Submission Due Date: 29 March 2024 BEFORE 11:55pm – Individual Submission to Blackboard through Turnitin
Marks: 55 marks (55%)
Assessment Brief: Assessment 1 – Individual Report Assignment
The assessment addresses elements of the four (4) unit learning outcomes as follows:
1. Describe and apply concepts, theories and models of supply chain management to a containerized import within international trade
2. Interpret and describe the processes of international sourcing within supply chains
3. Examine logistics issues, risks, documentation and international cross-border systems associated with supply chain management in the global context
4. Plan, manage, and foreshadow the future of and trends in supply chain management
Choose one overseas factory manufactured containeriseable consumer product that you consume or know very well which you plan to import and re-sell/distribute commercially in your city. Prepare a report on the relevant logistical, transportation, documentation, packaging and containerization considerations in its importation through the Container Terminals in your city and onward delivery to a warehouse in your city.
In your individual report, detail the fundamental considerations that you would consider in shipping your chosen product to your city from any credible overseas seller, source and seaport. Highlight in detail the nature and physical characteristics of your product and how its physical characteristics will impact its packing, packaging, materials-handling, transportation, documentation, containerization, transit storage and shipping to your city as well as onward delivery to a warehouse in your city
Deliverable 1:
 You will select an overseas factory manufactured containerisable consumer product you know well. Source and procure it overseas in commercial quantities (by the container load).
 Import it to the Container Port in your city (or nearest to your city) while explaining the relevant logistical, transportation, documentation, packaging and containerization considerations.
 Explain its customs clearance on arrival at the Port in your city and onward transfer/delivery to a safe and secure warehouse in your city.
 In your report detail the nature and physical characteristics of your product and how its physical characteristics will impact its packing, packaging, materials-handling, transportation, documentation, containerization, transit storage and shipping to your city as well as onward delivery to a warehouse in your city.
Your report should undertake the following:
• Clearly identify and describe the selected overseas factory manufactured containerisable consumer product
• Provide a personal and commercial rationale for your choice of product
• Critically analyze the process of procuring your product overseas
• Propose innovative solutions, strategies and ideas, and provide clear supporting rationale for each of your procurement, logistics, packing, packaging, materials-handling, transportation, documentation, containerization, transit storage and shipping decisions.
• Justify the value of your ideas and decisions by applying/deploying compelling logistics and supply chain management terminology.
• Describe how your proposed import plan and strategies will be implemented with overall cost- savings and sustainability in mind. A detailed project plan or financial plan is not required, but broad/ general implementation phases are required to structure your narrative.
• Note you do not need to provide a financial analysis. 29 March 2024 before 11:55pm to Turnitin.
References: All writing and illustrations must be adequately and appropriately referenced. Your report should consist of a minimum of 8 scholarly references. All references must be from credible sources, such as journal articles, research books, industry related journals, company documents and recent consultancy reports such as from KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte, and Accenture.
Word Count: The length will be approximately 4000 words, + or – 10% (3,600-4,400 words), and the assignment will be submitted through Turnitin. No appendices are required for the report.
Use the report format:
Please refer to the following link:
Presentation Standard
The report submitted should comply with the following standards:
• A4 size paper, APA Style 7th ed.
• Font Times New Roman
• Font size 12 pt. for normal text
• Font size 14 pt. bold for major headings, 12 pt. bold for minor headings
• 1.5 line spacing
• Page numbering (centered at the bottom of each page)
• 4cm margin left of page, 2.5cm margin top, bottom and right of page
• All figures, tables, diagrams are to be consecutively numbered and appropriately labeled
Rubric: A marking rubric designed for the unit MGMT2015 is uploaded alongside this brief in Blackboard Assessment 1 Folder on the Assessment Webpage.

