s book, Best Practices in Policies and Procedures, available in the Grafton Library)

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Breaking News: What next after shutdown,

Users of after its shut down do not have to worry at all. The alternative to AceMyHomework is, yes, . just works like and students are encouraged to cross the bridge from to Homeworknest is an improved version of AceMyHomework although the owners are not same. HomeworkNest is now accepting students from From AceMyHomework to   Share this widely. Tutors from AceMyHomework have now secured places at



file 1

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part A:Resource: The Exercise Files in the “Identifying Project Risks” video

Identify a project that is in the works (or has been completed) for one of your own organizations (or one that can be researched).

Develop a qualitative 3×3 risk matrix and a risk-response plan for the risks identified.

Identify 4 to 6 risks.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper, using a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources.


part B: Data analysis is about using information and knowledge to make decisions. Although it can be presumed that the data is objective, it is possible to skew results due to heuristic errors and biases.

Identify three biases that can influence the outcome of an analysis.

Explain what they are and how they arise.

Provide suggestions on how each bias can be minimized or overcome.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper, using a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources.


file 2

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Identify three reasons that a project can fail.

Prepare a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper that explores each of the reasons.

Propose a solution that will eliminate the problem and turn the initiative into a success.

Use a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources.


file 3


Create a 12- to 15-slide visual presentation that you would deliver to your manager on the advantages of EBMgt and how you would use it to support a recommended change.

Explore ways that you can use evidence-based management principles and processes as a change manager.

Specify the value of EBMgt in change management.

Use a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources.

Use speaker notes to expound on your discussion just as you would in a real presentation.

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file 1


You are a project manager and believe that your initiative would be more successful if you had a change manager on your team.

Develop an argument to your manager on the importance of change management.

Describe the role of a change manager and how it will benefit the project.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper using a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


file 2

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As a leader in your organization, you have the opportunity to make a presentation to the Board of Directors to explain what it would take to create an ‘agile’ organization; an organization that can readily adopt changes.

Develop a 15- to 20-slide visual presentation (not counting the title or reference page in that count) that identifies specifically what the organization would look like.

Incorporate internal and external factors, as well as specific examples of the structure required.

Use speaker notes to expound on your discussion just as you would in a real presentation.

Use a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources.


Social work: Leading health care

7101NRS Trimester 2 2018

Assessment item 2


Written Assignment: Self Development Plan

1500 words

Weighting: 30%

Due Date: 17th September, 2018 1700 hours


The aim of this task is to enable students to build on current strengths and plan for improvement in leading and transforming care through development of self. This assignment requires students to construct a self-development plan for leadership skills that will support them to transform care, which is an essential skill in health care leaders.

This assignment addresses Course Learning Outcome 2.

  • Analyse your personal leadership style and preferences and identify potential for development and growth.

Task Description:

In Assessment 1 you identified the important principles of good leadership that can impact on consumers and the healthcare environment in your discipline area. In Assessment 2 you will consider your leadership style in relation to these principles and identify your strengths and areas for improvement (using the SOAR framework presented in Module 2) and create a self-development plan. For this task students are required to write a structured essay, following the steps outlined below:

  1. Undertake a self-assessment using the SOAR framework outlined in the Griffith University Career Planning page (
  2. Briefly present a short (no more than 200 words) biography of yourself, and your self-assessment and leadership style based on this self-assessment.
  3. Create a self-development plan according to your assessment that is focused on transformative leadership skills that you would need to possess to be able to support care transformation in your discipline area. Your plan should include specific strategies and action planning to achieve those skills relevant to you, and your discipline area. The results you aim to achieve should be achievable and measurable.

7101NRS Trimester 2 2018

Assessment item 2


  1. Where you are using strategies that are discussed in the literature, support these with evidence

as appropriate.

  1. Submit via the Turnitin submission point in the relevant Assessment folder.

Other elements:

— Always refer to the Griffith University: Health Writing and Reference guide

— You will need to complete the electronic cover sheet for the final submission point to be


— Please use headings to organise your work and you may wish to use tables to support your


— Write in the first person.

— Refer to the marking guidelines when writing your assignment. This will assist you in

calculating the weightings of the sections for your assignment.

— State your word count (excluding your reference list) on the Assignment title page.

