Hire an online tutor 2019? has all the answers. Online Professional tutoring tailored for college students studying online. online canvas quizzes, mathlab, econ 2302 help, Timed quizzes. Give your online courses grade A boost. Homeworknest is the ultimate answer. register today.

The Security Challenges that Cloud Computing is facing

7-10 pages case study describing security challenges facing cloud computing

Public health paper

Must be in proper APA format and cited.


Attached are two screen shots of the rubric that must be followed


The program is WeCan:


Prompt: Submit a short paper with your recommendations for the public health program you have selected for the final project. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:


ï‚· Be sure to specifically recommend improvements that should be made to the current program.


ï‚· Clearly outline and explain other social and behavioral theoretical approaches that may be used to engage the community.


ï‚· Substantiate your claims with evidence from the program and peer-reviewed literature. Would you suggest a new program or simply a new program

approach? If so, briefly explain what that program would look like and how it would be an improvement to the current program.



Guidelines for Submission: Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. The paper must be 2–3 pages in length. All sources

Hire an online tutor 2019? has all the answers. Online Professional tutoring tailored for college students studying online. online canvas quizzes, mathlab, econ 2302 help, Timed quizzes, biology quizzes, Us History assignment help. Dissertation, thesis help at cheap prices. Give your online courses grade A boost. Homeworknest is the ultimate answer. register today. and get all types of assignment help today. Our Expert tutors are waiting for you. The cheapest essay writing service 2019. Ace my Homework is a question asked by many college and university students. we got them all answers at Homeworknest.

Discussion middle and high school..

This is Career Development Class. I’m attaching pp info for this week just in case for use of things out of text.

Text book is: Career and College Readiness Counseling P-12 Schools.

Jennifer R. Curry and Amy Milsom Second Edition.


Career and College Readiness for Grades 6 and 7:

Promoting Self-Awareness


Physical Development 211

 Development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics

 Growth spurts

 Physical coordination improves

 Hormonal and neurochemical changes

 Influences career and college readiness and self-concept


Cognitive Development—Piaget 212

Formal Abstract

‒ Characteristics include the ability to

  • Manipulate thoughts rather than just objects
  • Project into the future (e.g., understand long term

consequences for behavior)

  • Formally reason based on a hypothesis, propositional

operations (based on logic), reversibility by inversion, or

reciprocity (e.g., algebraic equations)

  • Synthesize information
  • Generate experimentally formulated hypotheses


Psychosocial Development—Erikson213

Transitioning to stage of Identity vs. Role Confusion

‒ Begin to develop a sense of awareness about one’s interests,

strengths, weaknesses, and beliefs

‒ May begin to differentiate from the views and beliefs of their family

‒ Begin to view themselves through a third-party perspective and

begin to evaluate their social status and capital


Psychosocial Development—Havighurst 215

 Expanded on Erikson’s theory

 Suggested that transitioning into Identity vs. Role Confusion is very

active time for youth and has specific challenges

 Positive identity formation is dependent on the following tasks:

‒ Achieving new and more mature relations with age-mates of both


‒ Achieving a masculine or feminine social role

‒ Accepting one’s physique and using the body effectively

‒ Achieving emotional independence from parents and other adults

‒ Preparing for intimate relationships and family life

‒ Preparing for an economic career

‒ Acquiring a set of values and an ethical system as a guide to

behavior—developing an ideology

‒ Desiring and achieving socially responsible behavior

Psychosocial Development—Marcia

 Proposed identity statuses to describe how individuals explore the

possibilities of their adult lives, including their future careers

 Two major tasks that compromise achievement of identity

 Actively exploring future options

 Committing to an identity

 Four identity statuses:

 Identity diffusion: Where adolescent neither have explored future

options nor committed to an identity

 Identity foreclosure: Adolescents have committed to an identity, but

did so without exploration

 Moratorium: Students are actively exploring options but have not

committed to a career; ideal status for sixth and seventh graders


 Identity achievement: Occurs after students have fully and

critically considered their future options and then committed

to an identity

 Gender and Culture

 Complexity of career growth and development is based on

social expectation and opportunity (Havighurst, 1972)

 Cultural and individual differences may cause students to

stand out and gain negative attention from peers

Gottfredson’s Theory of Circumscription and Compromise 215


 Stage 3: Orientation to Social Valuation

‒ Students in this stage begin to consider which careers are within or

outside of their tolerable level boundary (i.e., circumscribe careers

that they perceive as either socially beneath or socially above them)

‒ May have heightened preoccupation with status and status symbols

Holland’s Theory of Vocational Choice 216

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 Six Holland types: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and


 Holland’s assessments are ideal for middle school students because they

love learning about themselves

 In a study of middle school students using structural equation model

analysis, Turner, Conkel, Starkey, and Landgraf (2010) found that males

tended to have greater realistic interests and females had greater artistic

and social interests

Young’s Career Concepts 217

 Parents need to coconstruct career goals with their children through

meaningful dialogue that promotes shared interests, values, and emotions

 Emotions in career conversations are demonstrative of the level of

adolescent career motivation and cognitive appraisal of self

 Emotion in parent–adolescent career conversations promoted career action


School Counseling Curriculum 218

 Should be centered on helping students explore their personal fit with

careers and colleges by examining their interests, aptitudes, dispositions,

and values related to career and postsecondary options

 Should help build students’ career decision-making self-efficacy

 Use assessment (e.g., values card sort, career genograms) to help middle

school students discover the skills, aptitudes, interests, and values they

hold that may impact their fit with potential careers and colleges

Promoting STEM Careers in Middle School 221

 School counselors should work collaboratively with others to consider ways

to promote science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)

beyond the classroom and academic curriculum

 Although school counselors cannot make every STEM opportunity available

to students, making an effort to add cocurricular or extracurricular activities

available is important

o For example, SeaPerch underwater robotics program

Hire an online tutor 2019? has all the answers. Online Professional tutoring tailored for college students studying online. online canvas quizzes, mathlab, econ 2302 help, Timed quizzes, biology quizzes, Us History assignment help. Dissertation, thesis help at cheap prices. Give your online courses grade A boost. Homeworknest is the ultimate answer. register today. and get all types of assignment help today. Our Expert tutors are waiting for you. The cheapest essay writing service 2019. Ace my Homework is a question asked by many college and university students. we got them all answers at Homeworknest.