LM 27184 Experimental and Behavioural Economics

Assignment/Coursework Remit
Programme Title Master Programs
Module Title LM Behavioral and Experimental Economics
Module Code 27184
Assignment Title Experimental and Behavioural Economics
Level LM
Weighting 100%
Lecturers Amalia Di Girolamo
Hand Out Date Enter date here 25/03/24
Deadline Date & Time Enter date here 25/04/24 12pm
Feedback Post Date Enter date here 20/05/x24
Assignment Format Essay
Assignment Length 2000 words absolute maximum
Submission Format Online Individual
Please answer ONE of the following TWO possible questions. Each question has three subparts
(a, b, c) – please answer all parts of the question you attempt.
Whichever question you select, you will write three short essays. It is up to you how you use
the words at your disposal, but the total word count should not exceed 2000 words. This is a
strict maximum word limit. Note that in-text referencing is included in the word count, but
the reference list at the end is not. All referencing should be in a Harvard style. Weightings
appear after each sub-part.
Question 1
a) Consider the article by Harrison and List (2004). The authors propose a taxonomy in
the article to categorize the different types of experiments. For each category you
should provide a detailed description of the type of experiment, explaining the
differences in terms of subject pool, information set, task, commodity, stakes and
environment where the experimental subjects operate in. For each type of experiment,
provide an example of a study (published), shortly describe the experimental design of
the article and how it fits the category you chose to represent. You should support your
discussion with examples from the Experimental Economics literature. (40%)
b) Consider the Gift Exchange Game (Fehr et al., 1993). Explain the Fair Wage-Effort
Hypothesis as defined by Akerlof and Yellen (1990). Describe how the Fair Wage-
Effort hypothesis can be tested in a lab setting by means of the Gift Exchange Game.
You should discuss the pros and the cons of running a Gift Exchange game in a lab
setting. You should support your discussion using the experimental economics
literature. (30%)
c) In their article “Putting Behavioral Economics to Work: Testing for Gift Exchange in
Labor Markets Using Field Experiments” Gneezy and List (2006) examine the fair
wage-effort hypothesis by means of a Field Experiment. Describe the Experimental
Design used in the Field Experiment. You should explain the type of experiment used
by the authors, the treatments chosen, and the tasks undertaken by the participants.
Compare the results between the “Library Task” and the “Fundraising Task”,
highlighting common points and main differences. Discuss the contribution that the
paper by Gneezy and List (2006) makes to the Experimental Economics literature on
the Fair Wage-Effort Hypothesis. You should reflect on the difference between Lab and
Field Experiments in the context of the Fair Wage-Effort Hypothesis, supporting your
discussion with evidence from the experimental economics literature. (30%)
− Akerlof, G. A., & Yellen, J. L. (1990). “The Fair Wage-Effort Hypothesis and
Unemployment,” The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 105(2), 255–283.
− Fehr, E., Kirchsteiger, G., & Riedl, A. (1993). Does Fairness Prevent Market
Clearing? An Experimental Investigation. The Quarterly Journal of Economics,
108(2), 437-459.
− Gneezy, U. & List, J. A. (2006) “Putting Behavioral Economics to Work: Testing
for Gift Exchange in Labor Markets Using Field Experiments,” Econometrica,
vol. 74(5), pages 1365-1384.
− Harrison, G. W. and List, J. A. (2004) “Field Experiments”, Journal of Economic
Literature, Vol. 42, No. 4., pp. 1009-1055.
Question 2
a) Provide a definition of Social Norms: you should concisely summarize the economic
literature on the topic trying to combine the different shades of the concept provided by
different authors (Hint: Bicchieri and Ostrom are the most prominent economists
working on the topic, but you can also refer to other authors publishing in economics).
With reference to Krupka and Weber (2013) describe how it is possible to elicit social
norms by means of a lab experiment. Describe the experimental design, the treatments,
tasks, and stakes. Critically discuss the results of the experiment(s). (40%)
b) Kahneman and Tversky (1979) criticize Expected Utility Theory as a descriptive model
of decision making under risk, and they propose Prospect Theory as an alternative
model for describing risk preferences of individual decision makers. Discuss the
Certainty Effect and the Reflection Effect. Illustrate the main characteristics of the
Value Function, explaining how the reference point is determined and how gains and
losses are evaluated under this theory. You should graphically support your explanation
of the Value Function. (30%)
c) Consider the article by Imas et al. (2016). Discuss the experimental design. You should
explain the type of experiment used by the authors, the treatments chosen, and the tasks
undertaken by the participants. Compare the results between Experiment 1 and
Experiment 2 reflecting on the underlying theoretical predictions.
− Imas, A., Sadoff, S. &, Samek, A. (2016) “Do People Anticipate Loss Aversion?”
Management Science 63(5):1271-1284.
− Kahneman, D., & Tversky, A. (1979). “Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision
under Risk.” Econometrica, 47(2), 263-291.
− Krupka, E.L. and Weber, R.A. (2013). Identifying Social Norms Using Coordination
Games: Why Does Dictator Game Sharing Vary? Journal of the European Economic
Association, 11: 495-524.
Grading Criteria:
Mark awarded The higher mark (100, 88, 78, etc.) should be awarded if criteria in any mark