— Word limits for assessment items need to be strictly adhered to. The word limit for an

assessment item includes in text citations, tables and quotations. The word limit DOES NOT

include the reference list. Please note the marker will cease marking your submitted work once

they have reached the allocated word limit.

— This paper should be supported by sources from the scholarly literature1 (digitised readings,

research articles, relevant Government reports and text books) that has been published within

the last five years where appropriate to your discussion of strategies. If references are used

they must conform to APA 6th edition style and be presented on a separate page.

— Submit your assignment via the digital text matching software as per the instructions on your

Learning@Griffith course site [Submit in the ‘assessment’ tab].

1 Scholarly or peer-reviewed journal articles are written by scholars or professionals who are experts in their fields,

as opposed to literature such as magazine articles, which reflect the tastes of the general public and are often meant

as entertainment.

7101NRS Trimester 2 2018

Assessment item 2


Marking Guidelines


Criteria 1

(Total possible marks 35)

Description of self

— Brief biography of self (no more than 200w).

— Self-assessment presented according to SOAR framework.

— Brief description of your leadership style based on your self-assessment.

Criteria 2

(Total possible marks 45)

Self-development plan

— Elements/areas chosen for development are clearly relevant and appropriate in relation to

presented self-assessment.

— Identifies transformative leadership skills in self that require development.

— Strategies are linked to opportunities and aspirations and there is a clear action plan to

achieve them.

— Where appropriate, chosen strategies are supported using evidence.

— Concise arguments presented related to how the development plan will support you to

transform care in your discipline area.

Criteria 3

(Total possible marks 10)

Result identification

— Concise, clear links provided between strategies chosen, aims and the results you are trying

to achieve.

— Achievable results identified.

— Measurable results identified.

Criteria 4

(Total possible marks 10)

Referencing style and report presentation

— References cited using APA 6th edition in-text and reference list

— Presentation conforms to the Griffith Health Writing and Referencing Guide.

— If use, references are predominantly sourced from a range of scholarly sources

— Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation, conforms to word count.

— Excellent organisation of ideas / logical sequence.

— Key points clear and relevant to topic.

— Structure of presentation supports clarity, flow and relationships of the parts to each other.

Total Marks

[weighted at 30%]



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Users of after its shut down do not have to worry at all. The alternative to AceMyHomework is, yes, . just works like and students are encouraged to cross the bridge from to Homeworknest is an improved version of AceMyHomework although the owners are not same. HomeworkNest is now accepting students from From AceMyHomework to   Share this widely. Tutors from AceMyHomework have now secured places at

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Social Work: Critical Social work essay


7062HSV Contemporary Debates in Social Work Practice – Social Issue Essay          

  1. Title: Essay

Type: Assignment – Written Assignment
Due Date:  Monday 24 Sept 2018, 19:00    AEST
Weight: 50%
Marked out of: 50

Word Count: 2500 words
Task Description: 

Choose ONE social issue impacting on the lives of a particular group/s within the Australian community.  Options include: homelessness, economic disadvantage, mental health, domestic/family violence, unemployment, impacts of climate change, child abuse, asylum seekers and refugees, discrimination based on gender or race or disability, etc

Using a Critical Social Work perspective, critically discuss the following:

  • Social work’s past and current role in addressing your chosen social issue;
  • Key social, political, economic, cultural and/or global influences on contemporary Australian social work practice which impact on policy and practice responses to your chosen issue;
  • Impact of contemporary challenges to social work’s core objectives and how this impacts on your developing professional identity as a social worker.

In preparing this paper you need to demonstrate an understanding of Critical Social Work practice, the capacity to identify, integrate and critically evaluate competing critiques of social work, and analyse social work’s role in addressing the issue. Papers need to be logical, critically reflective, use relevant literature and APA6 referencing.

Criteria & Marking: 

  1. Identification and discussion of social work’s past and present role in addressing ONE specific social issue, through application of a critical social work perspective (15 marks);
  2. Quality of critical discussion regarding key influences on contemporary Australian social work practice, with specific reference to your social issue (15 marks);
  3. Quality of personal reflection on challenges to your developing professional identify  (15 marks);
  4. Scholarship, written expression, logic, referencing, and range and quality of resources (5 marks)
  1. Style consistency:  Use 11pt font; APA 6th Edition referencing style; Reference list on separate page at end of essay. Use University cover sheet. Number your pages, if possible.