Engaging Stakeholders 225

 Teachers


 Help bridge the gap between academics and careers

 Create a college-going culture


 Parents


 Importance of career and college communication and emotions

between parents and their middle school children in developing

positive career and college action




Career and College Readiness for Grade 8:

High School Transition Planning


Psychosocial Development 236


 Erikson—Identity vs. Role Confusion

 Adolescents struggle to identify who they want to be now and in the future

 Influence of family is still important but highly influenced by their peers and

want to fit in

 Begin to develop a more keen awareness of social cues and monitor

behavior accordingly

Cognitive Development—Piaget 237

 Entering stage of Formal Operations

‒ Most students in grade eight possess concrete thinking abilities

‒ Able to understand cause and effect and can follow sequences

‒ Many adolescents are still quite egocentric in their thinking

‒ Personal fable: May believe that they are immune to any negative


‒ The emergence of formal operational thought supports the ability to

take another person’s perspective

Gottfredson’s Theory of Circumscription and Compromise 237


 Stage 3: Orientation to Social Valuation

‒ Individuals narrow career choices based on their perceived social

values of particular careers

‒ Students may begin to consider careers that will afford them the

status they desire

‒ Begin to consider perceived intellectual abilities in career choice

Holland’s Theory of Vocational Choice 238

 Use of assessments that target interests, abilities, and values

 Results of those assessments can serve as a starting point for identifying

careers that are consistent with a student’s personality type

Young’s Career Concepts 238

Hire an online tutor 2019? has all the answers. Online Professional tutoring tailored for college students studying online. online canvas quizzes, mathlab, econ 2302 help, Timed quizzes, biology quizzes, Us History assignment help. Dissertation, thesis help at cheap prices. Give your online courses grade A boost. Homeworknest is the ultimate answer. register today. and get all types of assignment help today. Our Expert tutors are waiting for you. The cheapest essay writing service 2019. Ace my Homework is a question asked by many college and university students. we got them all answers at Homeworknest.

 Implicit and explicit career influences from school

 Explicit: Intentional implementation of individual group, classroom,

and school-wide career activities

 Implicit: Can come in the form of things such as what topics are or

are not addressed, what messages counselors, teachers, and other

school personnel send to students regarding their future, and what

opportunities are afforded all students to engage in career and self-



 Importance of examining mesosystem influences

Career and College Readiness Interventions 239

 Should be intentional, comprehensive, include a variety of activities and

delivery methods, and involve a variety of stakeholders

 Primary goal of activities is to focus on self-awareness, career awareness,

and long-term career and college decision-making

 Secondary goal is to address relevant career and college readiness skills

 Use of self-assessments to determine individual interventions

 Classroom curriculum integration to expose students to occupations

related to the subject areas

Partnering with Parents and the Community 247

 Important to involve parents/guardians in the high school curriculum

decision-making process

 Parents need to understand process and requirements

 Give parents information more than once and in a variety of formats

 Workshops, newsletters, breakfast at work, home visit, etc.

 Mindful of first generation college students

 Importance of explaining different types of courses available and how

weighted grades are viewed by postsecondary schools

Facilitating the Eighth to Ninth Grade Transition 249


 Students need to be prepared for the greater autonomy, self-regulation

demands, and responsibilities of ninth grade

 Work with eighth grade teachers to cover topics including stress

management, time management, academic organization, extracurricular

involvement, goal setting, and so on

 Partnering with the high school

o High school visits for students and parents

o Freshmen student Q&A panel

o Teacher meet and greet

 Review graduation and in-state scholarship requirements


Hire an online tutor 2019? has all the answers. Online Professional tutoring tailored for college students studying online. online canvas quizzes, mathlab, econ 2302 help, Timed quizzes, biology quizzes, Us History assignment help. Dissertation, thesis help at cheap prices. Give your online courses grade A boost. Homeworknest is the ultimate answer. register today. and get all types of assignment help today. Our Expert tutors are waiting for you. The cheapest essay writing service 2019. Ace my Homework is a question asked by many college and university students. we got them all answers at Homeworknest.

Paper 1…


Reading number 2 “HAWK”



MLA FORMAT 5 Full pages…ending on top of 6th page..

I will attach the readings to this document the are small readings..


Paper One invites you to consider what one or two essays suggest or argue about a larger societal issue such as relationships, gender roles, identity politics, integration, marginalization, animal/nature/human conflict – to name only a few.    Choose one or two non – fiction pieces that we have read in class, and write an essay offering an original thesis and analysis of the issue you select. (or three for extra points) As a reminder this is a formal literary essay to be written in third person, using supporting quotes from the reading(s) as evidence. There should be no personal narrative in this type of essay.


Hire an online tutor 2019? has all the answers. Online Professional tutoring tailored for college students studying online. online canvas quizzes, mathlab, econ 2302 help, Timed quizzes, biology quizzes, Us History assignment help. Dissertation, thesis help at cheap prices. Give your online courses grade A boost. Homeworknest is the ultimate answer. register today. and get all types of assignment help today. Our Expert tutors are waiting for you. The cheapest essay writing service 2019. Ace my Homework is a question asked by many college and university students. we got them all answers at Homeworknest.

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