band are fully or nearly fully met. The lower marks (62, 33, etc.) should be
awarded to scripts that are above the highest standard for the category below
but fail to meet all the criteria for the selected mark band. The middle marks
(45, 55, 65, 75) can also be used when marking between 40 and 80%.
100 (93) An outstanding essay, as good as can be reasonably expected, must show excellent
understanding of the topic and synthesis of material from a range of relevant
sources. Presentation and structure excellent with effective use of diagrams and
formulas (where appropriate). Reference material cited and listed appropriately.
88 (83) An excellent answer demonstrates full understanding of the topic. Good use of
material from a wide range of relevant sources. Extremely well written and structured
with effective use of diagrams and formulas (where appropriate). Reference material
cited and listed appropriately.
78 (75) (72) A very good essay that includes all the major points required to address the topic,
demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic. Good use of material from
several sources. Presentation and structure good with good use of diagrams and
formulas (where appropriate). Reference material cited and listed appropriately.
68 (65) (62) A good essay that includes most of the major points required to address the topic,
shows a good understanding of the subject area. Good use of material from several
sources. Presentation and structure generally good with good use of diagrams and
formulas (where appropriate). Reference material cited and listed appropriately.
58 (55) (52) A satisfactory essay that includes the basic information required to address the topic,
shows understanding of the topic. Material may be from a limited range of sources
or too reliant on the slides provided in the module. Insufficient thought given to
structure, some use of diagrams and formulas (where appropriate). Some errors in
citing and listing reference material.
48 (45) (42) Essay incomplete with serious omissions, some sound knowledge and evidence that
the topic has, at least partly, been understood. Material may be from a limited range
of sources or too reliant on the slides provided in the module. Poorly structured with
poor use of diagrams and images. Errors in citing and listing reference material.
38 (33) Unsatisfactory essay with major omissions and errors; lacks evidence of
understanding. Material from a limited range of sources or too reliant on the slides
provided in the module but some material relevant to the topic. Poorly structured with
poor use of diagrams and formulas. Errors in citing and listing reference material.
28 (23) Poor essay but contains some relevant points. Material from a limited range of
sources or too reliant on the slides provided in the module. Poorly structured, little
use of appropriate images or diagrams. Errors in citing and listing reference material.
18 (13) Little of value, one major or a small number of minor points which may be just
relevant. Fails to address the question.
8 (3) Virtually nothing of value, maybe one or two very minor points, phrases or words that
are barely relevant. No evidence of understanding the question.
0 Answer contains nothing relevant to the question.
Feedback to Students:
Both Summative and Formative feedback is given to encourage students to reflect on their
learning that feed forward into following assessment tasks. The preparation for all
assessment tasks will be supported by formative feedback within the tutorials/seminars.
Written feedback is provided as appropriate. Please be aware to use the browser and not
the Canvas App as you may not be able to view all comments.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand correct referencing practices. You are
expected to use appropriate references and keep carefully detailed notes of all your
information sources, including any material downloaded from the Internet. It is your
responsibility to ensure that you are not vulnerable to any alleged breaches of the
assessment regulations. More information is available at
Use of Generative AI:
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, students should assume that the use of generative AI
within an assessment or assignment is not permitted. Any assessment submitted that is not
a student’s own work, including that written by generative AI tools, are in breach of the
University’s Code of Practice on Academic Integrity
Wellbeing Extenuating Circumstances:
The process for Extenuating Circumstances is to support students who have experienced
unforeseen issues that have impacted their ability to engage with their studies and/or
complete assessments. Students should notify Wellbeing of any extenuating circumstances
as soon as possible via the online form, following the guidance provided.
Assignment Instructions
• Submit your assignment through Canvas.
• All papers mentioned in the questions are uploaded on the relevant topic pages in
Canvas. Wider reading and referencing other literature is welcome but only if
strictly relevant for the topic. This means that if you provide support to your
argument with more literature this will be evaluated positively as long as it is
relevant for the discussion.
• Please type your answer. You should produce your own equations, tables and
diagrams where relevant, either by hand (and uploaded/scanned) or digitally.
Figures copied directly from the slides or online sources will receive lower marks.
The exception is plots of data taken from published articles, which can be included
directly as long as they are appropriately referenced.
• Refer to the marking criteria for further guidance and write to me
( if anything is unclear.