Reading Comprehension Assignment 3: American Girls and Just Between You an My

Assignment: Understanding, Analyzing, and Interpreting: American Girls and Just Between You and My


Directions: Based on your understanding of the assigned readings, answer the following prompts.


American Girls: Social Media and the Secret Lives of Teenagers


  1. According to the author, Nancy Jo Sales, “What creates the culture of social media?” Do you agree with her claims about the culture of social media and its impact on teen girls? How does her argument about the culture of social media contrast with the claims about the benefits of social media seen in the other articles?


  1. Sales writes, “One of the things that continually struck me over the course of my reporting was the similarity of girls’ experiences on social media regardless of their race or background.” How does this claim contradict with ideas presented in previous articles? How does it support ideas presented in previous articles? Explain.


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“Just Between You, Me, and My 622 BFFS”


  1. “‘The self, Manago said, becomes a brand. Something to be marketed to others rather than developed from within. Instead of intimates with whom you interact for the sake of exchange, friends become your consumers, an audience for whom you perform.” In what ways do individuals become brands through social media? How does this contradict ideas presented in previous readings?


  1. What does the phrase “turning the self into a performance” mean to you? Do you think this phenomenon is limited to social media?


  1. Explain how social media can lead to “the loss of control over your image and identity.” How does this idea contradict other ideas that we have encountered?


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BUS 1750

“Jack Daniel’s Maker Feels Sting of US-Europe Trade Dispute”, Maloney, August 29

  1. Why did the EU impose retaliatory tariffs on some products in June? What exactly are tariffs?
  2. How are the tariffs on American whiskey impacting the company Brown-Forman? What is one step Brown-Forman is taking to minimize the impact on sales of it’s products?

“America Has Fallen Out of Love with the Sedan”, Colias, August 25

3. The author cites several reasons why auto buyers are choosing SUVs over sedans. Discuss the reasons and indicate if you agree (or disagree) with the author and why.

4. Why is it good for the automakers’ bottom line (profits) if they sell more SUVs than sedans?


5. Find any CURRENT (within 3 months) BUSINESS article and summarize in 10 sentences or more. Please use proper citation according to APA, MLA or Chicago Style.

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Systems Engineering & Analysis

Graduate Level Masters Program


Systems Engineering & Analysis


Systems Engineering & Analysis Book


Fith Edition Benjamin S. Blanchard, Wolter J. Fabrycky


Chapter 9  Questions Total 5 questions Due 09/25/2018 06:00 am


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Master of economics essay

Evaluate the validity of the Efficient Markets Hypothesis (EMH) in view of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). Assessing the arguments for and against EMH in light of the GFC experience, on balance, does the GFC refute the EMH, or is EMH still valid despite the GFC? What have we learned about EMH from the GFC, and what can we learn about the GFC from EMH? The readings below are sufficient for the assignment, you are not expected to research additional resources (2500  words)

  1. Ball: The Global Financial Crisis and the Efficient Market Hypothesis – What have we Learned?. 2009 (Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, Vol. 21, No. 4 (Fall), pp. 8-16
  2. Harper & M. Thomas: Making sense of the GFC: Where did it come from and what do we do now? (Economic Papers, Vol. 28: No. 3, September 2009, pp. 196-205)
  3. Easton & P. Kerin: Market efficiency and the Global Financial Crisis. 2010 (Australian Economic Review, Vol. 43: No. 4, pp. 464-468)
  4. Siegel: Efficient Market theory and the Recent Financial Crisis. 2010 (Working Paper, Institute for New Economic Thinking: Cambridge UK)


Social & Emotional (booklet)

A booklet of 1500 word ( equivalent ) on how behavior for learning can be supported in the workplace.


