Sociology Homework – You will have fifteen (15) reading quizzes over the duration of the term in order to assess your understanding of

You will have fifteen (15) reading quizzes over the duration of the term in order to assess your understanding of the readings, lectures, and other materials. Each quiz will be comprised of structured (e.g., multiple choice and true/false) questions and I will provide reading guides and practice quizzes in order to help you prepare. While the quizzes are not cumulative, they do require you do apply concepts reviewed throughout the course. I will only retain twelve of your highest quiz scores.


  • Every few weeks, you will be asked to critically reflect on one or more readings (with a prompt) as an effort to keep course material applicable to ongoing and current events and your life.
  • Out of a possible four (4) critical reflection assignments, I will retain your three highest scores.
  • Blog Discussions. To ensure your personal connection to – and comprehension of – the reading and lecture material, you will be asked compose two STRUCTURED blog posts.
  • For these interactive assignments, you will be required to post a main blog entry by 11:59 pm on Sunday and two substantive replies to your classmates’ blogs on the following Sunday by 11:59 pm.
  • Term Paper. You will be asked to compose a critical reflection of a contemporary Sociology book. This paper will be relatively short (i.e., 2-4 pages) through somewhat formal (e.g., typed, formatted, citing sources). Detailed instructions, rubrics, examples, and guides will be administered by the third week of class. Final Exam. There will be one cumulative final exam given online during exam week. Bonus Credit. A few bonus credit opportunities will be provided over the term. No other credit will be issued.

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