Effective Study Habits for College Students


In the ever-evolving landscape of higher education, college students are constantly seeking ways to optimize their study habits to excel academically. As we navigate through 2024, the demands of college coursework continue to grow, necessitating effective strategies for learning and retention. Developing and implementing sound and Effective Study Habits is essential for success in college and beyond. This article aims to explore effective study habits tailored to the needs of college students in 2024, offering insights and practical tips for enhancing learning and retention.

  1. Setting Clear Goals and Priorities

One of the fundamental pillars of effective study habits is setting clear academic goals and priorities. Establishing specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals provides students with a roadmap for success. By outlining what they aim to achieve in each study session, students can focus their efforts on tasks that align with their overarching objectives.

In 2024, with the proliferation of digital distractions and the increasing demands of college life, prioritizing tasks has become more critical than ever. Utilizing digital tools such as calendar apps, task managers, and goal-setting platforms can aid students in organizing their academic commitments and allocating time effectively.

Moreover, adopting the Eisenhower Matrix, a prioritization framework that categorizes tasks based on urgency and importance, can help students identify high-priority assignments and allocate their time and energy accordingly. By consciously prioritizing tasks, students can maximize productivity and minimize procrastination, fostering a conducive environment for learning and achievement.

  1. Active Engagement and Effective

    effective study habits
    college students in a class

    Study Techniques

In the digital age, where information is readily accessible at the click of a button, passive learning has become obsolete. College students must actively engage with course material to deepen their understanding and facilitate long-term retention. Incorporating active learning techniques into study routines can significantly enhance comprehension and retention.

One effective strategy is the implementation of spaced repetition, a learning technique that involves reviewing material at increasing intervals over time. By spacing out study sessions and revisiting information at strategic intervals, students reinforce neural connections and solidify their grasp of complex concepts.

Additionally, employing mnemonic devices, visual aids, and concept maps can facilitate information retention by leveraging cognitive associations and spatial memory. Interactive study tools such as flashcards, quizzes, and online simulations provide immersive learning experiences, making abstract concepts more tangible and accessible.

Furthermore, fostering a collaborative learning environment through group study sessions and peer teaching can enhance comprehension and stimulate critical thinking. By engaging in meaningful discussions and exchanging perspectives, students gain new insights and perspectives, enriching their learning experience.

  1. Utilizing Technology and Academic Resources

In the digital age, technology has revolutionized the way students access and interact with educational resources. From online libraries and digital textbooks to educational apps and interactive multimedia content, technology offers a plethora of tools to support student learning and academic success.

One such resource is Homework Nest, a comprehensive online platform that provides college students in USA, SINGAPORE, CANADA, UAE and UK with access to a diverse range of academic support services. From personalized tutoring sessions and homework assistance to exam preparation resources and writing assistance, offers tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of college students in 2024.

By leveraging the expertise of qualified tutors and subject matter experts, students can receive personalized guidance and support tailored to their individual learning styles and academic goals. Whether seeking clarification on complex concepts or feedback on written assignments, provides students with the resources they need to excel academically.

Moreover, offers a collaborative learning community where students can connect with peers, share study materials, and engage in interactive discussions. By fostering a supportive online environment, empowers students to collaborate, learn from one another, and achieve academic success collectively.

  1. Effective Study Habits to Enhance Learning and Retention

In addition to fundamental study habits, specific strategies can amplify learning and retention among college students:

Spaced Repetition: The spaced repetition technique involves revisiting information at spaced intervals to reinforce memory retention. By strategically reviewing material over time, students can solidify their understanding and recall of key concepts. Utilizing flashcards, mnemonic devices, or specialized apps can facilitate the implementation of spaced repetition, optimizing long-term retention of course material.

Practice Testing: Engaging in regular practice testing is a potent strategy for reinforcing learning and assessing comprehension. Practice tests simulate real exam conditions, allowing students to identify areas of weakness and focus their study efforts accordingly. Embracing practice testing not only enhances memory recall but also builds confidence and familiarity with exam formats, ultimately leading to improved academic performance.