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Accounting Case

All the requirements are in the files. 1) Instructions (notice there are 2 parts) 2) Doc with calculations for 2014 to help you with 2015 and 3) Excel template for completing 2015 calculations and completing analysis. Analysis 1) In Section 1 your paper, summarize what you learned and/or found particularly interesting about Nike in your reading of the annual report. 2) In Section 2, insert the ratio tables you created (either cut and paste from Excel or create tables in Word). Give a brief description of the meaning of each ratio. 3) In Section 3, separate the ratios by Liquidity Solvency and Profitibility. Evaluate Nike by discussing the numbers. For each category state trends and identify areas of strength, stability or possible concern on that basis. 4) Finally, in Section 4, find two analysts reports that discuss Nike’s financial performance during the 2015 period and discuss how those professional reports correlate with what you found in your analysis Yahoo Finance provides analysts opinions and Stock prices.


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Research Proposal

Craft a research question on the topic you selected with your research group. The research group
will all have the same research question/s even though this is an individual paper. Then locate at
least three articles from peer-reviewed journals that pertain to your question that will be used to
write the introduction/literature review section of your research paper. Each member of the
research team will have different articles.

Submit these three citations in the form of an APA-style reference page. Under each citation,
write one paragraph summarizing the main points of the article. As you read your articles, keep
the following questions in mind; these will help you generate the information about each article.
• What were the topic/research questions being investigated?
• How was the study conducted (participants, materials, procedure, etc.)?
• What did the results reveal?
• How does this article fit in with your paper? How did it influence your own ideas about your
• You may only use 1 quote per article summary.

Before beginning your article summaries, make sure to do an introduction to your study. What is
the topic being studied, research question, hypothesis/es, variables, and operational definitions
(these can change before the second paper, you are just proposing them for right now).

Title Page
Introduction Paragraph
3 articles under Literature Review


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Discussion 101

Please read the Module Two Discussion Board Reading linked here: osmosis.pdf.

As you read, think about the questions within the case study and then post here on some of the following questions. Note** each person doesn’t not have to answer every question but you should each be writing at least a paragraph per post. Remember to post twice before the due date (once as your own post and once as a response). Questions to thinks about for discussion:


Part 1:

  1. What sort of environment (hypotonic, hypertonic, isotonic) did the extra fertilizer create around the roots of the corn?
  2. Keeping in mind your answer to the previous question, what do you believe caused the corn plants to wilt and eventually die?
  3. If Michael’s mistake had been caught earlier, is there anything that could have been done to prevent the corn from dying?
  4. Briefly explain why plants generally thrive when watered with 100% water?

Part 2:

  1. What happed to the patient’s blood cells as a result of the distilled water? Why?
  2. Considering the function of red blood cells, why did the patient’s oxygen levels fall?
  3. After Tom made his error, is there anything that could have been done to save the patient’s life?





Global development

Reflection/reaction paper: one page

Inside Job

This explains the Wall Street culture and political context that led to the crash of 2008 and its immediate aftermath.  It is a film with a very different perspective than Commanding Heights as regards the role of government in economics.  How/why is it so different?   What are the differences in views of regulation and the market?  How preventable was the crash?  Who were punished for it (and who got away with it)?  How likely is it that a crash will happen again–especially with Obama regulations being rolled back by Trump?  What does it mean to be “too big to fail?” (Know this term) How much did you know of this before watching this video and how accurate was your information?  Knowing what you now know from this video, what in all this would you change if you could?

Give me a page of reaction–you may dwell on your feelings of frustration, or on solutions, or on what it tells you about course subjects-globalization, interdependency, the global circulation of everything,– what you think about the perspective of the video, and/or what you may do differently with what you now know.  How does it contrast with the Commanding Heights ( one?

It is not a video review that I am looking for, it is how things in the video connect with other things you learn about history, economy, and people in a globalized world.  what struck you and made you make new connections.  Lessons?  Are we protected from 2008  happening again?



Answering all three question. Plz make sure answering the question on the point. I don’t need long paragraph

After reading the chapter view the following video

.1) a)  Regarding the video what is your takeaway as to weaknesses in our economic/political system as exemplified by Goldman Sachs?



2. There have been many changes impacting strategy and competitive advantages. Based on reading and your experience in what ways do you think managers’ jobs have changed over the last 10 years due to Diversity of the workforce in terms of age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, and socioeconomic background

b)  Given the increases in diversity as a business owner resulting laws have been passed (summarized on page 99) that you need to be aware of.  Pick a few and provide a brief summary.

c)  Choose a company not mentioned in the chapter from the following Fortune magazine article which lists the 50 best workplaces for diversity.

