5 Proven Habits for Successful College Students

Truth be told, being in college may not be easy as it seems. The college environment can be quite overwhelming. While there, you will meet new faces – of course from different ethnicity, and new cultures. There are also loads of hectic schedules brought about by demanding “must do tasks” that arise from class work. During my college days for example, I used to get overwhelmed by flowing assignments, field trips, group discussions and other engagements – all of which were of importance to my academic and personal life. Time was therefore hardly on my side. I believe someone currently enrolled in a college and reading this article can relate to such an experience. The following are the five best proven habits that can change the tough life experiences of a college student to success.

# 1 – They wake up early

I used to find it funny when my grandfather occasionally said that “the early bird catches the worm”. Little did I know that he was referring to the opportunities that come with being an early bird? In college, if you train your mind to wake up early, freshen up, take breakfast and review your day plan, I bet you will be getting done with your to do list before noon. This will create room for you to join other fun and learning activities within and without your campus. For those who hustle to pay for their bills, being an early riser will give you vigor to plan your time well. The good thing with waking up early is that, the habit will give you a motivation and reason to be up rather than just waiting for the alarm to go off.

# 2 – They do not give up!

The phrase that says “giving up is for the faint hearted” also applies to life in college. A lot happens in college, and it is very easy for student to pay less attention to their studies. Some include anxiety in learning tough new concepts taught in class, rejected proposals by instructors, rejection from employers when one is trying to secure a side hustle, just to name a few. The thing is, you should not give up on anything that your instincts tells you is right or is a must have! Find alternative plans to achieve your goals. Remember that it is always profitable to stay focused on your goals. Make focus your habit and even when everything does not seem to work, do not change the goal – change the strategy!

# 3 – They stay organized!

Yes, successful college students are usually neat, sharp and focused! While in college, make it a habit to create a routine to avoid rushing through your day without accomplishing anything tangible. Begin by the most basic things, make your bed, and iron your clothes, clean your room on a regular basis, keep your notebooks well organized, chose the right friends and above all – Stay Sharp! Remember our minds perform based on the environment we create for them. In campus, when you are well groomed and organized, you will attract awesome friends just like you-Birds of the same feathers flock together! Always remember that being organized is a strong self-motivational tool that is free for everyone. Take full advantage of yours.

# 4 – Use of Technology to Improve on Time Management

In this day and age, technology is everything. In this context, technology is used to refer to internet connectivity, tech gadgets, websites and software that are out there for free use by everyone. College students should however be selective on how they use technology so that they can maximize the full potential it presents. There are very useful websites where students can create study group accounts, create and manage their class notes, create to do lists, study time tables and planners, type and save their essay drafts, and create and share study cards with other classmates. One such good website for finding college homework help is homework nest. It works same way as AceMyHomework, Study Pool, Ace-MyHomework and HomeworkForYou. Homework Nest is however voted the best by students. Social media websites can also be good places to learn what is trending off campus. However, a word of caution is that technology can be addictive to an extent that can harm a student’s focus. It should therefore be used with responsibility and with netiquette.

#5 – They meditate

You probably have heard that spending time with yourself is the best medicine for self-growth. How then can you reap the benefits of solitude if not through taking time to meditate? You could also be asking yourself “why is meditation helpful for me as a college student?” Well, the benefits of meditating are endless if they were to be listed here. Meditation is more of spending time with yourself and for your inner soul. Meditation helps you to focus on your life as a whole and gives you the ability to listen to the universe, resonate with it and find peace as a being. As a student, meditation will get rid of the stress you are experiencing, give you good moments to reflect on, identify and accept your strengths and weakness, comfort you from hectic times and events in college. The most important to note is that, through meditation, you identify with your true self. Practice it whenever you have the opportunity. It is a habit that those high-sailing college mates have mastered!

Find out more tips on how to succeed in college from Homework Nest

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My background is in engineering, IT and business. I am a chief operative and co-founder of Homework Nest (www.homeworknest.com). I am committed to oversee homework nest to give its clients value for money. Success is my drive. Good Grades is Our Collective Goal!


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