Collaborative Learning: Collaborative learning environments offer invaluable opportunities for peer interaction and knowledge exchange. Participating in study groups, group projects, and collaborative discussions cultivates a supportive academic community where students can learn from each other’s perspectives and insights. By actively engaging in collaborative learning, students deepen their understanding of course material while refining critical thinking and communication skills.

5. The Role of in College Study Help

In the contemporary academic landscape, accessing timely and personalized academic support is essential for student success. emerges as a comprehensive platform offering tailored solutions to address the diverse needs of college students:

Expert Guidance: connects students with qualified tutors and subject matter experts who provide personalized assistance across a wide range of academic disciplines. Through one-on-one tutoring sessions, students receive targeted support, clarification of concepts, and guidance in mastering challenging course material.

Flexible Learning: The flexible nature of accommodates students’ varying schedules and learning preferences. Whether seeking assistance with homework assignments, exam preparation, or concept clarification, students can access support at their convenience, eliminating barriers to academic progress.

Academic Resources: offers a repository of educational resources, including study guides, practice problems, and instructional videos, designed to supplement classroom learning and reinforce key concepts. By leveraging these resources, students gain additional insight and reinforcement, enhancing their overall comprehension and academic performance.


In conclusion, effective study habits are indispensable for college students seeking to excel academically in 2024. By setting clear goals and priorities, actively engaging with course material, and utilizing technology and academic resources such as, students can enhance their learning experience and achieve their academic aspirations.

As the educational landscape continues to evolve, embracing innovative study techniques and leveraging digital resources are essential for staying ahead of the curve. By cultivating disciplined study habits and embracing a growth mindset, college students can unlock their full academic potential and embark on a journey of lifelong learning and success.

COU362 Psychological Disorders, SUSS, Singapore: Based on your understanding of Insomnia, appraise the following statements as either ‘True’, ‘False’, or ‘Depends on the context’

COU362 Psychological Disorders, SUSS, Singapore: Based on your understanding of Insomnia, appraise the following statements as either ‘True’, ‘False’, or ‘Depends on the context’

Question 2

Based on your understanding of Insomnia, appraise the following statements as either ‘True’, ‘False’, or ‘Depends on the context’. Organize your responses with relevant justifications from the literature. In-text citations are mandatory.
The statements are:

a) Insomnia is defined as difficulty falling asleep but not difficulty maintaining sleep.
b) Chronic insomnia is typically diagnosed when sleep disturbances persist for at least three nights per week for three months or longer.

Read Text A carefully and write an argumentative essay of about 600-700 words in response: TMA Essay, SUSS, Singapore

Read Text A carefully and write an argumentative essay of about 600-700 words in response: TMA Essay, SUSS, Singapore

Essay Question:

Read Text A carefully and write an argumentative essay of about 600-700 words in response to the following question.

The National Security Law China imposed was considered a violation of human rights and autonomy. On the other hand, some people believe it is beneficial to keep Hong Kong a safer place. Which view do you agree with?

Text A
The Guardian view on Hong Kong: still fighting
Hong Kong is not yet cowed. That was, unquestionably, Beijing’s aim in imposing the draconian National Security Law after a year of protests. The law has demolished the pledge to allow the region to maintain its freedoms until 2047. It has struck fear into the city. In the hours after it took effect, Demosisto, the pro-democracy party founded by young protesters including Joshua Wong, disbanded itself. Individuals deleted social media accounts.

Yet Mr Wong was among thousands who took to the streets once more for the annual 1 July protest march, defying a ban. More than 370 were arrested, including at least nine under the new law – one a 15-year-old girl waving a Hong Kong independence flag. Though the law is purportedly aimed at a small minority intent on separatism, subversion, terrorism and “collusion with foreign or overseas powers”, these are vaguely defined offences routinely used to punish dissent on the mainland. The intent of the law was made clear by the police’s own banners, which warned protesters that chanting or holding signs with calls for independence could constitute a crime.

Get Help By Expert

Maximize your academic success with our premier Essay Writing Services in Singapore. Our expert team offers specialized assistance, including targeted support for TMA Essays at SUSS. Trust us for precise Need assignment help tailored to Singaporean students’ needs. Elevate your academic journey with our dedicated services, ensuring excellence in every aspect.