Click on the company chosen scroll down to them  and click on the “Read the Great Place to Work review here ” Scroll down the review until you come to the topic  of “Diversity” what steps has the organization taken to effectively manage diversity and eliminate sexual harassment

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Write an approx.  ONE page single-spaced business memorandum (memo) in answer to the following questions.

You will face the task of deciding how you will manage your business  The following video tells of the impact on the company of poor management related to a weak CEO.  (Drives me crazy a company, shareholder, employees bear the consequences of the CEOs bad behavior…

1)  Include any thoughts you may have on this.

2)  Think about the last time that you (1) were treated unfairly because you differed from a decision maker on a particular dimension of diversity or observed someone else being treated unfairly because that person differed from a decision maker on a particular dimension of diversity. Then answer these questions:

a. Why do you think the decision maker acted unfairly in this situation?
b. In what ways, if any, were biases, stereotypes, or overt discrimination involved in this situation?
c. Was the decision maker aware that he or she was acting unfairly?
d. What would you as the owner-manager have done to prevent the event and improve rectify the injustice on the spot?


readings.Literature An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing, MLA Update Edition

ISBN10: 0134586468
ISBN: 9780134586465
Edition: 13th
Author(s): Kennedy, X. J.; Gioia, Dana
Format: Hardcover
Copyright: 2016


  • “The Open Boat”  p. 206
  • “Harrison Bergeron”  p. 226
  • “The Chrysanthemums”  p. 237
  • “Young Goodman Brown” p. 452
  • “Where Are Going, Where Have You Been?” p. 83


This activity will ask you to examine the types of violence seen in the three stories you have read.

Think about the various forms and meaning of violence, from natural disasters and Nature’s fury to government control and murder to the economic and emotional repression of women historically. Examine the stories we have read and assess what type and what level of violence you see in each.

Discuss with your classmates what role or function violence and repression play in the three stories you read this week. Some examples will be obvious and overt; others will be more subtle and psychological.  Make sure to respond to at least one of your peer’s comments. Do you agree with your peer or do you see something different in the story.  Explain your agreement or disagreement.

Evaluation Criteria

Your initial post should be at least 250 words and must substantively integrate the assigned readings from the module with proper APA (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. style formatting.

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Manager’s Deskbook (IT Security)


Community corrections recommendation (PSI) report

Complete Written Assignment: Create a Community Corrections Recommendation

As a probation officer you are often required to complete Pre-Sentence Investigation (PSI) Reports for the District Court Judge who give a lot of weight to your recommendation for sentencing. Review the case file provided to prepare a written report to be given to the judge, the district attorney and the defense attorney about the offender. Take into consideration the offender’s background, and history of criminal activity.

Review the Case File.

In this Assignment, you will write a 4–6 page essay based on the scenario presented. Download the documents listed below for this Assignment. Then write an essay that addresses each of the elements listed below.

Your paper should address the following questions or issues:

  1. What specific elements of the defendant’s case qualify him/her for a community-based program?
  2. Discuss the various types of community-based programming options.
  3. Identify the different types of community-based sanctions.
  4. Explain what type of community-based corrections program you would recommend along with any sanctions; be sure to explain the reasoning behind each of the sanctions recommended.
  5. Describe how this defendant’s case should be managed and what level of supervision should be given.
  6. In addition to the course materials, use other scholarly resources to support your arguments.

These questions and issues need not be stated verbatim within the paper, but should be addressed as part of the essay.

Your paper format should be as follows:

  1. Cover sheet
  2. Body of the paper (4–6 pages)
  3. All text should be double-spaced and in 12-point font
  4. Use a minimum of two additional resources in addition to your textbook

(PLEASE NOTE: This scenario essay will require outside research)

The paper should contain a cover page and a list of references in APA format. All internal citations of outside sources plus the listing of all references should also adhere to APA format. All text pages should be double-spaced and in 12-point font.



Drug Trafficking and Terrorism in the middle east

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Drug Trafficking and Terrorism in the Middle East

In a 4–6 page paper, present the history, policies, beliefs, and actions of each of these three Middle Eastern structures: Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and Hamas. Then, explore the relationship between one of these groups and drug trafficking operations. Describe the impact this relationship has on the War on Drugs around the world as well as the War on Terrorism.

You may consult the Library, the internet, the textbook, other course material, and any other outside resources in supporting your task, using proper citations in APA style.

Red Zuma Project

Business homework help


Using financial performance information at the company level for your selected Industry in topic one, discuss your views on the following questions. Use and refer to the assigned readings  to support your views.

  1. How is it that, even among the best performing industries, only some companies do well? How can some companies in poorly performing industries still do well?
  2. Generally speaking, for companies in the same industry, what factors would explain differences in company performance over the long term?
  3. Which company in your selected industry would you recommend for your team’s strategy project? Explain why, using data to support your recommendation.  Remember that you will want to select a company that is not already operating in too many of the BRICS+ Next 11 countries, as that  would leave you with little room for international expansion.


I developed these instructions for you:



  1. Overall economic value creation

How has been the overall stock value evolution of Exxon in the last 5 years?


Using interactive chart, while the average stock exchange (DJI Dow Jones, IXIC Nasdaq, GSPC Standard & Poor’s) has grown by 87% to 129%, Exxon (XOM) has fallen by -3%.

  1. Competition


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To assess Exxon competitive situation we need to assess its profitability compared to the profitability of similar firms in terms of risk, in other terms, its EVA (Economic Value Added).

EVA = Exxon operating margin last 5 years – (Beta * Profitability of the average stock exchange) = 10.26% – (0.7 * 6%) = 6.06%

This speaks of oligopolistic competition, important piece of information.

  1. Growth

The chart above shows that average Revenue Growth of last 5 years has been -14.21

This explains why the evolution of the stock value has been so poor.

  1. Resources



The Price/Book value of last 5 years have been 2.17, lower than the average stock exchange, this reflects the future perspective of the stock investors based on Exxon’s unique resources, they perceive that the future outlook for Exxon is lower than the average stock exchange.

  1. Conclusions

This reflects the previous analysis: the investors expect that the competitive situation (oligopoly) may somehow remain, but that sales growth may continue weak, reflecting their lack of unique resources.

MBA 890 Questions

MBA 890 Final Exam

The final exam is completed in four parts and is worth a total of 100 points.

Note: You should not complete the final exam until your fifth CAPSIM round has been uploaded and processed.


Question 1: Global Awareness and Expansion (20 points)

The Andrews company is considering international expansion. You have been asked to offer input on the location of the new business. In the elimination process, please identify two countries in the world where the Andrews company should NOT build a plant. Please provide your reasoning for your selection. A strong response will demonstrate the student’s global awareness and how the country’s social/business/political climate negatively impacts your recommendation.


Question 2: Corporate Leadership  (30 points)

You are a member of the executive selection committee to invite and nominate three potential Board of Director’s candidates. ‘eview the biographical sketches of the nine candidates (next section of this document) and provide your recommendation for the three candidates you believe should serve on the Andrews Board of Directors. Please provide an explanation regarding why you selected each of the candidates. A strong response will demonstrate the student’s ability to recognize the ““WOT” of the organization and recommend candidates with backgrounds and abilities to best meet the needs of the Andrew company.


Question 3: Seeking New Business (30 points)

The Andrew’s company has recently been contacted by “tanley Cebar, the president of Zydeco Technologies, Inc., due to his dissatisfaction with one of his current sensor suppliers. Specifically, Cebar and his management team are unhappy that their sensor supplier has failed to deliver their product on time, causing periodic slowdowns in Zydeco’s production. Presently, Zydeco Technologies has annual sales of more than $50 million, and has been experiencing strong annual sales in the last five years, however, since Zydeco uses numerous sensors in their products, this recent supplier slowdown threatens a potential loss of business for Zydeco.


In order for his staff to evaluate possible other vendors, Mr. Cebar has requested that you provide information regarding The Andrew’s company, its products, and any other information you think is pertinent and relevant in order to capture Zydeco’s interest, confidence and, of course, its business. Your challenge is to clearly and concisely convince Mr. Cebar that your company can deliver and improve on their experience with their current supplier.

Response  should  be addressed to:       Mr. Stanley Cebar, President

Zydeco Technologies 433 Zydeco Way

Mount Sterling, WI 53121



A strong response will be a professional letter which demonstrates the positive attributes of your company that would interest Mr. Cebar in further discussions with your company, your ability to persuasively market your company, and clarity, conciseness, and creativity of your response which include your next steps in following up with Mr. Cebar.