Draw the centre of gravity for a circular and an equilateral triangle-shaped lamina: Mechanics Report, NTU, Singapore

Procedure for Part 1 – Determine the center of gravity for a regular-shaped lamina.

a) Make three holes in the cardboard as near the edge as possible.
b) Arrange the setup as shown. In this instance, a bamboo pole is placed across two chairs.
c) Insert a paper clip or wire hook into one of the holes and suspend the lamina from the pole with a cloth peg holding the setup in place.
d) Hang the string with weight attached through the paper clip.
e) Allow the lamina and string to stabilise before drawing a line on the lamina to represent the line of the string.
f) Repeat steps c to e for the other two holes.
g) Clear mark the intersection for the regular-shaped object.

Procedure for Part 2 – Determine the center of gravity for an irregular-shaped lamina.
a) Draw an irregular-shaped profile on the same cardboard as shown and cut the profile out.

b) Make three holes in the cardboard as near the edge as possible.
c) Repeat the same steps as in the procedure for part 1.
d) Use a different colored pen when drawing the lines on the lamina for the second procedure.
e) Place the lamina on the tip of your finger and the lamina should stay in place if the procedures are properly carried out.

a) Draw the centre of gravity for a circular and an equilateral triangle-shaped lamina (4 marks).
b) Discuss the precautions that you took while conducting the experiments in order to obtain accurate results (4 marks).
c) Discuss, with illustrations, how an object’s centre of gravity affects its stability. (10 marks)

Get Help By Expert

Rely on our acclaimed Singapore Assignment Help for unparalleled academic support, backed by stellar student reviews. Explore our expertise in precise Report Writing Services in Singapore, including tasks like drawing the center of gravity for circular and equilateral triangle-shaped laminas in Mechanics Reports at NTU. Elevate your academic experience by paying our experts for tailored assistance, ensuring success in every course.

Analytics for Decision-Making Assignment, SUSS, Singapore: The Green Mark, a Building and Construction Authority of Singapore rating system

Question: The Green Mark, a Building and Construction Authority of Singapore rating system, is used to assess infrastructure assets’ environmental friendliness and acknowledge projects employing advanced sustainability strategies. The assessment process includes design and documentation reviews as well as site verifications, culminating in a point-based certification. Depending on the point scoring, projects can be awarded one out of four Green Mark Ratings (Certified – Gold – Gold Plus – Platinum). The dataset “Building_TMA.xlsx” records the building energy performance in Singapore, containing data fields such as the building address, type, green mark status and rating, size, area, energy use intensity and intensity growth. Note that green marking rating is denoted as “A” if green mark status is “No”.

(a) Identify a business problem that can be addressed through an analysis of the dataset. Provide a clear description of the pertinent data fields and how these fields can be utilized to address the business question. (Maximum of 150 words for part (a))

(b) Generate a summary of the whole dataset in tabular format. You should include the classification of each data field as nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio. Examine individual variables within the dataset and compute relevant summary measures when applicable. (Up to 200 words for part (b))

(c) Address the data issues and errors in the dataset with explanations and justifications. Illustrate the data preparation with relevant example screenshot(s). (Up to 200 words for part (c))

(d) Employ two (2) graphical charts and one (1) pivot table to present the key features of the data variables or to analyse the relationship among the variables. Please provide a screenshot of each produced chart and pivot table. In your explanation, describe the process of creating the charts and the pivot table and discuss why these visualizations are recommended. (Up to 250 words for part (d))

Get Help By Expert

Empower your academic journey with our expert team offering specialized support as your go-to assignment helper in Singapore. From navigating intricate assignments to comprehensive Dissertation Writing Services, we’ve got you covered. Specifically tailored for the Analytics for Decision-Making Assignment at SUSS, Singapore, our services extend to topics like “The Green Mark,” a Building and Construction Authority of Singapore rating system. Pay our experts and ensure success in every facet of your academic pursuits.

Discharge of a contract refers to the termination or completion of a contract: Business Law Assignment, NTU, Singapore

University Singapore University of Social Science (SUSS)
Subject Analytics for Decision-Making Assignment

Discharge of a contract refers to the termination or completion of a contract. It signifies the point at which the contractual relationship comes to an end, and the parties are relieved of their respective duties and responsibilities outlined in the contract.

The four ways a contract may be discharged are by performance, frustration, agreement, and breach. When an unforeseen occurrence occurs and neither party is at fault, frustration results. It destroys the entire foundation of the contract and results in the contractual parties doing substantially differently from what they had originally intended.