Question 4: Employee Engagement (20 points)

As you have recently completed five years of service, write a memo to your Andrew’s employees regarding the status of your company and to recognize this five year achievement. A strong response will reflect on your economic results, the potential for new business in the future, and the effectiveness of your business plan.  It will provide motivation and direction for the next five years.


Bios for Question 2


David Nyce

As the owner of Revolution Sensor Company, David S. Nyce (BSEE, MBA) is a scientist, engineer, and technology manager with extensive experience in sensor research, design, and product development. He worked as an electronics engineer, mechanical engineer, and chemical engineer during his previous employment at six different sensor companies. He held the titles of development engineer, project engineer, chief engineer, vice president, director of technology, and general manager, including positions with Honeywell and MTS Systems Corporation, where he developed many sensor technologies.


He is the inventor on 25 US patents, has published numerous technical articles and papers, has written sections in several technical books including “The Measurement, Instrumentation and Sensors Handbook”, the “Instrument Engineers’ Handbook – Process Measurement and Analysis”, and the ” Instrument Engineers’ Handbook – Process Control and Optimization”. He is the author of the book “Linear Position Sensors, Theory and Application” (published by John Wiley and Sons).


Anna Morgan


  • Seventeen years of proactive sales and relationship management experience in Academia, Marketing, Capital Equipment and Banking industries.
  • Experience in developing and executing marketing, business and strategic plans for growth
  • Ability to initiate, develop and cultivate partnerships and collaborations at all levels.
  • Manage effective multidisciplinary teams in inventory management, Internet development, export procedures, program development and customer service.
  • Management, negotiation and coordination of sales contracts, inventory recommendations, distributor, warranties and consignments.
  • Fifteen years of experience in teaching, developing curriculum and coaching adults
  • Strong fiscal and profitability/loss management in private and public sector.
  • Extensive leadership skills in private and not-for-profit sector.
  • Fluent in written and spoken English and Spanish. Conversant in Portuguese and French.


Luisha Valdez-Ramos

High energy, results driven, Human Resources Professional with strategic business perspective and extensive experience in performance management. Strong generalist background includes: employee retention, talent development, business integration, succession planning, employee relations, HR compliance, benefit administration and project management. Excellent interpersonal skills include strong oral, written, and presentation ability to effectively communicate with all levels of employees within an organization. A collaborative leader with proven success in establishing partnerships with line management to increase organizational effectiveness and capability. Recognized for the alignment and implementation of HR strategies across diverse multi-business platforms.


James Casey

James Casey is director of contracts and industrial agreements at The University of Texas at San Mateo. At UTSM he is responsible for creating the Office of Contracts and Industrial Agreements and negotiating a wide variety of legal agreements. He is the VPR representative on the International Advisory Council. He recently received the Distinguished Service Award from NCURA. He has 17 years experience in university research administration and local government. Prior to that, he practiced law in Wisconsin.


James has been a member of the National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA) since 1995. He is currently Senior Co-Editor of the NCURA Magazine, the 2008-09 Chair of the International Neighborhood, and a member of the International Commission. He has served on the National Board of Directors.


He presently is co-chair of the International Research Collaborations project at the Government- University-Industry Research Roundtable. He has reviewed large center grant proposals for major U.S. Government granting agencies, including the NIH, NSF, and HUD.


Dr. Casey served as a visiting professor of leadership at Upper Iowa University, Hong Kong, China, teaching courses in international business economics, U.S. Government, critical thinking, and music. In law school he spent a summer in London, England, studying Soviet, European Community, and international business law. From 1995-2000 he served as the Principal Investigator and Project Director for the Fulbright-Hays Training Grants Program at Northwestern University. He has extensive lecturing experience, both in the U.S. and overseas, the latter including Australia, China, Denmark and Ireland.




Gary Wolfe


  • 20+ years knowledge and experience implementing Lean management systems including Hoshin Kanri (Strategy Deployment), Cross-Functional Teams and Daily Management.
  • Expert in Lean improvement techniques including: 5S, pull systems, Value Stream Mapping, Kaizen, Flow Systems, A3, and Standard Work.
  • Experience in coaching senior level leaders through large scale change, strong project management and change management principles and practice.
  • Advanced written & verbal communication skills including, interpersonal, negotiation, facilitation. Analytical organizational development and change management skills.
  • Completed numerous Lean and Six Sigma courses, including a four week Lean Six Sigma Black Belt program in 2007.
  • Retired U.S. Navy Reserves Chief Petty Officer.


Deborah Peterson

Seasoned strategy and market development leader with B2C and B2B experience, success in identifying new opportunities and market entry strategies. Creating and delivering research based market development, branding and communications strategies that support local growth and protect or reposition key businesses.


Experienced at representing the marketing function at the executive level and building advocacy for marketing change programs aligned to senior management goals.


Practiced at building and restructuring marketing organizations and teams. Proficient at building new, results focused operating models that better map the marketing function to dynamic business environments, including adapting budget responsibilities and introducing measurement and accountability.


Adept at leading virtual teams. “Can do” team leader who can operate effectively locally, regionally and

nationally both as a manager and as a team member.


Developed numerous integrated, ROI focused market shaping programs that set the bar in marketing excellence and built brand presence for organizations across all elements of the marketing mix, including overseeing strategic partnering and alliance relationships.


Work with Management to ensure right mix of features, positioning and price. Direct planning, organizing, staffing, training, and managing all marketing functions to achieve the company’s objective of aggressive revenue and earnings targets and visibility while ensuring marketing messages and positioning are aligned with the corporate direction.


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Bill Callaway

Business management professional in wastewater and manufacturing with 25+ years working for global US companies. Professional civil/environmental engineer and attorney. Lean Six Sigma Black Belt & Champion with extensive experience in developing and managing projects and leading cross-functional organizations. Able to identify and solve complex problems by putting together the right talent, leading and coaching the teams to success. Passionate about continuously improving business processes to enable companies to grow sales and profits. Effective communicator with customers, suppliers, executives and peers. Collaborative leadership with ability to build fully engaged management teams. High energy and sense of responsibility; passionate about people and business. Advanced education in diverse fields which promotes understanding in multiple dimensions.


Samuel Monnie

*  An award winning Marketer with 12 years proven International experience in building global brands, through delivering profitable sales growth within the consumer goods and retail sectors.


*  A first class track record at problem solving, marketing strategy and pioneering innovation, via a persuasive, engaging, energizing and agile leadership style.


*  Writer of the marketing blog – Brand Curious:Devotion to uncover, investigate and learn about brands, innovation and creativity of all kinds, ‘across the pond’ and beyond!


*  Companies I have worked for – Sears, Procter & Gamble, Gillette, Safeway and HMV entertainment retail.


*  Positions in Germany, Switzerland, UK alongside foreign language proficiency: French, German (Intermediate).


* Ability to deliver a business ‘turnaround’ and profit growth ahead of competition.


*  Accomplished presentation and training skills – engaging and persuasive communicator.


*  Outstanding track record for performance is highlighted via the following awards:


o  Winner – Global Marketing Innovation and Brand Building award for holistic marketing (Gillette) o Winner – Training and Innovation award by making Marketing mastery an enjoyable experience (Braun/P&G)

o  Winner – Best Final Year Marketing Graduate (Chartered Institute of Marketing award) – First Class degree classification (equivalent to 4.0 GPA)




Kate Allen

Research and engineering executive with over 30 years of professional experience leading exploration, development, commercialization and optimization of consumer products and process technology. Held positions with Kimberly-Clark Corporation, Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Ford Motor Company and The Black Clawson Company.


Background includes technical and executive leadership positions in corporate research and engineering as well as manufacturing environments. Conducted business across the world with regional offices and manufacturing locations, equipment and raw material suppliers, and technical service providers.


Extensive background in product and technology development, capital project execution, and life cycle maximization. Have forged several multi-million dollar joint developments and have been granted 11

Breaking News: What next after shutdown,

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Users of after its shut down do not have to worry at all. The alternative to AceMyHomework is, yes, . just works like and students are encouraged to cross the bridge from to Homeworknest is an improved version of AceMyHomework although the owners are not same. HomeworkNest is now accepting students from From AceMyHomework to   Share this widely. Tutors from AceMyHomework have now secured places at



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