Discharge by Performance
The contract shall terminate, and the parties will be released from further contractual duties after they have fulfilled their promises in full and accurately. Issues will arise if the commitments are not fulfilled or if there is a discrepancy between the contract and performance. Generally speaking, a portion of the work completed is regarded as having no performance as well. There are, nonetheless, certain exceptions to the generalization. The first exception is a substantial performance that is only completed in part. The second is complete performance prevention, where the other party stops the party carrying out their commitments.

Discharge by frustration
When an unforeseen occurrence occurs and neither party is at fault, frustration results. It destroys the entire foundation of the contract and the results in the contractual parties doing substantially differently from what they had originally intended.

Get Help By Expert

Elevate your academic performance with our expert assignment writing services in Singapore. We specialize in Business Law Assignments at NTU, providing tailored support for the discharge of contracts. Our professionals ensure top-notch individual assignments, offering convenience and excellence. Explore our services, including dedicated Online Exam Help in Singapore, and empower your educational journey with our trusted assistance. Pay for expertise and excel in your coursework effortlessly.

NCO103 Listen and Be Heard: Effective Communication through Storytelling

NCO103 Listen and Be Heard: Effective Communication through Storytelling, SUSS, Singapore: Describe in brief what your chosen story is about and the medium on which it is presented.

Question 1 

Choose a story presented on any medium (e.g. film, short story, graphic novel, novel, song, TV series, podcast etc.).

a) Describe in brief what your chosen story is about and the medium on which it is presented. (15m)
b) Analyse your choice based on what you have learned in the module so far. (30m)
Please answer (1a) and (1b) in separate parts. Do NOT combine them into a single essay. Your answers for (1a) and (1b) should not exceed 600 words in total.

Question 2 

a) Apply what you have learned by writing an outline. Your answer should not exceed 100 words. (20m)

Describe how you would re-tell your chosen story. Please see below for prompts you may want to consider. A re-telling could include:

Recontextualizing (e.g. changing the American Barbie to a Singapore context; time periods, situations, places, and cultures are examples of what
can be reconceptualized)


Reconceptualizing (e.g. changing the original medium from film to short video; changing the genre from Romance to Horror; telling the story from a different point of view, introducing new characters, changing the ending; a recreating of main ideas of the original work in general)

Note that these prompts are not exhaustive. They are simply to guide you in answering the question. You can choose to retell your story
in other ways

b) Explain why you choose to do it this way. Your answer should not exceed 300 words. (35m)

Get Help By Expert

Need academic support for your NCO103 course at SUSS, Singapore? We’ve got the solution! From TMA and assignment help online to specialized assistance for Do My Assignment Singapore, we’ve got you covered. Navigate “Listen and Be Heard: Effective Communication through Storytelling” with ease as our experts guide you through individual assignments. Focus on your chosen story and its presentation medium while we handle the academic load. Elevate your academic journey with our dedicated support.

HR9610 Submit a 3000-word structured essay, in which you critically evaluate the practices/behaviors: Critical Organizational Analysis, UON, Singapore

University University of Newcastle (UON)
Subject HR9610 Critical Organizational Analysis

Instructions on Assessment:
Submit a 3000-word structured essay, in which you critically evaluate the practices/behaviors in an organization of your choice. You will research the organisation to identify practices/behaviours that are problematic and require investigation as well as recommendations to attend to the issues identified.

You will write from either the symbolic or contemporary theoretical perspectives, using Organisation Theory from the most relevant theme taught in the module. The perspective needs to be carried through the assignment and presented in every section.
The themes that we will cover in the module are:
o Structure and Agency
0 Identity
o Culture
o Organisational Learning, Tacit Knowledge and Knowledge Management
o Aesthetics, Performance and Narrative
o Power and Control
o Gender

Guidance for writing the essay
You are encouraged to structure your essay as follows:

  •  Introduction to the essay and rationale for the choice of organisation [10%]
  • A brief section justifying your choice of theoretical perspective: either the symbolic or the contemporary and how this impacts on your writing approach [20%]
  • Acritical literature review on the one theme that you consider to have the greatest importance for that organisation, using either the symbolic or the contemporary theoretical perspective as your context [20%]
  • Critical evaluation of the practices/behaviours of the case organisation in relation to the selected theme through critical application of the reviewed theories [30%]
  • Conclusions [10%]
  •  Reference list: Cite no fewer than 5 contemporary academic journal articles that are discussed in the essay. You should also cite additional references from books, textbooks, credible news outlets and professional journals [10%]
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